Sep 15, 2024

[C4P] WOSET 2024

Call for Papers
Workshop on Open Source EDA Technologies (WOSET)
Virtual! No registration fee! 
Submission Due Date: Sept 23 2024 

The WOSET workshop aims to galvanize the open-source EDA movement. The workshop will (virtually) bring together EDA researchers who are committed to open-source principles to share their experiences and coordinate efforts towards developing a reliable, fully open-source EDA flow. The workshop will feature presentations that overview existing or under-development open-source tools, designs and technology libraries. Break-out rooms will be utilized for discussion of works-in-progress. The workshop will feature a panel on the present status and future challenges in open-source EDA, and how to coordinate efforts and ensure quality and interoperability across open-source tools.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Overview of an existing or under-development open-source EDA tool.
  • Overview of support infrastructure (e.g. EDA databases and design benchmarks).
  • Open-source cloud-based EDA tools
  • Open-source hardware designs
  • Position statements (e.g. critical gaps, blockers/obstacles)
Submission Information:
  • All submissions must include links to open-source repositories with
  •   all source code and an open-source license (BSD, GPL, Apache, etc.)
  • Please reference your open-source repository!
  • Review is single blind (anonymous reviewers).
  • Videos will be put on the WOSET site if accepted.
  • Virtual presentation for regular papers (in addition to archival video)
  • Regular Paper Submissions (4 pages + 1 page references + 15 min video + virtual presentation)
  • Work in Progress Submissions (2 page abstract + 1 page references + 10 min video + virtual zoom room)
  • Submission site:
Important dates:
  • Sept 23 2024 (end of day, anywhere in the world): submission due date.
  • Oct 18 2024: notification date.
  • Nov 8 2024: video due (if accepted)
  • Nov 18 2024: workshop
  • Matthew Guthaus, UC Santa Cruz 
  • Jose Renau, UC Santa Cruz
Program Chair:
  • Dustin Richmond, UC Santa Cruz
Proceedings Chair:
  • Dan Petrisko, University of Washington
Zoom Chair:
  • Seeking volunteers to help run the virtual meeting
Program Committee:
  • Jonathan Balkind, UC Santa Barbara
  • Tim Edwards, efabless
  • Steve Hoover, Redwood EDA
  • Lucas Klemmer, JKU Linz
  • Dirk Koch, University of Manchester
  • Christian Krieg, TU Wien
  • Rajit Manohar, Yale University
  • Guillem Lopez Paradis, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
  • Frans Skarman, Linköping University
  • Matt Venn, YosysHQ, TinyTapeout

Sep 4, 2024

[C4P] EDTM 2025 in Hong Kong, China

The 9th IEEE Electron Devices Technology
and Manufacturing
Hong Kong, China, March 9th – 12th, 2025
Theme: Shaping the Future with Innovations in Devices and Manufacturing

Call for Papers

Three-page camera-ready paper submission starts: August 15, 2024
Paper submission deadline: October 15, 2024
Notification for Acceptance: December 15, 2024

Technical Areas
EDTM 2025 solicits papers in all areas of electronic devices, including materials, processes, modeling, device/circuit/system design, reliability, packaging, manufacturing, testing, and yield. EDTM 2025 will include parallel technical sessions of oral and poster presentations.

Publication Opportunities
The accepted and presented papers will be published in the EDTM 2025 Proceedings, included in IEEE Xplore. The authors of a selected number of high-impact papers will be invited to submit extended versions for publication in the special issue of IEEE Journal of Electron Devices Society (J-EDS) or IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, subjected to J-EDS and TED policy.

Short Courses and Tutorials
EDTM 2025 will start with a set of short courses and tutorials on March 9, 2025. Tutorials will cover selected topics from the basics to the state-of-the-art. The Short Courses will discuss the latest research and challenges on emerging and advanced topics.

EDTM 2025 offers vendors to showcase their newest products and technologies, allowing attendees to learn about new tools and techniques. Award Opportunities EDTM 2025 offers one Best Paper Award in each sub-technical area.
General Chair:
Yang Chai (HK PolyU)

General Co-Chair:

Tim Cheng (HKUST)

TPC Chair:
Mansun Chan (HKUST)

TPC Co-Chair:

Yansong Yang (HKUST)

Steering Committee:

Shuji Ikeda (TEI Solutions) – Chair
Bin Zhao (CTI)
Arokia Nathan (Cambridge U.)
Ravi Todi (Synopsys)
Murty Polavarapu (BAE)
Roger Booth (Qualcomm)
Samar Saha (Prospicient Devices)
Albert Wang (UC Riverside)
Kazunari Ishimaru (Rapidus)
Yogesh Chauhan (IIT Kanpur)

Executive Committee:
Yang Chai (HK PolyU)
Roger Booth (Qualcomm)
Mansun Chan (HKUST)
Yansong Yang (HKUST)
Ru Huang (Southeast)
Qiming Shao (HKUST)
Merlyne De Souza (U Sheffield)
Pei-Wen Li (NCTU)
Can Li (HKU)
Masumi Saito (Kioxia)
Zhongrui Wang (HKU)
Meiki Ieong (Simbury)
Carmen Fung (HKSTP)
Man Hoi Wong (HKUST)
Roger Booth (Qualcomm)
Huaqiang Wu (Tsinghua)
Rino Choi (Inha U.)
Bernard Lim (Appscard)
Shinichi Yoshida (SONY)
Bill Nehrer (Atomera)
Bich-Yen Nguyen (SOITEC)
Benjamin Iniguez (URV)
Edmundo Gutierrez (INAOE)
Ming Yang (HK PolyU)

Sep 2, 2024

[mos-ak] MOS-AK/ESSERC Workshop in Bruges (B) September 9, 2024

Arbeitskreis Modellierung von Systemen und Parameterextraktion
Modeling of Systems and Parameter Extraction Working Group
MOS-AK/ESSERC Workshop in Bruges (B)
September 9, 2024

Scheduled consecutive 21st MOS-AK/ESSDERC SPICE/Compact Modeling Workshop organized in Bruges, aims to strengthen a network and discussion forum among experts in the field, enhance open platform for information exchange related to compact/SPICE modeling and Verilog-A standardization, bring people in the compact modeling field together, as well as obtain feedback from technology developers, circuit designers, and TCAD/EDA tool developers and vendors. The content will be beneficial for anyone who needs to learn what is really behind the FOSS CAD/EDA IC simulation in modern device models in OpenPDKs. The MOS-AK workshop program is available online

It will be followed by ESSERC W13 Workshop "The Future of CMOS: Building an Infrastructure to Fill the Gap with the VLSI Design Research Ecosystem", which will link the W13 workshop to the pathfinding PDK as an important tool to enable interaction within the academic research ecosystem. The workshop would end with a panel discussion where the different speakers can exchange their views on how to build the proper infrastructure for this evolution. The W13/ESSERC workshop program is available online:

Our industrial partner is organizing a complementary Keysight Device Modeling Connect Seminar. The seminar program available online

-- W.Grabinski on the behalf of International MOS-AK Committee

Enabling Compact Modeling R&D Exchange


Jul 23, 2024

[mos-ak] [upcoming events] MOS-AK workshop series

The MOS-AK Association continue SPICE modeling discussions and its standardization efforts by organizing future compact modeling meetings, workshops and panels around the globe thru the 2024 Year, including:
-- W.Grabinski on the behalf of the International MOS-AK Committee

Enabling Compact Modeling R&D Exchange


Jul 22, 2024

[open letter] EU must keep funding free software

Initially published by petites singularités. English translation provided by OW2.

Since 2020, Next Generation Internet (NGI) programmes, part of European Commission’s Horizon programme, fund free software in Europe using a cascade funding mechanism (see for example NLnet’s calls). This year, according to the Horizon Europe working draft detailing funding programmes for 2025, we notice that Next Generation Internet is not mentioned any more as part of Cluster 4.

NGI programmes have shown their strength and importance to supporting the European software infrastructure, as a generic funding instrument to fund digital commons and ensure their long-term sustainability. We find this transformation incomprehensible, moreover when NGI has proven efficient and economical to support free software as a whole, from the smallest to the most established initiatives. This ecosystem diversity backs the strength of European technological innovation, and maintaining the NGI initiative to provide structural support to software projects at the heart of worldwide innovation is key to enforce the sovereignty of a European infrastructure. Contrary to common perception, technical innovations often originate from European rather than North American programming communities, and are mostly initiated by small-scaled organizations.

Previous Cluster 4 allocated 27 million euros to:
  • “Human centric Internet aligned with values and principles commonly shared in Europe” ;
  • “A flourishing internet, based on common building blocks created within NGI, that enables better control of our digital life” ;
  • “A structured ecosystem of talented contributors driving the creation of new internet commons and the evolution of existing internet commons”.
In the name of these challenges, more than 500 projects received NGI funding in the first 5 years, backed by 18 organisations managing these European funding consortia.

NGI contributes to a vast ecosystem, as most of its budget is allocated to fund third parties by the means of open calls, to structure commons that cover the whole Internet scope - from hardware to application, operating systems, digital identities or data traffic supervision. This third-party funding is not renewed in the current program, leaving many projects short on resources for research and innovation in Europe.

Moreover, NGI allows exchanges and collaborations across all the Euro zone countries as well as “widening countries”1, currently both a success and an ongoing progress, likewise the Erasmus programme before us.  NGI is also an initiative that contributes to the opening and maintenance of relationships over a longer period of time than project financing. It encourages implementing projects funded as pilots, backing collaboration, identification and reuse of common elements across projects, interoperability in identification systems and beyond, and setting up development models that mix diverse scales and types of European funding schemes.

While the USA, China or Russia deploy huge public and private resources to develop software and infrastructure that massively capture private consumer data, the EU can’t afford this renunciation. Free and open source software, as supported by NGI since 2020, is by design the opposite of potential vectors for foreign interference. It lets us keep our data local and favors a community-wide economy and know-how, while allowing an international collaboration. This is all the more essential in the current geopolitical context: the challenge of technological sovereignty is central, and free software allows addressing it while acting for peace and sovereignty in the digital world as a whole.

Original text and list of signatories:

[1] As defined by Horizon Europe, widening Member States are Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lituania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Widening associated countries (under condition of an association agreement) include Albania, Armenia, Bosnia, Feroe Islands, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldavia, Montenegro, Morocco, North Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine. Widening overseas regions are: Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique, Reunion Island, Mayotte, Saint-Martin, The Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands.