Showing posts with label BJT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BJT. Show all posts

Jan 7, 2025

[paper] MOSFET-Based Voltage Reference Circuits

Moisello, Elisabetta, Edoardo Bonizzoni, and Piero Malcovati
MOSFET-Based Voltage Reference Circuits in the Last Decade: A Review
Micromachines 15, no. 12 (2024): 1504

Abstract: Voltage reference circuits are a basic building block in most integrated microsystems, covering a wide spectrum of applications. Hence, they constitute a subject of great interest for the entire microelectronics community. MOSFET-based solutions, in particular, have emerged as the implementation of choice for realizing voltage reference circuits, given the supply voltage scaling and the ever-lower power consumption specifications in various applications. For these reasons, this paper aims to review MOSFET-based voltage reference circuits, illustrating their principles of operation, as well as presenting a detailed overview of the state-of-the-art, in order to paint an accurate picture of the encountered challenges and proposed solutions found in the field in the last decade, thus providing a starting point for future research in the field.

FIG: Schematic of a generic threshold voltage-based MOSFET reference circuit
and graphical representation of a transistor ZTC point.

Feb 19, 2021

Virtual Si Museum /2107/ TG4 and TG50

The TG1-TG5 series transistor are the first industrially mass-produced BJT transistors in Poland. The serial production was started by the TEWA Semiconductor Factory, Warsaw, in early1960s. Then, the TG50-TG55 series, was also manufactured by the TEWA in 1961–1962. 

The TG4 (see Pic: below) is low power, low frequency, pnp germanium (Ge) alloy transistor (with 75 mW max collector power) [1].

The TG50 (below) is medium power, low frequency,  pnp germanium (Ge) alloy transistor (with 175 mW max collector power) [2].

An initial stage of Polish semiconductor microelectronics research activities has been reviewed by Prof. Jerzy Pułtorak. In his paper [3], he has reviewed activities of leading Polish R&D groups starting from Department of Electronics, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) founded on July 4, 1952 till foundation of the Instytut Technologii Elektronowej (ITE, Warsaw) early 1960 (now Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz - Instytut Mikroelektroniki i Fotoniki).  The first, in Poland, experimental germanium point-contact transistor TP-1 [4] has been developed by Prof. Rosinski just after John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley have invented a semi-conductor triode (transistor) [5] on December 23, 1947.

Pic: TG4 and two TG50 by the TEWA Semiconductor Factory, Warsaw (PL)

[1] TG1-5 / PL Wikipedia/
[2] TG50-5  / PL Wikipedia/
[3] J. Pułtorak, "60 years of polish transistors," 2014 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES), Lublin, Poland, 2014, pp. 15-21, doi: 10.1109/MIXDES.2014.6872144.
[4] W.Rosinski, J.Groszkowski, “Doswiadczalne tranzystory punktowe model TP” (“Experimental point-cotact transistors model TP”), Arch. Elektrot. 4, 1955, p. 381
[5] J.Bardeen, H.W.Brattain, “The transistor, a semi-conductor triode”, Phys.Rev.74, 7, 1954, p.230

Jan 6, 2021

Virtual Si Museum /2101/ Electron Devices Time Line

my own view on the electron devices time line. The electron devices scaling: from a single vacuum tube, a BJT, TTL digital ICs to 68719476736 devices in a NAND flash memory card. If you have something else to add, just let me know:

  1. Vacuum Tube GE 9-22 188-5
  2. 2N2905A BJT - PNP, -60 V, -600 mA, 600 mW, TO-39
  3. TTL 74F00 IC - 5V, quad 2-input NAND gate; series F (=fast) introduced in 1978
  4. 64Gb NAND flash memory card

Apr 24, 2020

Online Classes on The Principle of Semiconductor Devices

Professor Mansun Chan, UST (HK), has developed a 13 weeks online class on the principle of semiconductor devices.  Unlike tradition lectures, the class use extensive animations to help students to visualize the actions of carriers in a device.  The classes was divided into two part, part I on semiconductor carrier statistics, PN Junction, BJT and part II on MOSFET and advanced FET.

Meet your instructor:

Mansun Chan
Chair Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Mar 23, 2020

MicroTec: Semiconductor Process and Device Simulator

Software Package for 2D Process and Device Simulation
Version 4.0 for Windows
User’s Manual
Publisher: Siborg Systems Inc
Editor: Michael S. Obrecht

MicroTec allows 2D silicon process modeling including implantation, diffusion and oxidation and 2D steady-state semiconductor device simulation like MOSFET, DMOS, JFET, BJT, IGBT, Schottky, photosensitive devices etc. Although MicroTec is significantly simplified compared to widely available commercial simulators, it nevertheless is a very powerful modeling tool for industrial semiconductor process/device design. In many instances MicroTec outperforms existing commercial tools and it is remarkably robust and easy-to-use.

FIG: MicroTec SibGraf GUI windows

Jun 15, 2016

[book] Compact Models for Integrated Circuit Design

 Compact Models for Integrated Circuit Design: 
 Conventional Transistors and Beyond
 Samar K. Saha
Taylor & Francis, 26 Aug 2015 - Technology & Engineering - 545 pages - ISBN 9781482240665

Compact Models for Integrated Circuit Design: Conventional Transistors and Beyond provides a modern treatise on compact models for circuit computer-aided design (CAD). Written by an author with more than 25 years of industry experience in semiconductor processes, devices, and circuit CAD, and more than 10 years of academic experience in teaching compact modeling courses, this first-of-its-kind book on compact SPICE models for very-large-scale-integrated (VLSI) chip design offers a balanced presentation of compact modeling crucial for addressing current modeling challenges and understanding new models for emerging devices.
Starting from basic semiconductor physics and covering state-of-the-art device regimes from conventional micron to nanometer, this text:
  • Presents industry standard models for bipolar-junction transistors (BJTs), metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) field-effect-transistors (FETs), FinFETs, and tunnel field-effect transistors (TFETs), along with statistical MOS models
  • Discusses the major issue of process variability, which severely impacts device and circuit performance in advanced technologies and requires statistical compact models
  • Promotes further research of the evolution and development of compact models for VLSI circuit design and analysis
  • Supplies fundamental and practical knowledge necessary for efficient integrated circuit (IC) design using nanoscale devices
  • Includes exercise problems at the end of each chapter and extensive references at the end of the book

Compact Models for Integrated Circuit Design: Conventional Transistors and Beyond is intended for senior undergraduate and graduate courses in electrical and electronics engineering as well as for researchers and practitioners working in the area of electron devices. However, even those unfamiliar with semiconductor physics gain a solid grasp of compact modeling concepts from this book. [more...]

Sep 1, 2015

[video] How to Model a BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor

This video covers the basics of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) modeling and illustrates an easy step-by-step procedure to extract the model parameters of the popular Gummel-Poon (GP) model. While the GP model was introduced in the early 1970’s, it still enjoys a wide popularity in electronic device modeling and many modeling engineers consider it a classic and an excellent starting point for getting familiar with modeling in general.

Video Published on Aug 31, 2015

To download the project files referred to in this video visit:

Apr 3, 2014

VI Regional Seminar MNE & MS 2014

VI Regional Seminar on Computer Modeling and Designing in Micro- and Nanoelectronics and in Microelectromechanical Systems (MNE & MS 2014),
Orel, Russia, March 28 2014
  1. С.И. Матюхин1, Welcome and Seminar Openning,
  2. Турин В.О.1, Кильчицкая М.В.2, Герасимов К.А.2Simulation of power bipolar transistor,
    1Госуниверситет-УНПК, 2БГТУ, г. Брянск
  3. Ващенко В.А., The physical ESD design for integrated circuits and electronic devices,
    Maxim Integrated Corp., г. Сан Хосе, Калифорния, США
  4. Цырлов А.М., Development of CMOS optocoupler,
    ОАО «Протон», г. Орёл
  5. Студенников А.С., Development of CMOS ICs,
    ОАО «Протон», г. Орёл
  6. Малый Д.О.1, Матюхин С.И.2, Ставцев А.В.1"Proton-Elektroteks" IGBT-devices JSC: basic approaches of production and quality assurance,
    1ЗАО «Протон-Электротекс», г. Орёл, 2Госуниверситет-УНПК
  7. Макулевский Г.Р., Матюхин С.И., Current-voltage characteristics of laser diodes based on AlGaAs,
  8. Матюхин С.И., Гришин В.О., Radiation effects of on the current-voltage characteristic of power diodes and thyristors,
  9. Писарев А.А.1, Матюхин С.И.2, Сурма А.М.1, Черников А.А.1Electrical characteristics of fast diodes with soft recovery,
    1ЗАО «Протон-Электротекс», г. Орёл, 2Госуниверситет-УНПК
  10. Koziol Z., Aestimo quantum mechanical software for modeling quantum wells in nanoelectronics,
    TU Rzeszow, Polska

May 1, 2013

13th HICUM Workshop 2013

HICUM Workshop at TU-Delft, May 27-28, 2013
The HIgh CUrrent Model (HICUM) has become an industry standard and one of the most suitable compact models for modern HBTs fabricated in latest process technologies covering a wide range of high frequency and mmW applications.
Since 2001, the annual HICUM Workshop has become a technical forum for the needs and interests of model users and developers for discussing the present trends and future needs of the bipolar transistor modeling and circuit design community.

Workshop Highlights:
  • Special presentation by Prof. Spirito on mm-wave on-wafer measurements
  • Various presentations covering the modeling of various bipolar transistor phenomena, new parameter extraction strategies, production-type model development, model testing and performance comparisons
  • Special presentations on benchmark circuits for model verification (solicited)