Apr 21, 2021

[paper] Physical parameter-based data-driven modeling

Gokhan Satilmis1, Filiz Gunes2, Peyman Mahouti3
Physical parameter-based data-driven modeling of small signal parameters of a metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 
(IJNM 2020): e2840

1 Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering, Mus¸ Alparslan University, Mus, Turkey
2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
3 Department of Electronic and Automation, Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Istanbul University Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, Turkey

Abstract: In this work, physical parameter-based modeling of small signal parameters for a metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFET) has been carried out as continuous functions of drain voltage, gate voltage, frequency, and gate width. For this purpose, a device simulator has been used to generate a big dataset of which the physical device parameters included material type, doping concentration and profile, contact type, gate length, gate width, and work function. Five state-of-the-art algorithms: multi-layer perceptron (MLP), IBk, K*, Bagging, and REPTree have been used for creating a regression model. The symbolic regression algorithm has been used to obtain analytical expressions of the real and imaginary parts of the Scattering (S) parameters using the physics-based generated dataset. The regression performances of all the benchmarks and the symbolic regression have been compared to references from the device simulator results. The results of the derived equations and the best algorithms have been then compared to the device simulator results, with case studies for validation. The DC performance characteristics of the MESFET have been also obtained. The proposed model can be used to predict the small signal parameters of new devices prior to development, and allows for both the device and circuit to be optimized for specific applications.

Fig: Input and output parameters used for the MESFET simulations

Acknowledgements: We would like to express our special appreciation and gratitude to the DataRobot Company for providing the software license

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April 20, 2021 at 11:56PM

Apr 20, 2021

[papers] Compact Modeling

[1] Nicolo Zagni; Simulation and Modeling Methods for Predicting Performance and Reliability Limits of 21st-Century Electronics; PhD Thesis, Universita Degli Estudi Di Modena e Reggio Emilia; Anno Accademico 2019–2020 (CICLO XXXIII)

Abstract: In recent years, a plethora of novel semiconductor devices have started emerging as worthy heirs of Silicon-based transistors – giving rise to the ’post-Moore’ era. Traditional electronics is mostly based on Si devices, – from logic to memory, to high frequency/power and sensing applications – but this paradigm is changing thanks to the developments in different fields ranging from physics and semiconductor materials, to processing techniques and computing architectures. In this hectic new scenario, before even considering a new technology as a replacement of the existing ones, the limiting factors to its performance and reliability need to be well-understood and engineered for. In this sense, simulations and physics-based modeling represent critical tools to make sure that newly conceived technologies stand up to the requirements of 21st century electronics. In this thesis, state-of-the-art simulation and compact modeling tools are exploited to analyze the performance and reliability limits of several emerging technologies. Specifically, this dissertation is focused on four application scenarios and the relative candidate technologies that aim to providing enhanced performance/reliability compared to Si-based counterparts. These are: i) III-V MOSFETs for logic/digital circuits, ii) resistive-RAMs and ferroelectric-FETs for non-volatile memory and in-memory computing, iii) GaN-based high-speed transistors for power applications, and iv) negative capacitance transistors for biosensing.

Fig: Energy bandgap (Eg) vs lattice constant (a) of different semiconductor materials, showing that In0.57Ga0.43As has the same lattice constant as InP. Adapted from: https://www.iue.tuwien.ac.at/phd/brech/diss.htm (visited on 12/20/2020).

[2] G. Maroli, A. Fontana, S. M. Pazos, F. Palumbo and P. Julián, "A Geometric Modeling Approach for Flexible, Printed Square Planar Inductors under Stretch," 2021 Argentine Conference on Electronics (CAE), Bahia Blanca, Argentina, 2021, pp. 61-66, DOI: 10.1109/CAE51562.2021.9397568.

Abstract: In this work a compact model for square planar inductors printed on flexible substrate is proposed. The approach considers the deformation of the metal traces of square spiral inductors when the substrate is subjected to physical stretch. The model considers a typical pi-network for the device, where each component is calculated for different stretching values adapting widely accepted models on the literature for the total inductance, the AC resistance and the ground coupling and inter-wounding capacitances. Model results are contrasted to 3D full electromagnetic wave simulations under parametric sweeps of the dimensions calculated under stretch. Results show good agreement within a 20 % stretch up to the first resonance frequency of the structure. The model can prove useful for the optimization of component design for printed applications on flexible substrates.

[3] H. Kikuchihara et al., "Modeling of SJ-MOSFET for High-Voltage Applications with Inclusion of Carrier Dynamics during Switching," 2021 International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), Higashihiroshima, Japan, 2021, pp. 1-4, DOI: 10.1109/ISDCS52006.2021.9397904.

Abstract: Demands for higher-voltage MOSFET application are increasing, for which a Super-Junction MOSFET, sustaining the voltages in the range of 500V, has been developed based on the trench-type structure. Due to the huge bias applied, a new leakage-current type is induced during switching, which causes a switching-power-loss increase. Creating a compact model for circuit design, which includes this additional leakage current, is the purpose of the present development. The model describes the depletion-width variation, caused during the switching-on of the device, with the use of the internal node potential, determined accurately by iteration. It is verified, that the new compact model can accurately predict the device performances for different device structures. This capability can be used for device optimization to realize low-power circuitry.

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April 19, 2021 at 11:59PM

Apr 19, 2021

[paper] Deep-Learning Assisted Compact Modeling

Hei Kam
Deep-Learning Assisted Compact Modeling of Nanoscale Transistor
CS230 Deep Learning; Stanford University (2021)

Abstract - Transistors are the basic building blocks for all electronics. Accurate prediction of their current-voltage (IV) characteristics enables circuit simulations before the expensive silicon tape-out. In this work, we propose using deep neural network to improve the accuracy for the conventional, physics-based compact model for nanoscale transistors. Physics-driven requirements on the neural network are discussed. Using finite element simulation as the input dataset, together with a neural network with roughly 30 neurons, the final IV model can well-predict the IV to within 1%. This modelling methodologies can be extended for other transistor properties such as capacitance-voltage (CV) characteristics, and the trained model can readily be implemented by the hardware description language (HDL) such as Verilog-A for circuit simulation. The EKV model [1-2] is used as an example. Other transistor models such as BSIM-MG [3] or PSP [4] model can also be used.

Fig: Architecture for the 3-layer neural network together with the aforementioned transformation T. Hyperbolic tangent function tanh(x) is used as the activation function for the input and hidden layers due to its infinite differentiability.

[1] Enz, Christian C., Eric A. Vittoz; "Charge-based MOS transistor modeling." John Wiely & Sons Inc 68 (2006).
[2] FOSS EKV 2.6 Compact Model <https://github.com/ekv26/model>
[3] Khandelwal, Sourabh, et al. "BSIM-IMG: A compact model for ultrathin-body SOI MOSFETs with back-gate control." IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 59.8 (2012): 2019-2026.
[4] Gildenblat, G., et al. "PSP Model." Department of Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University and Philips Research, (Aug. 2005)