Open Access: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Jan 6, 2021
[paper] Perspective of Ultra-Scaled CMOS
Open Access: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Jan 5, 2021
[paper] NESS Open-Source TCAD Environment
[paper] Analysis of 2D Transistors
Abstract: In this work, we explore the outputconductance function (G-function) to interpret the device characteristics of two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor transistors. Based on analysis of the device output conductance, the carrier mobility, and the channel as well as contact resistance are extracted. Thereafter the currentvoltage (IV) characteristics of black phosphorous (BP) and MoS2 transistors from room to low temperature are modeled and compared to experiments. The G-function model proves its reliability and accuracy in parameter extraction and IV modeling of 2D transistors, regardless of the n- or p- type, the short- or long-channel and the Schottky or Ohmic contact. Moreover, this works shows its high potential in the device modeling and further circuit design of the 2D transistors, requiring only few parameters and simulating precise IV characteristics.
G-Function Model (for Linear and Non-Linear Cases), the Rch and Rc can be calculated for both the Ohmic and Schottky contacts in the 2D transistors:
[paper] Aged MOSFET and Its Compact Modeling
Jan 4, 2021
[paper] Compact Modeling of Carbon Nanotube FETs
1 Department of Information Engineering, Marche Polytechnic University, 60131 Ancona, Italy
2 Microelectronics Research Group (MRG/IESL), FORTH, Greece