Showing posts with label open source. Show all posts
Showing posts with label open source. Show all posts

Jan 20, 2025

[book] From Code to Chip

Jakob Ratschenberger and Harald Pretl
From Code to Chip:
Open-Source Automated Analog Layout Design
pp: XV, 120 Publisher: Springer Cham (10 January 2025)
eBook ISBN 978-3-031-68562-0

This book shows how the layout of an analog circuit can be automatically generated in a fully open-source way. Based on an exemplary design flow, it introduces and explains the necessary steps for transforming a SPICE netlist into a layout, which can be inspected by the open-source layout editor Magic VLSI. This is done by using the industry’s first open-source process design kit SKY130. Furthermore, the implementation of the design flow in the programming language Python is available as open-source on GitHub. 

Authors' Affiliations
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

Table of contents (8 chapters)
  • Front Matter pp. i-xv
  • Download chapter PDF 
  • Introduction pp. 1-4
  • Theoretical Basics pp. 5-13
  • Circuit Capturing pp. 15-36
  • PDK—Design Rule Capturing pp. 37-41
  • Placement pp. 43-55
  • Routing pp. 57-71
  • Experimental Results pp. 73-99
  • Outlook pp. 101-103
  • Back Matter pp. 105-120


Jan 18, 2025

[paper] Strategic Thinking on Open-Source PDK

Written by Jun-ichi OKAMURA
IEEE Senior member (Bio)

In 1990, NHK hailed Japan as an "lectronic powerhouse," spotlighting the semiconductor industry. Now, three decades later, the spotlight has swung back onto semiconductors - though the star this time is cutting-edge manufacturing technology. In this piece, however, The Author’d like to shift the focus to the design side of semiconductors. This article follows in the footsteps of several earlier posts: "The Tale of PDKs, Past and Present" posted Dec. 3, 2023; "A Qualitative Cost Analysis of the Semiconductor Business" posted Aug.1, 2024; and "Semiconductors We Want to Make, Semiconductors We Want to Use" posted Dec. 23, 2024. I’m grateful that these pieces still receive steady traffic, and The Author hopes they’ve helped broaden my understanding of the design aspects of semiconductors for those in the industry.

This time, under the title “Strategic Thinking on Open-Source PDK (Process Design Kit),” The Author aims to explain key points about open-source PDKs clearly. The discussion doesn’t stop at semiconductor designers — it also addresses perspectives relevant to foundries (semiconductor manufacturing service providers) and those planning semiconductor-related businesses. The Author hopes you’ll find it an engaging read and a helpful resource.

Note: The views expressed here are authors's own, based on past work experience, and do not represent any organization.

Jan 6, 2025

SSCS PICO Chronicle

Mirjana Videnovic-Misic, Harald Pretl, Ali Sabir, Zonghao (Chris) Li, 
and Sadayuki Yoshitomi
SSCS PICO Chronicles: news from the open source community
Date of current version: 14 November 2023
DOI: 10.1109/MSSC.2023.3315888

The Growing Activity of Open Source Chip Design in Japan

The Chipathon 2023 Team Japan consists of 12 volunteers from industry and academia. Since the team members are located in different parts of Japan, the team will be working remotely to design the project. On 4 August, they held a kickoff meeting where the members, who had been working together on Slack, gathered for the first time in person. Although many of the team members have no tape-out experience, they are all truly interested in IC design. The leader of Team Japan is Prof. Akira Tsuchiya at the University of Shiga in Japan (FIG).

Prof. Tsuchiya has been working on open source IC design and has been a volunteer member of the SSCS Chipathon since October 2022. He has promoted open source IC design and SSCS PICO activities in Japan. He held several hands-on events, for example, at the summer camp of the IE- ICE ICD in 2022. Also, he gave several talks about open source IC design and his research on analog synthesis in domestic conferences. And now, he has recruited members and applied to the latest Chipathon. Let’s look forward to the activities of the new members of “Team Japan.”

FIG: Prof. Akira Tsuchiya, an associate professor of the University of Shiga prefecture, 
Japan, and a snapshot of the kickoff meeting (hybrid) of the Chipathon 2023 Japan team

Sep 15, 2024

[C4P] WOSET 2024

Call for Papers
Workshop on Open Source EDA Technologies (WOSET)
Virtual! No registration fee! 
Submission Due Date: Sept 23 2024 

The WOSET workshop aims to galvanize the open-source EDA movement. The workshop will (virtually) bring together EDA researchers who are committed to open-source principles to share their experiences and coordinate efforts towards developing a reliable, fully open-source EDA flow. The workshop will feature presentations that overview existing or under-development open-source tools, designs and technology libraries. Break-out rooms will be utilized for discussion of works-in-progress. The workshop will feature a panel on the present status and future challenges in open-source EDA, and how to coordinate efforts and ensure quality and interoperability across open-source tools.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Overview of an existing or under-development open-source EDA tool.
  • Overview of support infrastructure (e.g. EDA databases and design benchmarks).
  • Open-source cloud-based EDA tools
  • Open-source hardware designs
  • Position statements (e.g. critical gaps, blockers/obstacles)
Submission Information:
  • All submissions must include links to open-source repositories with
  •   all source code and an open-source license (BSD, GPL, Apache, etc.)
  • Please reference your open-source repository!
  • Review is single blind (anonymous reviewers).
  • Videos will be put on the WOSET site if accepted.
  • Virtual presentation for regular papers (in addition to archival video)
  • Regular Paper Submissions (4 pages + 1 page references + 15 min video + virtual presentation)
  • Work in Progress Submissions (2 page abstract + 1 page references + 10 min video + virtual zoom room)
  • Submission site:
Important dates:
  • Sept 23 2024 (end of day, anywhere in the world): submission due date.
  • Oct 18 2024: notification date.
  • Nov 8 2024: video due (if accepted)
  • Nov 18 2024: workshop
  • Matthew Guthaus, UC Santa Cruz 
  • Jose Renau, UC Santa Cruz
Program Chair:
  • Dustin Richmond, UC Santa Cruz
Proceedings Chair:
  • Dan Petrisko, University of Washington
Zoom Chair:
  • Seeking volunteers to help run the virtual meeting
Program Committee:
  • Jonathan Balkind, UC Santa Barbara
  • Tim Edwards, efabless
  • Steve Hoover, Redwood EDA
  • Lucas Klemmer, JKU Linz
  • Dirk Koch, University of Manchester
  • Christian Krieg, TU Wien
  • Rajit Manohar, Yale University
  • Guillem Lopez Paradis, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
  • Frans Skarman, Linköping University
  • Matt Venn, YosysHQ, TinyTapeout

Jul 4, 2024

[paper] anybody can design and build a chip

Krzysztof Herman, Norbert Herfurth, Tim Henkes, Sergei Andreev, Rene Scholz, Markus Müller, Mario Krattenmacher, Harald Pretl, and Wladyslaw Grabinski
On the Versatility of the IHP BiCMOS Open Source and Manufacturable PDK: 
A step towards the future where anybody can design and build a chip
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 30-38, Spring 2024
DOI: 10.1109/MSSC.2024.3372907

Abstract: In this article, we introduce the first European open source process design kit (PDK), namely IHP-Open130-G2. We provide a concise history of the PDK itself and offer a brief comparison with some alternative open source PDKs, such as SKY130 and GF180MCU. The article also includes a process description and details on deliverables, offering insights into available devices, models, supported open source tools, and workflows. As the IHP-Open130-G2 is currently under development, we present key points outlining future activities. This aims to inform and attract users to join the open source silicon community. The concluding section of the article compares measurement results for active devices with compact model results. The article concludes with a cryptographic Internet protocol (IP) core based on IHP-Open130-G2 as an exemplary use case.

FIG: Silicon Proven Application: The final layout of the HEP custom cryptographic IP core.

[REF] “130nm BiCMOS open source PDK, dedicated for analog, mixed signal and RF design.” GitHub. Online:

May 6, 2024

[Latch-Up] IHP Open Source PDK

Frank Vater, IHP Frankfurt (Oder), Germany

Abstract: Main focus of this talk is the SG13G2 Open Source PDK for IHP 130nm BiCMOS technology. The current state of our activities will be given for the analogue as well as for the digital PDK including design flow with open source tools. Some more details on first experiences for schematic driven design, simulation, layout, DRC and LVS will be pointed out. Furthermore, already known challenges analogue and digital design flow and open issues on open source tool chain will be addressed. The talk will be closed with a road map for future work.

Latch-Up: a weekend of presentations and networking for the open source silicon community, much like its European sister conference ORConf.

Produced by NDV: @nextdayvideo
OpenHardware Sat Apr 20 16:20:00 2024 at b45r230

Apr 30, 2024

[Kick-off] Chipdesign Germany

Chipdesign Germany
Das Netzwerk für Chipdesign in Deutschland
OnLine Registrierung:

Juni 6. Donnerstag
13:00 Ankunft & Registrierung
14:00 Eröffnung
14:00 Begrüßung
Holger Blume; Leibniz Universität Hannover & edacentrum e.V.
14:15 Grußworte
Apollonia Pane Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung 
14:30 Vorstellung Chipdesign Germany
Holger Blume; Leibniz Universität Hannover & edacentrum e.V.
Norbert Wehn; Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
14:45 Keynote-Session I
14:45 Open-Source EDA and Innovation Leadership
Andrew B. Kahng; University of California San Diego, US
15:45 Kaffeepause
16:30 Keynote-Session II
16:30 Open Source Chip Design: Europas Weg zur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in einer geteilten Tech-Welt?
Jan-Peter Kleinhans; Stiftung Neue Verantwortung
17:30 Mikroelektronik in digitalen Hörhilfen: Chips, die hören helfen
Joachim Thiemann; Advanced Bionic
18:30 Networking-Veranstaltung mit Poster- & Demo-Session

Juni 7. Freitag
08:30 Eröffnung
08:30 Begrüßung
Holger Blume; Leibniz Universität Hannover & edacentrum e.V
08:45 Keynote-Session III
08:45 Neue Fertigungstechnik für die Chipverarbeitung
Lutz Rissing; Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH
09:45 Kaffeepause
10:30 DE:Sign Präsentationen
BMBF-Förderlinie "Design-Instrumente für souveräne Chipentwicklung mit Open-Source (DE:Sign)"
10:30 DI-OCRCpro
Daniel Krupka; Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
Frank Ellinger; Technische Universität Dresden
11:00 DI-DERAMSys
Matthias Jung; Julius-Maximilian-Universität Würzburg
11:15 DI-OWAS
Dirk Koch; Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Robert Weigel; Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
11:45 Interaktive Poster-Session
13:30 Verabschiedung

Adresse: Königlicher Pferdestall - Leibniz Universität Hannover; Appelstr. 7, 30167 Hannover
OnLine Registrierung:

Mar 21, 2024

[FOSSEE] Better Education

FOSSEE (Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education) project promotes the use of free open source software (FOSS) tools in academia and research. The FOSSEE project is part of the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India. 

Below is the list of projects which are promoted by FOSSEE.
  • Scilab 
    free/libre and open source software for numerical computation developed by Scilab Enterprises, France. Scilab also includes Xcos which is an open source alternative to Simulink.
  • Python 
    general-purpose, high-level, remarkably powerful dynamic programming language that is used in a wide variety of application domains. It supports multiple programming paradigms.
  • eSim 
    (formerly known as Oscad/FreeEDA) is an EDA tool for circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB design. It is developed by the FOSSEE team at IIT Bombay 
  • Osdag 
    free/libre and open-source software which allows the user to design steel structures using a graphical user interface. The GUI also provides 3D visualization of the designed component and images
  • DWSIM 
    free/libre and open source CAPE-OPEN compliant chemical process simulator. Helps understand the behavior of Chemical Systems by using rigorous thermodynamic and unit operations models.
  • OpenFOAM 
    free/libre and open source CFD toolbox useful to solve anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to solid dynamics and electromagnetics.
  • OpenModelica 
    free/libre and open source environment based on the Modelica modelling language for modelling, simulating, optimising and analysing complex dynamic systems.
  • OpenPLC 
    free/libre and open source Programmable Logic Controller creating opportunities for people to study its concepts, explore new technologies and share the resources.
  • FLOSS-Arduino
    control of Arduino using Free/Libre Open-Source Software. The interface helps the user to perform embedded systems experiments on the Arduino Uno board.
  • SBHS
    (Single Board Heater System) is a lab-in-a-box setup useful for teaching and learning control systems.
  • R 
    programing language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
  • QGIS
    (Quantum GIS) is a free and open-source desktop Geographic Information System (GIS) application.
  • FOCAL 
    an initiative by FOSSEE to promote Open Source Software in computer graphics.
  • SOUL
    (Science OpensoUrce Software for Teaching Learning) is a collection of ICT software that can be used as teaching/learning tools by the community of educators and the learners to teach/ learn the basic as well as the advanced concepts in science subjects

Jan 18, 2024

[paper] Open-source design of integrated circuits

Patrick Fath, Manuel Moser, Georg Zachl. Harald Pret
Open-source design of integrated circuits
Elektrotech. Inftech. (2024)
DOI: 10.1007/s00502-023-01195-5

* Institute for Integrated Circuits, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Abstract: This paper presents the design of a self-clocked 12-bit non-binary fully differential SAR-ADC using the SKY130 open-source PDK. The entire mixed-signal circuit design and layout were created with free and open-source software. The ADC reaches a sample rate of up to 1.44MS/s at 1.8V supply while consuming 703μW of power on a small 0.175mm area. A configurable decimation filter can increase the ADC resolution up to 16 bits while using an oversampling factor of 256. A 9‑bit thermometer-coded and 3‑bit binary-coded DAC matrix using a 448 aF waffle-capacitor results in a total capacitance of 1.83pF per input. Realizations of configurable analog functions using the form factor of SKY130 high-density standard cells allow the parametrization of an analog circuit in a hardware description language and hardening of the macro in an intentionally digital workflow.
FIG: Block diagram of the proposed open-source design flow,
including the essential tools and used/generated files

Acknowledgements: The authors thank Johannes Kepler University for funding the open-access publication, Google and SkyWater Technologies for igniting this recent wave of open-source IC design, and the large crowd of enthusiasts spending their time on developing and maintaining an extensive array of exciting open-source EDA projects. Open access funding provided by Johannes Kepler University, Linz.

Jan 5, 2024

ISHI-kai January 2024 event

With the recent rise in the semiconductor industry, the movement of open source PDK and EDA in Japan and overseas has become active. Therefore, in this study session, key people will talk about the status of open source PDK and EDA in Japan and overseas.

Friday, January 26, 2024, 18:00-21:00 (Reception: 18:30)

Venue (onsite)
Google Shibuya Office
3-21-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Shibuya Stream Google reception meeting

Online Broadcast: 
Google Meet:

Participation Fee
TimeSpeakerTitleLecture Outline
Until 18:30ISHI-kaireceptionThe entrance to the facility closes at this time, so if you are participating locally, please come by this time as much as possible.
18:00 ~ 18:30ISHI-kaiChat time-
18:30 ~ 19:15 (Lecture: 30min, Q&A: 15min)Takeshi Hamamoto
Minimal Fab Propulsion Organization Device Engineer 
minimal Fab open PDK1) What is a minimal fab
2) openPDK
3) Design Contest at Semicon 2023

19:15 ~ 20:00 (Lecture: 30min., Q&A: 15min.)Junichi Okamura
IEEE Senior Member 
OpenPDK and the World-
20:00 ~ 20:45 (Lecture: 30min., Q&A: 15min.)@noritsunaAbout the upcoming open source PDK shuttle(To be released at a later date)

What is ISHI-kai?
The association was named ISHI-kai (Inter-linked Society on Homemade IC Kai). The name was conceived from the Society Community (Association) that handles open (democratized) ISHI = stone = Silicon = semiconductors (ASIC/LSI/IC) and connects various fields.

OpenMPW (Open Multi Project Wafer), which appeared as a forerunner, is a shuttle program created by Google investing in Efabless, and includes the tools necessary for making semiconductors (ASIC/LSI/IC) (EDA/PDK) to ISHI manufacturing in IC fabs). This is exactly the "openness of semiconductors (ASIC/LSI/IC) and EDA/PDK" of the open source movement (democratization of software) that started with GNU!

Therefore, this association was established as a user society community (association) that focuses not only on experts in semiconductors (ASIC/LSI/IC) in the past, but also on those who see the potential of the open source movement of semiconductors (ASIC/LSI/IC) in the future and those who want to create new semiconductors (ASIC/LSI/IC).

We/ISHI-kai will continue to work toward a world where semiconductors (ASIC/LSI/IC) and EDA/PDK can be used by everyone, just as OSs, compilers, libraries, apps, electronic boards, 3D CAD and 3D printers that we/ISHI-kaire only available to experts can now be used by everyone as open source software, open hardware, open modeling, etc.

As for the future activity plan, we/ISHI-kai have a policy of revolutionizing the semiconductor (ASIC/LSI/IC) field by involving people from other fields, and we/ISHI-kai will hold events such as hands-on seminars for ultra-beginners for other fields and in-depth study sessions for experts, form a team to challenge the OpenMPW shuttle and Chipathon from around the world, and Maker we/ISHI-kai would like to participate in events such as Faire, so thank you.

As events move online, we/ISHI-kai ask participants to act in accordance with the spirit of the Code of Conduct. If you have any problems, please contact the organizer. If it is judged that there is no improvement in the request even if there is no abuse such as vandalism or malicious intent, we/ISHI-kai may respond on a case-by-case basis.

Thanks to the kindness of Google for providing a real/onsite venue.

Nov 21, 2023

[webinar] Open Source Silicon Landscape

Unveiling the Open Source Silicon Landscape
a cutting-edge approach for the European semiconductor industry
5 December 2023

Who should attend and why:
  • Policymakers at the regional, national, and European level who want to strengthen their respective semiconductor ecosystem while collaborating and contributing to the Union’s industry as a whole
  • Research and academia representatives who are interested in deepening their knowledge or discovering the potential of the Open Source Silicon landscape
  • SMEs in the semiconductor industry who aim to expand and innovate their business by using a cutting-edge approach
  • Start-ups that are eager to elevate their business to the next level by embracing vanguard strategies
  • Citizen scientists and the general public who would like to have a better understanding of the new horizons in the semiconductor landscape
  • Experts active in industrial development who are interested in integrating potential new approaches

The event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Registrants will receive the link to access the event by email.


11:00 - 11:05 Welcome
11:05 - 11:10 Introducing Open Source Silicon
11:10 - 11:20 BACKGROUND Open source silicon between software and hardware Background
11:20 - 11:40 POLICY BRIEF PRESENTATION Open source silicon’s position in the semiconductor value chain
11:40 - 12:35 PANEL Key opportunities and threats relevant to open source silicon strategies
12:35 - 12:45 Q&A and conclusions

Nov 10, 2023

GoIT project at Open Source Experience Event

Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6) Sorbonne and CNRS will attend Open Source Experience event on 6-7 December in Paris to present GoIT project

Come and join the European open source community meeting!!

[ read more... ]

Sep 28, 2023

3rd MFEM Community Workshop, October 26, 2023

MFEM is a free, open source, lightweight, scalable C++ library for finite element methods.

MFEM is used in many projects, including BLAST, Cardioid, Palace, VisIt, RF-SciDAC, FASTMath, xSDK, and CEED in the Exascale Computing Project.

Annual workshop 
MFEM host an annual workshop and FEM@LLNL seminar series. The MFEM team has  announced the 3rd MFEM Community Workshop, which will take place on October 26, 2023, virtually, using Zoom for videoconferencing. The goal of the workshop is to foster collaboration among all MFEM users and developers, share the latest MFEM features with the broader community, deepen application engagements, and solicit feedback to guide future development directions for the project.

If you plan to attend, please register no later than October 19th. There is no registration fee. Zoom details will be distributed to participants prior to the event date. For questions, please contact the meeting organizers at

Aug 2, 2023

[video] Interviews from FSiC, Paris, 2023

Interviews from the Free Silicon Conference, Paris, 2023

The 2023 Free Silicon Conference (FSiC) took place in Paris (Sorbonne Université, 4 Place Jussieu, Paris) on July 10 - 12 2023 (Monday to Wednesday). The conference brought together experts and enthusiasts who want to build a complete Free and Open Source CAD ecosystem for designing analog and digital integrated circuits. The conference covered the full spectrum of the design process, from system architecture, to layout and verification.

Interviews with selected Free Silicon Conference Participation by Matt Venn are available online:

00:00 FSiC 2023 Intro, Matt Venn
00:23 Luca Alloatti, FSiC Organizing Committee
01:59 Thomas Benz, ETH Zurich
06:05 Jørgen Kragh Jakobsen, IC Works - Open Source Chip Design
08:57 Thomas Parry, SPHERICAL
11:05 Rene Scholz, IHP Microelectronics
14:06 Dan Fritchman, UC Berkeley
18:41 Harald Pretl, Johannes Kepler University Linz

All the conference proceedings (slide presentations and prerecorded talks) are also available at the FSiC website.

Jun 9, 2023

[Workshop] Open Source PDKs and EDA

RIHGA Royal Hotel Kyoto, Horikawa Shiokoji, Shimogyo ku, Kyoto 600 8237, Japan.
Date & Time: 5:30pm.-7:15pm on June 11 (Sun), 2023

Since its launch in 2020, the Open MPW shuttle program has received over 500 project submissions spanning 9 shuttles. This workshop will explore various topics related to designers' experiences, including measured results, foundry perspectives, and governmental expectations.

  • Makoto Ikeda (The University of Tokyo)
  • Mehdi Saligane (University of Michigan)
  1. Design experience: “The Journey of Two Novice LSI Enthusiasts: Tape-Out of CPU+RAM in Just One Month”, Kazuhide Uchiyama, University of Electro-Communications and Yuki Azuma, University of Tsukuba
  2. From Zero to 1000 Open Source Custom Designs in Two Years, Mohamed Kassem, Co-founder and CTO, Efabless
  3. The SKY130 Open Source PDK: Building an Open Source Innovation Ecosystem, Steve Kosier, Skywater technology
  4. Open Source Chip Design on GF180MCU – A foundry perspective, Karthik Chandrasekaran, Global Foundries
  5. Japan Foundries' Perspectives on Silicon design democratization, Shiro Hara, Minimal Fab & AIST
  6. Google's perspective on Open source PDKs, Open source EDA tools, and OpenMPW shuttle program, Johan Euphrosine and Tim Ansell, Google
  7. The Nanofabrication Accelerator Project, Matthew Daniels, NIST
  8. Japanese government perspective on Silicon design democratization, Yohei Ogino, The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry METI
VLSI Symposium Workshop1 "Open Source PDKs and EDA" Audience

Mar 22, 2023

[analog-wg] Video of March 21 AWG Meeting

The Analog Workgroup (AWG) was formed by the CHIPS Alliance TSC to explore collaborations in open source Analog/Mixed-Signal design and verification. It focuses on sharing best practices, ideas, tooling (analog automation), and other challenge areas in the design space. The workgroup is composed of both industry and university members.

The AWG Video Meeting on March 21, 2023 included two presentations:
  • Ken Kundert "Why Fund OpenVAF"
  • Pascal Kuthe "OpenVAF: An innovative open-source Verilog-A Compiler"

Please note the following line of topics for the Analog Workgroup
  • 4th April: Update from Tim Edwards: Magic and PEX extraction
  • 18th April: Update from Sadayuki Yoshitomi: Ecosystem of compact model development 
  • 2nd May (tentative): Update from C. Enz,EPFL:  test structures measurements

Mar 6, 2023

[open position] IHP Research Associate for Open PDK Development

Research Associate for Open PDK Development (m/f/d)
Developer for Open Source Process Design Kits
for SiGe-BiCMOS Technology
Job-ID: 7011/23 | Department: Technology | Salary: as per tariff TV-L | Working time: 40h/week (part-time work option) | Limitation: initially 2 years with option of extension for three more years | Entry Date: as soon as possible

IHP is an institute of the Leibniz Association and conducts research and development of silicon-based systems and ultra-high-frequency circuits and technologies, including new materials. It develops innovative solutions for application areas such as wireless and broadband communication, security, medical technology, industry 4.0, automotive industry, and aerospace. IHP employs approximately 350 people. It operates a pilot line for technological developments and the preparation of high-speed circuits with 0.13/0.25 µm-SiGe-BiCMOS technologies, located in a 1500 m² cleanroom that meets the highest industrial nanotechnology requirements.

The position:
As a member of the group Research & Prototyping Service, you will develop Process Design Kit for IHP’s BiCMOS technologies and new future technology modules with special focus on open source PDK development. Your detailed tasks will include programming of pCells and their integration into our verification process. Devices descriptions, user guides and test cases are important aspects of your work, too. Finally, managing our PDK repositories on Github with external contributions and adaption of existing tools like OpenRAM is part of the work. Implementation of new devices and investigations of new design tools and flows will give this position room for interesting development opportunities.

Your profile:
You hold a Master's degree in computer science with background in semiconductors, physics or electrical engineering. Knowledge in semiconductor devices and programming are of advantage. Your specialized knowledge preferably covers ASIC design environment like Cadence Virtuoso, Mentor/Siemens Tanner or KeySight ADS, OpenROAD/OpenLane, Linux and scripting languages (e.g. Python, Perl or TCL). You are well organized and always keep the overview even with many parallel projects. Thanks to your skillful communication, you are a binding and reliable contact person for our partners. You are also a strong team player, and you confidently handle the German and English language. You are also a strong team player. We are looking for a team member, who is able to structure his or her own work and to bring a well-organized and systematic way of working into the cooperation with creative minds. You are an ideal match for this position, when you have experimental, analytical and problem-solving skills, very strong communicative skills and the ability to quickly learn how to operate the latest technical equipment including various software. It is necessary that you confidently handle the English language. Knowledge of the German language is welcome. The consolidating of German language skills is expected and highly encouraged, for example in in-house language courses and intensive courses.

Your application:
Have we sparked your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application via our online application form. For further information regarding the position, please contact Dr. René Scholz

Feb 8, 2023

[paper] OpenSpike: An OpenRAM SNN Accelerator

Farhad Modaresi1, Matthew Guthaus2, and Jason K. Eshraghian3
OpenSpike: An OpenRAM SNN Accelerator
arXiv:2302.01015v1 [cs.AR] 2 Feb 2023

1) Dept. of Electrical Engineering Allameh Mohaddes Nouri University Nur, Mazandaran, Iran
2) Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, UC Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA, United States
3) Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA, United States

Abstract: This paper presents a spiking neural network (SNN) accelerator made using fully open-source EDA tools, process design kit (PDK), and memory macros synthesized using Open- RAM. The chip is taped out in the 130 nm SkyWater process and integrates over 1 million synaptic weights, and offers a reprogrammable architecture. It operates at a clock speed of 40 MHz, a supply of 1.8 V, uses a PicoRV32 core for control, and occupies an area of 33.3 mm2. The throughput of the accelerator is 48,262 images per second with a wallclock time of 20.72 μs, at 56.8 GOPS/W. The spiking neurons use hysteresis to provide an adaptive threshold (i.e., a Schmitt trigger) which can reduce state instability. This results in high performing SNNs across a range of benchmarks that remain competitive with state-of-the-art, full precision SNNs.

The design is open sourced and available online:

Fig: OpenSpike core - system architecture and data flow



Dec 20, 2022

[OpenVAF] Next-Generation Verilog-A Compiler

OpenVAF is a Next-Generation Verilog-A compiler
that empowers the open source silicon revolution

Roadmap: OpenVAF is still in development and there many goals we aim to achieve in the longterm:

  • Noise analysis (planned for 2023)
  • Reaching full compliance with the Verilog-A standard
  • Behavioral modelling features
  • Support for features that allow defining full circuits/full PDKs in Verilog-A
  • OSDI integration in Xyce
  • Improved documentation
  • A detailed paper about the technical innovations in OpenVAF and attendance at international conferences
We, OpenVAF Developers, are always looking for cooperation partners, please do not hesitate to contact SemiMod GmbH.

Circuit simulators play a critical role in the design of electrical circuits. Accurate simulations enable circuit designers to validate circuit behavior before actual fabrication happens, potentially saving significant re-design costs. The simulation of a circuit critically depends on the so-called compact models and therefore:

  • The accuracy of the compact-model equations
  • The quality of the model parameters
Compact models predict the device terminal characteristics by means of computationally inexpensive equations. With increasingly advanced technologies, compact models have been growing significantly in complexity. At the same time an increasingly diverse set of technologies is offered to designers, requiring specific compact models for each kind of electron device.
The complexity of compact models has made the manual integration into simulators a tedious, error-prone and therefore expensive task. One reason for this is that not only the model equations have to be implemented, but also their symbolic derivatives. Numeric derivatives are not an option because they are orders of magnitude slower to compute than analytical derivatives and can introduce convergence problems due to inaccuracies. It is not uncommon - even in commercial tools - to find model implementation bugs or to observe convergence problems that result from incorrectly implemented derivatives. Some simulators with no or limited Verilog-A integration do not implement certain compact-models and can therefore not be used to simulate some processes at all.
Manually implemented compact models may differ between simulators since EDA vendors often rename parameters or alter particular model equations. Due to these simulator specific peculiarities, PDKs can usually only be used by a few specific simulators.

Verilog-A has been developed to address these problems and has become the de-facto standard for developing and distributing compact models. It allows implementing compact models via a simulator independent and standardized language. Verilog-A compilers can translate these models to machine code and allow simulators to use these models without manually implementing them. Verilog-A enables:

  • model development and customization by allowing to quickly modify the model equations without having to worry about model implementation details.
  • implementing behavioral or data-driven models, or even entire circuits.
  • inherent portability between simulators for both models and PDKs that would not be possible with traditional netlist-based formats.
Model development and customization is necessary for advanced technologies and applications, for example quantum computing, where existing models cannot provide satisfactory results and must be adjusted. It also enables research and development.

Sep 21, 2021

[paper] BioDynaMo: a modular platform for high-performance agent-based simulation

Lukas Breitwieser1,2, Ahmad Hesam1,3, Jean de Montigny1, Vasileios Vavourakis4,5, Alexandros Iosif4, Jack Jennings6, Marcus Kaiser6,7,8, Marco Manca9, Alberto Di Meglio1, Zaid Al-Ars3, Fons Rademakers1, Onur Mutlu2, Roman Bauer10
BioDynaMo: a modular platform for high-performance agent-based simulation
Bioinformatics on 21 September 2021
DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab649/6371176 
1 CERN openlab, CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland
2 ETH Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
3 Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
4 Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
5 Department of Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, University College London, UK
6 School of Computing, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
7 Department of Functional Neurosurgery, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
8 Precision Imaging Beacon, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, UK
9 SCimPulse Foundation, Geleen, Netherlands
10 Department of Computer Science, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Abstract: Agent-based modeling is an indispensable tool for studying complex biological systems. However, existing simulation platforms do not always take full advantage of modern hardware and often have a field-specific software design.
Results: We present a novel simulation platform called BioDynaMo that alleviates both of these problems. BioDynaMo features a modular and high-performance simulation engine. We demonstrate that BioDynaMo can be used to simulate use cases in: neuroscience, oncology, and epidemiology. For each use case we validate our findings with experimental data or an analytical solution. Our performance results show that BioDynaMo performs up to three orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art baselines. This improvement makes it feasible to simulate each use case with one billion agents on a single server, showcasing the potential BioDynaMo has for computational biology research.
Availability: BioDynaMo is an open-source project under the Apache 2.0 license and is available at Instructions to reproduce the results are available in supplementary information.
Fig: BioDynaMo’s layered architecture. BioDynaMo is predominantly executed on multi-core CPUs, is able to offload computations to the GPU, and supports Linux operating systems. BioDynaMo provides a rich set of low- and high-level features commonly required in agent-based models. On top of these generic features, BioDynaMo offers model building blocks to simplify the development of a simulation. Even if BioDynaMo does not provide the required building blocks, users still benefit from all generic agent-based features (illustrated by the vertical extension of the “Simulation" layer).

Acknowledgments: We want to thank Giovanni De Toni for his work on the BioDynaMo build system. This work was supported by the CERN Knowledge Transfer office [to L.B. and A.H.]; the Israeli Innovation Authority [to A.H.]; the Research Excellence Academy from the Faculty of Medical Science of the Newcastle University [to J.dM.]; the UCY StartUp Grant scheme [to V.V.]; the Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom [MR/N015037/1 to R.B., MR/T004347/1 to M.K.]; the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the UK [EP/S001433/1 to R.B., NS/A000026/1, EP/N031962/1 to M.K.]; a PhD studentship funded by Newcastle University’s School of Computing [to J.J.]; the Wellcome Trust [102037 to M.K.]; the Guangci Professorship Program of Ruijin Hospital (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.) [to M.K.]; and by several donations by SAFARI Research Group’s industrial partners including Huawei, Intel, Microsoft, and VMware [to O.M.]. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.