C. M. Adornes, D. G. Alves Neto, M. C. Schneider and C. Galup-Montoro
Bridging the gap between design and simulation of low voltage CMOS circuits
2021 IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NorCAS), 2021, pp. 1-5,
DOI: 10.1109/NorCAS53631.2021.9599867
Abstract: This work proposes a simplified MOSFET model based on the Advanced Compact MOSFET (ACM) model, which contains only four parameters to assist the designer in understanding how the main MOSFET parameters affect the design. The 4-parameter model was implemented in Verilog-A to simulate different circuits designed with the ACM model. A CMOS inverter and a ring oscillator were designed and simulated, either using the 4-parameter ACM model or the BSIM model. The simulation results demonstrate that the 4-parameter model is very suitable for ultra-low-voltage (ULV) modeling. In the ultra-low-voltage domain, some of the secondary effects of the MOSFET are not relevant and thus not included in the 4-parameter model. A simplified MOSFET model for the ULV domain is of great importance to applications such as energy harvesting, sensor nodes for the Internet of Things, and always-on circuits.
Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank the Brazilian agencies CAPES, finance code 001, and CNPq for supporting this work.
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