Dec 15, 2021

[paper] Compact Geiger Counters

E. A. Maurchev, Yu. V. Balabin and A. V. Germanenko
Compact Geiger Counters as Additional Tools for Verifying Models 
of Cosmic Ray Transport through the Earth’s Atmosphere
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Physics volume 85, pages1294–1296 
(Published: 10 December 2021)
DOI: 10.3103/S106287382111023X
*Polar Geophysical Institute, Apatity (RU)

Abstract: Descriptions and technical characteristics are given for compact Geiger counters designed to verify calculations of cosmic ray transport through the Earth’s atmosphere. Results are presented in the form of a comparison of the altitude profiles of count rates of charged particles, obtained via modeling and field experiments.

Fig: Comparison of the count rate altitude profiles obtained during the balloon probe launch for different time periods and airborne measurements and results from modeling a GCR proton transit. The triangle on the left is probe measurements for Jan. 4, 2010; the triangle on the right, probe measurements for Jan. 1, 2010. The inverted triangle is probe measurements for Jan. 18, 2010; the upright triangle, probe measurements for Jan. 20, 2010. Crosses are measurements on an Airbus in 2018 (67.95 N and 32.8 E, climbing), and the solid line is calculated data.

Łukasiewicz R&D Network

The Łukasiewicz Research Network is a unique project of great commercial potential. The Network is an integrated market player providing attractive, comprehensive and competitive business solutions in the fields of automation, chemicals, biomedicine, ICT, materials, and advanced manufacturing. With 8,000 staff and 32 research institutes located in 12 cities across Poland,  Łukasiewicz R&D Network the third largest research EU network.

Map of the Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz 

Open Large Map

The Łukasiewicz Network main R&D directions are derived from areas influencing the achievement of the goals outlined in the National Strategy for Responsible Development. Within Łukasiewicz Network are four Research Groups corresponding to the recommended directions: Health, Clean and smart mobility, Sustainable Economy and Energy, and Digital Transformation.

Dec 8, 2021

Guardian of Verilog-A Compact Models

on 02/02/2020, Geoffrey Coram, Staff CAD Engineer at Analog Devices and Verilog-A Recommended Practices CMC Chair was honored by Prof. Chenming Hu and the BSIM Group at UC Berkeley, naming him as "Guardian of Verilog-A Compact Models for the Global Semiconductor Industry"

[paper] Analytical Compact Model Of Cylindrical Junctionless Nanowire FETs

Adelcio M. de Souza, Daniel R. Celino, Regiane Ragi, Murilo A. Romero
Fully analytical compact model for the Q–V and C–V characteristics 
of cylindrical junctionless nanowire FETs
Microelectronics Journal (2021): 105324
DOI: 10.1016/j.mejo.2021.105324
University of Sao Paulo (EESC/USP), Sao Carlos (BR)

Abstract: This paper develops a new compact model for the Q–V and C–V characteristics of cylindrical junctionless nanowire FETs in which the nanowire radius is large enough, in such a way that quantum confinement effects can be neglected. Our model is fully analytical and valid for all bias regimes, i.e., subthreshold, partial depletion, and accumulation. The obtained Q-V and C–V characteristics, as well as their derivatives, are continuous across the full range of bias voltages. The model is fully physics-based, with no fitting parameters, and it is very intuitive, since it relies on the understanding of the device as a gated resistor. Model validation is performed against previous results in the literature, demonstrating very good agreement.
Fig.  Validation of our C–V model (solid lines) in comparison to numerical results, highlighting the effect of parasitic capacitance. The free-carrier capacitance component from new model is shown in dashed lines. Simulation parameters: tox = 4.5nm, Nd = 1.6E18 cm−3, L = 200nm, VFB = 1.09V and Vds = 0.05V.

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the Brazilian funding agencies CAPES, CNPq, and Fapesp for their financial support: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnologico. Grant Number: 303708/2017-4; Coordenaçao de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; Fundaçao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo. Grant Number: 18/13537-6.

[paper] Automated Compact Model Parameter Extraction

Marc Huppmann∗, Klaus-Willi Pieper†, Andi Buzo†, Linus Maurer∗ and Georg Pelz†
Utilizing Differential Evolution for an Automated Compact Model Parameter Extraction
In 2021 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), pp. 231-234. IEEE, 2021.
∗ Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Neubiberg, Germany
† Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg, Germany

Abstract: Parameter extraction is a challenging task, as it searches for a solution inside a high dimensional plus non- convex space. To be able to apply well known gradient based optimizers, the problem is dissected into multiple simpler yet intertwined tasks, which yields a complex and manual labour intensive procedure. On the contrary to gradient based methods, genetic algorithms perform excellent on global search problems, which eliminates the need for such a sophisticated workflow. In this paper, a highly automated methodology is presented that is capable of replacing the standard manual extraction sequence for the BSIM MOSFET compact model. Due to its superior extreme finding behaviour, the Differential Evolution algorithm is applied in combination with a special error metric to ensure a high fitting quality, in all regions of the output and transfer curves. Repeatably good results for 20k measurement points are obtained, with a reduction of factor 10 in total fitting duration, while coincidentally consuming mostly computation instead of manual labour time.
Fig: With every iteration, the errors approach each other till
they meet in roughly one point and σi terminates the fitting.