Oct 23, 2020

[report] OptiBP smartphone app

Patrick Schoettker1, Jean Degott1, Gregory Hofmann1, Martin Proença2, Guillaume Bonnier2, Alia Lemkaddem2, Mathieu Lemay2, Raoul Schorer3, Urvan Christen4, Jean‑François Knebel4, Arlene Wuerzner5, Michel Burnier5 and Gregoire Wuerzner5 
Blood pressure measurements with the OptiBP smartphone app validated against reference auscultatory measurements
Scientific Reports Vol. 10, Article number: 17827 (2020)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-74955-4 
1Department of Anesthesiology, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne (CH)
2CSEM, Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, Neuchâtel (CH)
3Department of Acute Medicine, Geneva University Hospital and University of Geneva, (CH)
4Biospectal SA, 1003 Lausanne (CH)
5Service of Nephrology and Hypertension, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne,  (CH)

Abstract: Mobile health diagnostics have been shown to be efective and scalable for chronic disease detection and management. By maximizing the smartphones’ optics and computational power, they could allow assessment of physiological information from the morphology of pulse waves and thus estimate cufess blood pressure (BP). We trained the parameters of an existing pulse wave analysis algorithm (oBPM), previously validated in anaesthesia on pulse oximeter signals, by collecting optical signals from 51 patients fngertips via a smartphone while simultaneously acquiring BP measurements through an arterial catheter. We then compared smartphone-based measurements obtained on 50 participants in an ambulatory setting via the OptiBP app against simultaneously acquired auscultatory systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and mean blood pressure (MBP) measurements. Patients were normotensive (70.0% for SBP versus 61.4% for DBP), hypertensive (17.1% vs. 13.6%) or hypotensive (12.9% vs. 25.0%). The diference in BP (mean± standard deviation) between both methods were within the ISO 81,060–2:2018 standard for SBP (− 0.7 ± 7.7 mmHg), DBP (− 0.4 ± 4.5 mmHg) and MBP (− 0.6 ± 5.2 mmHg). These results demonstrate that BP can be measured with accuracy at the fnger using the OptiBP smartphone app. This may become an important tool to detect hypertension in various settings, for example in low-income countries, where the availability of smartphones is high but access to health care is low. 
Fig: OptiBP application utilizes image data generated from volumetric blood fow changes via light passing through the fngertip, refecting of of the tissue, and then passing to the phone camera’s image sensor.

Acknowledgements: We thank Dr. Frederic Michard from MiCo (michardconsulting.com) for help in manuscript preparation. With funding of Innosuisse—Swiss Innovation Agency, Project no. 32688.1 IP-ICT.

Oct 21, 2020

[Survey] Power Amplifiers Performance 2000-Present

Fifth web release on 2020/10/15: "PA_Survey_v5". This version-5 dataset includes PAs/transmitters from 500MHz to 1.5 THz in Bulk/SOI CMOS, SiGe, LDMOS, InP, GaN, GaAs technologies. The dataset contains total 3207 data points with over 1200 data points for CMOS, SiGe PAs and over 1500 data points for GaN, GaAs, InP PAs.

We have added sub-THz/THz power/signal generation circuits from 15GHz to 1.5THz, including PAs, fundamenal/harmonic oscillators, and frequency multipliers, to support the emerging research on beyond-5G/6G applications.

The file "PA_Survey_v5" is the version-5 dataset that includes ALL the reported PA/transmitter data since 2000 over frequency and various technologies. It also includes summary plots on CW Psat vs. Carrier Frequency for different technologies, peak PAE vs. CW Psat at different frequencies, and average PAE vs. average Pout for high-order complex modulations.

What is new in version-5 release beyond the version-4 release? 500MHz to 1.5 THz Power Amplifier designs and sub-THz/THz power/signal generation circuits published between 02/2020 and 10/2020.

  • Cite this PA survey: Hua Wang, Tzu-Yuan Huang, Naga Sasikanth Mannem, Jeongseok Lee, Edgar Garay, David Munzer, Edward Liu, Yuqi Liu, Bryan Lin, Mohamed Eleraky, Sensen Li, Fei Wang, Amr S. Ahmed, Christopher Snyder, Sanghoon Lee, Huy Thong Nguyen, and Michael Edward Duffy Smith, "Power Amplifiers Performance Survey 2000-Present," [Online]. Available: https://gems.ece.gatech.edu/PA_survey.html
  • Acknowledgement: We would like to sincerely thank many of our friends and colleagues for their helpful suggestions and insightful discussions.
  • Feedback and Suggestions: We welcome your feedback and suggestions, including the ways to interpret and present the data. In addition, although we try to be as inclusive as possible when collecting these published data, it is certainly possible that we may miss some representative PA designs. Please feel free to send us feedback, suggestions, or missing PA papers.
  • Contact: Please contact us through poweramplifiers.survey at gmail dot com. Do not use my gatech email address, since I may very likely miss your email.
  • Source for this data collection: We focus on peer-reviewed and publicly accessible publications that are typical forums for PAs, including IEEE ISSCC, JSSC, RFIC, VLSI, CICC, ESSCIRC, IMS, T-MTT, TCAS, BCTM/CSICS (BCICTS in the future), APMC, EuMC, and MWCL. We also focus on public product datasheets on PAs/transmitters.



Oct 20, 2020

[Open PhD] #IMEC

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October 20, 2020 at 11:44AM