Sep 12, 2017

[book] Systematic Design of Analog CMOS Circuits

Paul G. A. Jespers, Boris Murmann
Cambridge University Press; 31 Oct 2017; 342pp

Discover a fresh approach to efficient and insight-driven analog integrated circuit design in nanoscale-CMOS with this hands-on guide. Expert authors present a sizing methodology that employs SPICE-generated lookup tables, enabling close agreement between hand analysis and simulation. This enables the exploration of analog circuit tradeoffs using the gm/ID ratio as a central variable in script-based design flows, and eliminates time-consuming iterations in a circuit simulator. Supported by downloadable MATLAB code, and including over forty detailed worked examples, this book will provide professional analog circuit designers, researchers, and graduate students with the theoretical know-how and practical tools needed to acquire a systematic and re-use oriented design style for analog integrated circuits in modern CMOS.

Sep 11, 2017

Current state of the art in #modeling heating effects in nanoscale devices - Books - IOPscience

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September 11, 2017 at 06:43PM

Aug 31, 2017

Aug 30, 2017

[paper] Surface Potential Equation for Low Effective Mass Channel Common Double-Gate MOSFET

Ananda Sankar Chakraborty and Santanu Mahapatra, Senior Member, IEEE
in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 1519-1527, April 2017
doi: 10.1109/TED.2017.2661798

Abstract: Formulation of accurate yet computationally efficient surface potential equation (SPE) is the fundamental step toward developing compact models for low effective mass channel quantum well MOSFETs. In this paper, we propose a new SPE for such devices considering multisubband electron occupancy and oxide thickness asymmetry. Unlike the previous attempts, here, we adopt purely physical modeling approaches (such as without mixing the solutions from finite and infinite potential wells or using any empirical model parameter), while preserving the mathematical complexity almost at the same level. Gate capacitances calculated from the proposed SPE are shown to be in good agreement with numerical device simulation for wide range of channel thickness, effective mass, oxide thickness asymmetry, and bias voltages [read more...]
FIG: Total gate capacitance per unit width Cgg (Vg) for 7-nm-thick device with 100% asymmetry in front and back oxide thicknesses. nmax = 2. Line = model. Symbol = TCAD