Nov 27, 2020

£20m for Turing Fellowships

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November 27, 2020 at 03:26PM

[paper] Trillion-transistor chip breaks speed record

Kamil Rocki∗, Dirk Van Essendelft†, Ilya Sharapov∗, Robert Schreiber∗, Michael Morrison∗, Vladimir Kibardin∗, Andrey Portnoy∗, Jean Francois Dietiker†‡, Madhava Syamlal†
and Michael James∗
Fast Stencil-Code Computation on a Wafer-Scale Processor
Online SC20 Supercomputing Conference
arXiv:2010.03660 [cs.DC] (2020)

∗ Cerebras Systems Inc., Los Altos, California, USA
† National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
‡ Leidos Research Support Team, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Abstract: The performance of CPU-based and GPUbased systems is often low for PDE codes, where large, sparse, and often structured systems of linear equations must be solved. Iterative solvers are limited by data movement, both between caches and memory and between nodes. Here we describe the solution of such systems of equations on the Cerebras Systems CS-1, a wafer-scale processor that has the memory bandwidth and communication latency to perform well. We achieve 0.86 PFLOPS on a single wafer-scale system for the solution by BiCGStab of a linear system arising from a 7-point finite difference stencil on a 600 × 595 × 1536 mesh, achieving about one third of the machine’s peak performance. We explain the system, its architecture and programming, and its performance on this problem and related problems. We discuss issues of memory capacity and floating point precision. We outline plans to extend this work towards full applications.
Fig: CS-1 Wafer Scale Engine (WSE). A single wafer (rightmost) contains one CS-1 processor. Each processor is a collection of dies arranged in a 2D fashion (middle). Dies are then further subdivided into a grid of tiles. One die hosts thousands of computational cores, memory and routers (leftmost). There is no logical discontinuity between adjacent dies and there is no additional bandwidth penalty for crossing the die-die barrier. In total, there are 1.2 trillion transistors in an area of 462.25 cm2.

Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank Natalia Vassilieva for initiating the collaboration between Cerebras Systems and NETL and for her subsequent help with the project.

Nov 26, 2020

[book] MEMS Fundamentals

MEMS Fundamentals
with ANSYS simulation of basic sensors and actuators
Michał Szermer, Andrzej Napieralski (Eds.)
ISBN eBook: 978-83-66287-64-8, 9788366287648
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej

MEMS Fundamentals
Intro: The purpose of this book is to help universities and individuals extend their traditional microelectronics education into the MEMS area. It is organized in a set of tutorials primarily aimed at electronic engineering students and practicing engineers. Based on carefully selected examples of sensors and actuators, it introduces the reader to device operating principles, modeling approaches, simulation tools and design methodologies.

Book Contents Preface
1.1. Program description
1.2. References
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Modeling
2.2.1. Getting started
2.2.2. Setting system of units
2.2.3. Selecting finite element types
2.2.4. Setting material properties
2.2.5. Defining geometry
2.2.6. Meshing
2.2.7. Selecting analysis type
2.2.8. Applying boundary conditions
2.2.9. Running analysis
2.2.10. Viewing simulation results
2.3. Tasks for students
2.4. References
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Modeling
3.2.1. Getting started
3.2.2. Defining geometry
3.2.3. Setting material properties
3.2.4. Setting finite element types
3.2.5. Meshing
3.2.6. Selecting analysis type
3.2.7. Applying boundary conditions
3.2.8. Running analysis
3.2.9. Viewing simulation results
3.3. Automation of MEMS thermal actuator design
3.3.1. Simulation of thermal actuator with varying heater temperature
3.3.2. Viewing and saving simulation results using POST1 postprocessor
3.3.3. Plotting relationships
3.3.4. Tasks for students
3.4. References
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Modeling
4.2.1. Getting started
4.2.2. Defining geometry
4.2.3. Setting finite element types
4.2.4. Setting material properties
4.2.5. Meshing
4.2.6. Applying boundary conditions Clamp Temperature Voltage
4.2.7. Selecting analysis type
4.2.8. Running analysis
4.2.9. Viewing simulation results Displacement Voltage Temperature
4.3. Tasks for students
4.4. References
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Modeling
5.2.1. Getting started
5.2.2. Defining geometry
5.2.3. Setting finite element types
5.2.4. Setting material properties
5.2.5. Meshing
5.2.6. Applying boundary conditions
5.2.7. Selecting analysis type
5.2.8. Running analysis
5.2.9. Viewing simulation results
5.3. Tasks for students
5.4. References
6.1. Membranes
6.2. Membrane modeling
6.3. Design and modeling of the membrane
6.3.1. Introduction to ANSYS
6.3.2. Getting started
6.3.3. Defining geometry
6.3.4. Setting up the simulation
6.3.5. Results processing
6.4. Exercises for Students
6.4.1. Laboratory tasks
6.4.2. Individual tasks
6.5. References
7.1. Microbolometer principle
7.2. Microbolometer design with ANSYS Workbench
7.2.1. Getting started
7.2.2. Defining geometry
7.2.3. Adding materials’ data to the project
7.2.4. Electrical simulation
7.2.5. Thermal simulation
7.2.6. Exercises for students
7.2.7. Transient thermal simulation
7.2.8. Exercises for students
7.3. References

Nov 25, 2020

[GUEST EDITORIAL] Women in Circuits

Zeynep Toprak-Deniz
Women in Circuits 
DOI 10.1109/MSSC.2020.3021864 (18 November 2020)

The “Rising to the Top in Industry” career panel touched upon topics including mentoring, setting career goals, filing patents, and management versus technical tracks.

At the 2020 International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), the Women in Circuits (WiC) Committee hosted the first-ever Rising Stars workshop for graduate and undergraduate students as well as young professionals who have graduated within the last two years and are interested in learning how to excel in academic and industry careers in computer science and electrical engineering. Twenty individuals were selected to attend a special dinner featuring a keynote speech by Prof. Anantha P. Chandrakasan - already a risen star - and a mentoring session with committee members. The event also included two panels. The “Rising to the Top in Industry” career panel touched upon topics including mentoring, setting career goals, filing patents, and management versus technical tracks. The “Navigating the Assistant Professorship” panel addressed topics related to applying for a faculty position, tenure review, and managing day-to-day life in academia. The panels were open to all ISSCC 2020 attendees and the public and attracted more than 300 participants. This Fall 2020 issue of IEEE SolidState Circuits Magazine on WiC follows the tradition of previous issues since 2017, enabling more exposure to female leaders through exposition of their work in circuits on a variety of important topics. The following IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society members were asked to contribute tutorials for this issue:

  • Jane Gu, associate professor at the University of California, Davis, and member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) for the IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), and ISSCC, is an associate editor of IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters and VLSI Journal of Integration and guest editor of IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC).
  • Ulkuhan Guler, assistant professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, is a senior member of JSSC and serves on the CICC TPC.
  • Alicia Klinefelter, senior research scientist in the ASIC and VLSI research group at NVIDIA, has served on the ISSCC TPC since 2018.
  • Yan Li, vice president for memory design at Western Digital, leading the design of advanced 3D NAND as well as other nonvolatile memories and new innovation initiatives, serves on the ISSCC Machine Learning TPC.
  • Rabia Yazicigil, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University and visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was vice-chair of the 2020 Rising Stars workshop.
  • Maneesha Yellepeddi, manager of the Programmable Solutions Group at Intel, is an alumnus of the 2020 Rising Stars workshop.

ISSCC 2021 will continue this tradition by hosting another Sunday evening workshop bringing together experts in cloud-connected biosensors, advance algorithms, and artificial intelligence to discuss our preparedness for combating the spread of infectious diseases now and in the future. The “ICs in PandemICs” panel will feature recent work on remote patient monitoring and data analysis with related security and privacy concerns. I hope to see you all there!

Fwd: Online Skill Enhancement Program for SCIENCE Students to be held during December 02 - 08, 2020 from 05:00 pm - 06:30 pm daily.

On behalf of the DBT Star College Program and Department of Electronics
We invite all FIRST AND SECOND Year science students of your institution to join 
the Online Skill Enhancement Program 
to be held during 
December 02 - 08, 2020 from 05:00 pm - 06:30 pm daily

Kindly register via Zoom Link No Registration Fees:  

The objective of the program is to make the students first feel comfortable in their new environment, open them up, create bonding and to connect, learn new things about sensors, mechanics, control, programming the microcontroller to see how it works and controls various aspects be they of biology, zoology, chemistry, physics, mathematics or computers. So this workshop will be useful for all science students to help them explore their knowledge in their fields as well as other fields. Today there is a need to take the concepts of various fields together. This is to skill them in the basic concepts of programming the robotic and control aspects of various applications and sensitize them towards exploring their academic interest and activities.

This program will provide an opportunity for all the science stream students to get some experience in the new way and enhance their knowledge towards interdisciplinary learning. 
All students having a passion to learn and explore a new world of automation and control and start experimenting with robotic applications are most welcome to participate.

Organizing Committee
Dr. Poonam Kasturi
Convener-DBT Star College Program (Electronics)
Teacher-in-Charge, Department of Electronics
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College
University of Delhi
Dr. Manoj Saxena | डॉ मनोज  सक्सेना 
Program Coordinator - DBT Star College Program (DDUC)
Associate Professor सह - आचार्य
Department of Electronics | इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स विभाग
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College | दीन दयाल उपाध्याय कॉलेज
University of Delhi | दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय
Dwarka Sector-3, New Delhi-110078 | द्वारका क्षेत्र -, नई दिल्ली -११००७८
India | भारत