Jan 21, 2025

SwissChips: foster the Swiss semiconductor ecosystem

SwissChips is an inital three-year transitional measure jointly led by the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM), EPFL and ETH, aimed to maintain and secure a strong position of Swiss researchers and research infrastructure in the strategically important areas of semiconductor technologies, microelectronics, and more specifically cutting-edge integrated circuit (IC) design within the European landscape [read more...]

Jan 20, 2025

[paper] Spatz: open-source RISC-V compact VPU

Matteo Perotti, Samuel Riedel, Matheus Cavalcante and Luca Benini1,2
Spatz: Clustering Compact RISC-V-Based Vector Units to Maximize Computing Efficiency
arXiv:2309.10137v2 [cs.AR] 9 Jan 2025
1 IIS, ETH Zurich (CH)
2 DEI, Uni. Bologna (IT)

Abstract: The ever-increasing computational and storage requirements of modern applications and the slowdown of technology scaling pose major challenges to designing and implementing efficient computer architectures. To mitigate the bottlenecks of typical processor-based architectures on both the instruction and data sides of the memory, we present Spatz, a compact 64-bit floating-point-capable vector processor based on RISC-V’s Vector Extension Zve64d. Using Spatz as the main Processing Element (PE), we design an open-source dual-core vector processor architecture based on a modular and scalable cluster sharing a Scratchpad Memory (SCM). Unlike typical vector processors, whose Vector Register Files (VRFs) are hundreds of KiB large, we prove that Spatz can achieve peak energy efficiency with a latch-based VRF of only 2 KiB. An implementation of the Spatz-based cluster in GlobalFoundries’ 12LPP process with eight double-precision Floating Point Units (FPUs) achieves an FPU utilization just 3.4% lower than the ideal upper bound on a double-precision, floating-point matrix multiplication. The cluster reaches 7.7 FMA/cycle, corresponding to 15.7 GFLOPSDP and 95.7 GFLOPSDP/W at 1 GHz and nominal operating conditions (TT, 0.80 V, 25 °C), with more than 55% of the power spent on the FPUs. Furthermore, the optimally-balanced Spatz-based cluster reaches a 95.0% FPU utilization (7.6 FMA/cycle), 15.2 GFLOPSDP, and 99.3 GFLOPSDP/W (61% of the power spent in the FPU) on a 2D workload with a 7 × 7 kernel, resulting in an outstanding area/energy efficiency of 171 GFLOPSDP/W/mm2. At equi-area, the computing cluster built upon compact vector processors reaches a 30% higher energy efficiency than a cluster with the same FPU count built upon scalar cores specialized for streambased floating-point computation.

Fig: Placed-and-routed Spatz-based shared-L1 cluster, implemented as a 737 μm × 1003 μm block. The cluster’s main blocks are highlighted: namely the Snitch cores, VRFs, IPUs, FPUs, L1 SPM, and I$.

Acknowledgment: This work was supported in part through the TRISTAN (#101095947) and the ISOLDE (#101112274) projects, both funded through the Chips Joint Undertaking (CHIPS JU) of the European Union’s Horizon Europe’s research and innovation programme and its members.

[book] From Code to Chip

Jakob Ratschenberger and Harald Pretl
From Code to Chip:
Open-Source Automated Analog Layout Design
pp: XV, 120 Publisher: Springer Cham (10 January 2025)
eBook ISBN 978-3-031-68562-0

This book shows how the layout of an analog circuit can be automatically generated in a fully open-source way. Based on an exemplary design flow, it introduces and explains the necessary steps for transforming a SPICE netlist into a layout, which can be inspected by the open-source layout editor Magic VLSI. This is done by using the industry’s first open-source process design kit SKY130. Furthermore, the implementation of the design flow in the programming language Python is available as open-source on GitHub. 

Authors' Affiliations
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

Table of contents (8 chapters)
  • Front Matter pp. i-xv
  • Download chapter PDF 
  • Introduction pp. 1-4
  • Theoretical Basics pp. 5-13
  • Circuit Capturing pp. 15-36
  • PDK—Design Rule Capturing pp. 37-41
  • Placement pp. 43-55
  • Routing pp. 57-71
  • Experimental Results pp. 73-99
  • Outlook pp. 101-103
  • Back Matter pp. 105-120


[paper] Compact Model of Linear Passive IPD

Zhang, Zijian
Compact Model of Linear Passive Integrated Photonics Device
for Photon Design Automation
arXiv preprint: 2501.06774 (2025)

1 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, 611731, China

Abstract: As integrated photonic systems grow in scale and complexity, Photonic Design Automation (PDA) tools and Process Design Kits (PDKs) have become increasingly important for layout and simulation. However, fixed PDKs often fail to meet the rising demand for customization, compelling designers to spend significant time on geometry optimization using FDTD, EME, and BPM simulations. To address this challenge, we propose a data-driven Eigenmode Propagation Method (DEPM) based on the unitary evolution of optical waveguides, along with a compact model derived from intrinsic waveguide Hamiltonians. The relevant parameters are extracted via complex coupled-mode theory. Once constructed, the compact model enables millisecond-scale simulations that achieve accuracy on par with 3D-FDTD, within the model’s valid scope. Moreover, this method can swiftly evaluate the effects of manufacturing variations on device and system performance, including both random phase errors and polarization-sensitive components. The data-driven EPM thus provides an efficient and flexible solution for future photonic design automation, promising further advancements in integrated photonic technologies.

Fig: Photon design automation workflow based on compact model
of linear passive optical waveguide

Supplementary information:
The time evaluations were conducted on a system equipped with an Intel i9-10850K processor, 64 GB DDR4 memory, and NVIDIA Quadro RTX 5000 professional graphics processor.

Jan 18, 2025

[paper] Strategic Thinking on Open-Source PDK

Written by Jun-ichi OKAMURA
IEEE Senior member (Bio)

In 1990, NHK hailed Japan as an "lectronic powerhouse," spotlighting the semiconductor industry. Now, three decades later, the spotlight has swung back onto semiconductors - though the star this time is cutting-edge manufacturing technology. In this piece, however, The Author’d like to shift the focus to the design side of semiconductors. This article follows in the footsteps of several earlier posts: "The Tale of PDKs, Past and Present" posted Dec. 3, 2023; "A Qualitative Cost Analysis of the Semiconductor Business" posted Aug.1, 2024; and "Semiconductors We Want to Make, Semiconductors We Want to Use" posted Dec. 23, 2024. I’m grateful that these pieces still receive steady traffic, and The Author hopes they’ve helped broaden my understanding of the design aspects of semiconductors for those in the industry.

This time, under the title “Strategic Thinking on Open-Source PDK (Process Design Kit),” The Author aims to explain key points about open-source PDKs clearly. The discussion doesn’t stop at semiconductor designers — it also addresses perspectives relevant to foundries (semiconductor manufacturing service providers) and those planning semiconductor-related businesses. The Author hopes you’ll find it an engaging read and a helpful resource.

Note: The views expressed here are authors's own, based on past work experience, and do not represent any organization.