Aug 18, 2013

Semiconductor Device Characterization Engineer jobs

Qualcomm  90 reviews - San Jose, CA
Interacts with other groups such as Design, Process, System, Reliability, and FA. 5+ years of related hands-on industrial experience....
Qualcomm - 5:25 AM
5+ years of related hands-on industrial design experience. Hands-on experience with device physics, device process, device characterization, and systems....
Qualcomm - 5:25 AM
IBM CORPORATION 1,821 reviews - Somers, NY
Possess working knowledge of semiconductor device development processes. Semiconductor Research and Development Process Improvement Engineer, IBM Corporation,...
New York Times - 8:27 AM

Aug 13, 2013

Fwd: 4 new Semiconductor Device Characterization Engineer jobs


4 new jobs found
Knowledge of analog and mixed signal board level design including PCB layout guidelines a strong plus. Knowledge of both analog and digital video interface...
Intersil - 11:04 PM
Technology related Bachelor's degree with 6 years experience ;. or Master's degree plus 5 years experience in process technology development area;....
Experience would be obtained through your educational level research and/or relevant job/internship experiences....
Intel - 2:45 PM
Quantum Solution - Sunnyvale, CA
Excellent proficiency of Cadence's custom IC design environment, analog/mixed signal circuit simulation (Spectre, Hspice, Ocean scripting, )....
Quantum Solution - 4:53 AM

Aug 8, 2013

[mos-ak] [Final Program] 11th MOS-AK ESSDERC ESSCIRC Workshop with the keynote speaker Larry Nagel

Together with Prof. Andrei Vladimirescu, R&D Scientific Coordinator, the Organizing Committee and Extended MOS-AK/GSA TPC Committee, we have pleasure to invite to the 11th consecutive MOS-AK ESSDERC ESSCIRC Workshop on Sept. 20, 2013 in Bucharest (RO). The event will open next decade of enabling compact modeling R&D exchange.  

The final workshop program as well as all further details and updates are on-line: <

- with regards - WG (for the MOS-AK/GSA Committee

MOS-AK Workshop Program

 9:00 - 12:00Morning Session - Chair: Prof. Andrei Vladimirescu, ISEP (F); UCB (USA)
O_1 Welcome and Workshop Opening
W. Grabinski
MOS-AK Group (EU)
T_2 SPICE - MOS-AK Keynote
Larry Nagel
Omega Enterprises Consulting (USA)
T_3 NGSPICE: recent progresses and future plans
Paolo Nenzi*, Francesco Lannutti*, Robert Larice**, Holger Vogt**, Dietmar Warning**
*DIET - Sapienza University of Roma (I), ** NGSPICE Development Team
T_4 KCL and Linear/NonLinear Separation in NGSPICE
Francesco Lannutti
DIET - Sapienza University of Roma (I) and NGSPICE Development Team

Coffee Break
T_5 Modeling Junction Less FETs
Jean-Michel Sallese, Farzan Jazaeri, Lucian Barbut
T_6 HiSIM-Compact Modeling Framework
Hans Juergen Mattausch
Uni. Hiroshima (J)
P_7 The Correct Account of Nonzero Differential Conductance in the Saturation Regime in the MOSFET Compact Model
Valentin Turin*, Gennady Zebrev**, Sergey Makarov***, Benjamin Iniguez****, and Michael Shur*****
*State University-ESPC (RU),**MEPHI (RU),***SYMICA Inc (RU),****URV (SP),*****RPI (USA)
12:00 -13:00
Lunch Break
13:00 -16:00
Afternoon Session - Chair: W. Grabinski, MOS-AK Group
T_8 State of the Art Modeling of Passive CMOS Components
Bernd Landgraf 
Infineon Technologies (A)
T_9 Compact I-V Model of Amorphous Oxide TFTs
Benjamin Iniguez*,Alejandra Castro-Carranza* , Muthupandian Cheralathan* , Slobodan Mijalkovic**, Pedro Barquinha***, Elvira Fortunato***, Rodrigo Martins***,Magali Estrada****, and Antonio Cerdeira****
*URV (SP), **Silvaco Ltd (UK), ***UNL(P), ****CINVESTAV (MEX)

Coffee Break
T_10 Three-Dimensional Electro-Thermal Circuit Model of Power Super-Junction MOSFET
Aleš Chvála, Daniel Donoval, Juraj Marek, Patrik Príbytný and Marián Molnár
Institute of Electronics and Photonics, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (SK)
T_11 A Close Comparison of Silicon and Silicon Carbide Double Gate JFETs
Matthias Bucher, Rupendra Sharma
Technical University of Crete, Chania, (GR)
T_12 Towards wide-frequency substrate model of advanced FDSOI MOSFET
Sergej Makovejev, Valeriya Kilchytska, Jean-Pierre Raskin, Denis Flandre
End of the MOS-AK Workshop

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Jul 8, 2013

[repost nanobuff] On compact modeling

Posted on June 27, 2013 on nanobuff
"While the modeling industry is full of software solutions for all sorts of things in the operation of electronics from the very low to the very high level, there seems to be very sparse tools for simulating radiation effects. This would be normal if there was little interest or public research on the subject, but that is not the case. The models are out there, most of the basic concepts have been examined lots of decades ago, so what is stopping the industry? I really don’t know and I will not even try to answer.

Having said that, I would also like to state that compact modelling, in the case of radiation effects, is at least beneath me. I recently found this old compact modelling project. It is like a plugin to the Silvaco software. How would a compact modelling platform work in the ever-reducing dimensions of today? Things get fairly uncertain below 0.1 µm gate lengths. We need 3D, we need quantum models etc. just for the operation. And for the radiation part? That is now a materials science problem, I guess. And if you decide to go Monte Carlo, that’s even more demanding. The problem seems to be a “chicken and egg” one. We need more processing power to be able to simulate our next generation electronics that will give us more processing power."

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Jul 5, 2013

Third Berkeley Symposium on Energy Efficient Electronic Systems

Time: October 28 - 29, 2013
Place: Sutardja Dai Hall, UCB, California, USA

Message from Symposium Organizers
Once again, we look forward to hosting another Berkeley Symposium on Energy Efficient Electronic Systems, a forum that we founded in 2009. Biennially, we bring together researchers who are working on breakthrough improvements in energy efficiency for information processing systems. Our goal is that the Symposium continue to be a venue for the attendees to gain an integrated perspective of the challenges and advances in this domain of technology through sessions that cover the entire food chain, from devices to systems. As in the two previous symposia, we expect that the academic setting of UC Berkeley will encourage open exchanges of ideas, and foster closer cooperation and collaborations among the researchers.

For the first time, we welcome IEEE Electronic Devices Society as a technical co-sponsor. Also new, the 2013 Organizing Committee is issuing a Call for Papers. These changes are intended to broaden participation at the Symposium, thereby furthering the Symposium's goal of fostering information exchanges and collaborations.

We look forward to seeing you at the 3rd Berkeley Symposium on Energy Efficient Electronic Systems.

Eli Yablonovitch, Co-Chair, Organizing Committee
Jeffrey Bokor, Co-Chair, Organizing Committee

[Symposium Link]

Jul 4, 2013

URSI-C Commission Workshop (Kawasaki)

Theme: "Simulation Techniques for wireless communication integrated circuit design" 

Sponsored by:
  • IEEE MTT-S Japan Chapter 
  • IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter 
  • IEEE VT-S Japan Chapter 
  • IEEE SSC-S Japan Chapter 
Date and time: Friday, 12:30 to 16:30, July 05, 2013
Location:  Toshiba Science Museum (directions from Komukaitoshiba town)
Entry fee: Free

12:15 - 12:30 Reception
12:30 - 13:15 Toshiba Science Museum tour
13:30 - 13:40 Opening Remarks Masahiro Morikura (Kyoto University)
13:40 - 14:20 "High frequency modeling of the MOSFET, including the process variation" Yoshitomi Sadayuki (Toshiba)
14:20 - 15:00 "Challenges and Solutions for RFIC Realization"  Sugaya Hidehiko (Cadence Japan)
15:00 - 15:10 Break (10 minutes)
15:10 - 15:50 "Methodology for substrate coupling analysis with high frequency accuracy" Sotiris Bantas (Helic, Inc.)
15:50 - 16:30 "Behavioral technology of RF transceiver circuit" Takahiro Kikuchi (Agilent Technologies)
16:30 Closing
17:30 - social gathering

[read more...]

Jun 27, 2013

[mos-ak] "Advances in Condensed Matter Physics" Special Issue on Device Modeling

Advances in Condensed Matter Physics is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers are able  to freely access the journal online without the need for a subscription. Moreover, the journal currently has an Impact Factor of 1.158.


This special issue focuses on novel advances in the broad field of device modeling. Models of semiconductor devices are used in circuit simulators in order to predict the functionality of circuits and are an important prerequisite for successful circuit design. The currently available semiconductor models are facing enormous challenges in modeling the observed physical phenomena in the sub-50nm technologies. The demand for advanced models, which can describe emerging devices necessary in the near future and can account for their physical effects, has led to enormous R&D efforts in the development of advanced physics-based models. These novel devices that can reduce the cost of the actual ones (by using organic materials) and/or improve their performances (low leakage, low power, and high speed in a smaller footprint) will be preferred in circuits, thus calling for accurate and reliable models, including new device specific effects. Modeling these devices is of high importance in order to analyze and predict the behaviour of emerging ones, without the high cost necessary to fabricate the real components. For some specific purposes, like power and timing analysis, it is really necessary to incorporate models at gate level, too. These models also suffer the effects of nanoscaling and are currently under intense development.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Modeling the physical behaviour of novel silicon-based FETs (FinFETs, DG FETs, nanowires, junctionless FETs, tunneling FETs, variable barrier transistors, etc.)
  • Modeling the physical behaviour of graphene-based devices
  • Modeling the physical behaviour of organic semiconductor-based devices (OLEDs, junctions, TFTs, sensors, etc.)
  • Device and gate level model implementation for circuit simulations

Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal's Author Guidelines, which are located at

Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at according to the following timetable:


Manuscript Due  Friday, 13 December 2013

First Round of Reviews  Friday, 7 March 2014

Publication Date  Friday, 2 May 2014


Lead Guest Editor

Oana Moldovan, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

Guest Editors 

AlejandraCastro-Carranza, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43007 Tarragona, Spain

François Lime, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43007 Tarragona, Spain

Rodrigo Picos, Universitat de les Illes Balears. Cra. deValldemossa, km 7.5, Palma, Illes Balears, Spain

Bogdan Mihai Nae, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43007 Tarragona, Spain

Spiros Nikolaidis, Aristotle Universityof Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

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