Showing posts with label short-channel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label short-channel. Show all posts

Aug 30, 2021

Generalized EKV Compact MOSFET Model

On the Explicit Saturation Drain Current in the Generalized EKV Compact MOSFET Model
Francisco J. García-Sánchez, Life Senior Member, IEEE,
and Adelmo Ortiz-Conde, Senior Member, IEEE
IEEE TED Aug 9. 2021
DOI: 10.1109/TED.2021.3101186

*Solid State Electronics Laboratory, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas 1080, Venezuela

Abstract: We present and discuss explicit closed-form expressions for the saturation drain current of short channel metal-oxide-semiconductorfield-effect transistors (MOSFETs) with gate oxide and interface-trapped charges, and including carrier velocity saturation, according to the generalized Enz-Krummenacher-Vittoz (EKV) MOSFET compact model. The normalized saturation drain current is derived as an explicit function of the normalized terminal voltages by solving the transcendental voltage versus charge equation using the Lambert W function. Because this special function is analytically differentiable, other important quantities, such as the transconductance and the transconductance-to-currentratio, can be readily expressed as explicit functions of the terminal voltages.
Fig: Comparison of simulated transfer characteristics with (red lines and symbols) and another without (black lines and symbols) radiation-induced oxide and interface-trapped charges. Calculation of VGB versus IDsat (lines) comes from denormalization and the explicit IDsat versus VGB (symbols) comes from denormalization of the proposed explicit expressions