Mar 5, 2014

Chip in Aracaju 2014 - Call for Papers

27th SBCCI 2014 29th SBMICRO 2014 4th WCAS 2014
September 1st to 5th 2014, Aracaju (SE), Brazil

CHIP IN ARACAJU 2014 Conference to be held in the city of Aracaju, Brazil, from September 1st to 5th 2014. The conference co-locates two main symposia (SBCCI, SBMicro), one student forum (SFORUM), one workshop (WCAS) and the industrial exhibition.

27th SBCCI (Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design) is an international symposium with an estimated attendance of about 200 experts from academia and industry. Among those 25% are expected to come from outside Brazil. This symposium represents the main event in chip design and design automation in Brazil. It is co-sponsored by the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC), the Brazilian Microelectronics Society (SBMicro), ACM SigDA and, the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS), and IFIP W 10. The proceedings will be published by the IEEE and will remain available at the IEEE Xplore and ACM Digital Library. 
Abstract Submission: March 23th 2014          
Paper Submission Deadline: March 30th 2014
Call for papers: 

SBMicro 2014 (29th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices) is an international symposium that usually counts with about 100 attendees focusing on process technologies. It is co-sponsored by the Brazilian Microelectronics Society (SBMicro), the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC), the Electrochemical Society (ECS) and, the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS). The proceedings will be published by the IEEE and ECS Digital Library.
Submission Deadline: March 31th 2014        
Notification of Acceptance: May 18th, 2014
Call for papers: 

WCAS 2014 (4th Workshop on Circuits and System Design) is devoted to the presentation and discussion of design experiences with a high degree of relevance in industrial and educational contexts, as well as innovative design methodologies and applications of specific design technologies in an industrial context. The main idea of the workshop is to offer the chance (primarily to industry) of pointing out to the community real-life design and technology challenges that should be addressed in the short-to-medium term.
Submission deadline (2 to 4 pages): June 1st 2014        
Acceptance notification: July 13th
SFORUM 2014 (14th Microeletronics Students Forum) is an event promoted by the Brazilian Microelectronics Society (SBMicro) and the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).
Paper Submission Deadline:June 2nd 2014         
Notification of Acceptance: July 16th, 2014
Call for papers: 

Companies and Industries: In addition to the technical sessions associated with the regular papers, each symposium normally invites 6 distinguished speakers to present tutorials and invited talks on state-of-the art topics. Furthermore, traditionally, the conference includes an exhibition with stands for microelectronics and
electronic vendors.

Mar 3, 2014

[mos-ak] [Final Program] Spring MOS-AK Workshop in London

Spring MOS-AK Workshop in London
Together with the workshop host, Prof. Bal Virdee, Londonmet, FIET MIEEE, and Prof. Mike Brinson, Londonmet, as well as Extended MOS-AK/GSA TPC Committee, we have pleasure to invite to the spring MOS-AK Workshop in London

London Metropolitan University 
166-220 Holloway Road
London N7 8DB

with On-line Free Registration 
  • March 28, 2013
    • 9:00-9:30 Open On-site Registration 
    • 9:30-12:00 Morning Session
    • 13:00-16:00 Afternoon Session
    • 17:00-19:00 Welcome Reception and Networking
  • March 29, 2013
    • 9:00-12:00 Qucs and ngspice GPL circuit simulation session

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Feb 22, 2014

14 Free Resources To Learn About MOSFETs

Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET) are commonly used for amplifying or switching electronic signals. They have a wide usage in the field and learning about these is crucial for any electronic engineer. So, with that in mind, here are 14 resources that will get you up and running!

[Tutorials, Videos, Free Reference Materials at]

Custom IC Design & Device Modeling - Tools and Technologies

Synopsys University Symposium

Friday, March 7; 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m; The Lalit New Delhi Hotel

The Synopsys University Symposiums are for members of the academic community to get the latest information on design automation solutions, methodologies and standards. These FREE technical seminars are a resource to help accelerate innovation. Join us at this symposium to learn how you can achieve the highest value and productivity from your Synopsys tool investment.

Device Modeling
With growing device and design complexity, device-circuit co-design is becoming an increasingly important area of research. Today, devices and circuits are designed and optimized together for superior performance, yield and reliability. Synopsys TCAD tools are indispensable for device design and optimization.

[Agenda on-line]

Feb 20, 2014

postdoc position in Spain related to semiconductor device modeling

As Professor in the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Catalonia, , Spain), I am going to apply for a postdoctoral position (funded by the Spanish Ministry) related to modeling (in particular compact modeling) and/or parameter extraction of emerging devices we are targeting, such as Multi-Gate MOSFETs, junctionless nanowires, III-V MOSFETs, GaN HEMTs, Tunnel FETs, and also organic and metal oxide TFTs.

The candidate should be a person who holds a PhD as awarded after September 1 2009, or who is committed to defend his Ph D thesis in the coming months (before the start of the contract).

Contracts are expected to start after September 2014.
The candidate should have enough research experience in the field of semiconductor devices, and must have a very good knowledge of the physics of electron devices. The research project to be carried out can be adapted to the candidate's profile.

The work may continue the work we did in the framework of some EU-funded projects, such as COMON (about Multi-Gate MOSFETs, GaN HEMTs, and High Voltage MOSFETs), SQWIRE (junctionless Si nanowires) and FlexNET (organic TFTs) . Our contribution in these projects was the physics and modeling (in particular compact modeling) of the novel devices addressed by these European projects.

The postdoc position, which will be a contract, will have a duration of up to 2 years. The net salary will be around 1900 Euro/months.

Interested applicants should send me their CV by e-mail.


Benjamin IƱiguez
Nanoelectronics and Photonics Systrems Group (NEPHOS)
Department of Electronic Engineering
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Avinguda dels Paisos Catalans 26
43007 Tarragona, Catalonia

Feb 7, 2014

Standards For FinFETs 

Rich Goldman, VP of corporate marketing and strategic alliances at Synopsys, recently predicted the top five trends that are likely to drive the global semiconductor industry in 2014. Standards will help, or hurt, each of these trends.

The ever-changing semiconductor industry has experienced and will continue to experience megatrends like no other industry. Recently, Rich Goldman, vice president of corporate marketing and strategic alliances at Synopsys, made his predictions about the top five trends that are likely to drive the global semiconductor industry in 2014. Each of these trends can be helped, or hurt, by the domain of standards.

Standards For FinFETs

Karen: You predict that FinFETs will be one of the top five trends in 2014. FinFETs promise lower power consumption and higher performance. Designing and manufacturing FinFETs involve a slew of challenges. How can standards help overcome some of them?

Rich: EDA tools and models are advancing to handle the unique properties and behaviors of FinFETs. For each step in the design cycle, data is transferred from one tool to another. Enabling interoperability and modeling are obvious roles for standards to play and there are already several standards in use today. For example, the Liberty library modeling standard is used to develop FinFET libraries that feed logic synthesis and other advanced tools. Standards for describing low-power design intent are also important. Because low power consumption is a key feature of FinFETs, designers can benefit from using these during the power planning stage. The Unified Power Format (UPF) (IEEE Std. 1801) is effective in capturing the low-power design intent and directing the EDA tools to implement it. The biggest advancements in standards for FinFETs are in the Interconnect Technology Format (ITF) standardized by the IEEE-ISTO and in the new BSIM-CMG (CMOS Multi-Gate) SPICE model.

Karen: Are these standards sufficient for FinFETs today?

Rich: Standards for advanced semiconductor design, including FinFETs, should always evolve. While the standards may suffice for a given technology or geometry node, design and EDA engineers are constantly inventing more effective ways of overcoming challenges. As these engineers learn new techniques, the standards for interoperability and modeling need to be enhanced. It’s a cyclical situation. The standards enable new designs that can render the standards obsolete unless the standards are updated to include new methods and technology. Thus, standards working groups, comprised of tech-savvy engineers and experts in standards development, are part of the overall success of new technologies such as FinFETs.

Feb 5, 2014

New i-MOS Release
A new release of the interactive Modeling and On-line Simulation Platform (i-MOS), version 201401 is available online. In this release, the i-MOS team launched several new services, as well as improved some modules in previous versions. A list of these new features follows:

  • Evaluative support for BSIM3 with newly designed interfaces;
  • A collection of model parameter cards for your applications;
  • A newly implemented double-gate/FinFET model SDDGM; 
  • Parameter searching function for all the device models;
  • Integrated text editor for composing netlists in circuit simulations;
  • Easier entry for your posting of news and events, etc.

For more details and an updated user manual, please see

Other related compact/SPICE modeling events and news are listed at: