Nov 24, 2020

[paper] Compact Models for Sizing Based on ANN

Husni Habal, Dobroslav Tsonev, Matthias Schweikardt 
Compact Models for Initial MOSFET Sizing Based on Higher-order Artificial Neural Networks
ACM/IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for CAD (MLCAD ’20)
Nov. 16–20, 2020, Virtual Event, Iceland. ACM, pp. 111-116
DOI: 10.1145/3380446.3430632
1Infineon Technologies AG Munich, Germany
2LogiqWorks Ltd. Sofia, Bulgaria
3Reutlingen University Reutlingen, Germany

Abstract: Simple MOSFET models intended for hand analysis are inaccurate in deep sub-micrometer process technologies and in the moderate inversion region of device operation. Accurate models, such as BSIM6 model, are too complex for use in hand analysis and are intended for circuit simulators. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are efficient at capturing both linear and non-linear multivariate relationships. In this work, a straightforward modeling technique is presented using ANNs to replace the BSIM model equations. Existing open-source libraries are used to quickly build models with error rates generally below 3%. When combined with a novel approach, such as the gm/Id systematic design method, the presented models are sufficiently accurate for use in the initial sizing of analog circuit components without simulation.

Figure: ANN Model Architecture.

Nov 23, 2020

[paper] Noise Modeling of Gate Leakage Current in Nanoscale MOSFETs

Jonghwan Lee* 
Noise Modeling of Gate Leakage Current in Nanoscale MOSFETs
Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology, 
Vol. 19, No. 3. September 2020

*Department of System Semiconductor Engineering, Sangmyung University

Abstract: The physics-based compact gate leakage current noise models in nanoscale MOSFETs are developed in such a way that the models incorporate important physical effects and are suitable for circuit simulators, including QM (quantummechanical) effects. An emphasis on the trap-related parameters of noise models is laid to make the models adaptable to the variations in different process technologies and to make its parameters easily extractable from measured data. With the help of an accurate and generally applicable compact noise models, the compact noise models are successfully implemented into BSIM (Berkeley Short-channel IGFET Model) format. It is shown that the noise models have good agreement with measurements over the frequency, gate-source and drain-source bias ranges.
Fig: Implementation of the gate leakage current and noise models into the BSIM model

Input deck to simulate MOSFET Noise
m1 2 1 0 0 mod1 L=10u W=10u
vgs 1 0 dc 1.4 ac 1
vds 3 0 dc 0.3
rdd 2 3 1
.include model.TI_nmos
.dc vgs 1 5 0.5
.print dc igd(vgs)
.ac dec 10 1 100Meq
.noise v(2) vgs dec 10 1 100Meg 1
.plot noise onoisa inoise

[conference] SISPAD 2020 Technical Program

1st group; (from 9:00 am on Sep. 23 to 11:59 pm on Sep. 28, JST)
Opening and Welcome Remarks Yoshinari Kamakura; (Osaka Inst. Tech., Japan)

Session 1: Plenary Chairperson: Tatsuya Kunikiyo; (Renesas, Japan)
[1-1] Invited Talk "Forefront of Silicon Quantum Computing"; Kohei M. Itoh; (Keio Univ., Japan) pp.1
[1-2] Invited Talk "Ab-initio quantum transport with a basis of unit-cell restricted Bloch functions and the NEGF formalism"; Marco Pala; (CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, France) pp.3
[1-3] Invited Talk "Future of Power Electronics from TCAD Perspective"; Terry Ma; (Synopsys, U.S.A.) pp.7

Session 2: Band Structure Chairperson: Chioko Kaneta; (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
[2-1] Invited Talk "Computics Approach toward Clarification of Atomic Reactions during Epitaxial Growth of GaN"; Atsushi Oshiyama; (Nagoya Univ., Japan) pp.11
[2-2] "Estimation of Phonon Mean Free Path in Small-Scaled Si Wire by Monte Carlo Simulation"; Y. Suzuki1, Y. Fujita1, K. Fauziah2, T. Nogita2 H. Ikeda2, T. Watanabe3, Y. Kamakura1; (1 Osaka Inst. Tech., 2 Shizuoka Univ., 3 Waseda Univ., Japan) pp.15
[2-3] "First-principles study of dopant trap level and concentration in Si(110)/a-SiO2 interface"; G.Kang, J. Jeon, J. Kim, H. Ahn, I. Jang, D. Kim; (Samsung Electronics, Korea) pp.19
[2-4] "Energy Band Calculation of Si/Si0.7Ge0.3 Nanopillars in k Space"; M-H Chuang, Y. Li; (National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan) pp.23
[2-5] "Full Band Monte Carlo simulation of phonon transfer at interfaces"; N. D. Le1, B. Davier1,2, P. Dollfus1, M. Pala1, A. Bournel1, J. Saint-Martin1; (1 Universite Paris-Saclay, CNRS, France, 2 Univ. Tokyo, Japan) pp.27
[2-6] "First Principle Simulations of Electronic and Optical Properties of a Hydrogen Terminated Diamond Doped by a Molybdenum Oxide Molecule"; J.McGhee, V. P. Georgiev; (Univ. Glasgow, U.K.) pp.31

Session 3: Computational Methodology Chairpersons: Yiming Li; (National Chao Tung Univ., Taiwan)Victor Moroz; (Synopsys, U.S.A.)
[3-1] "High-sigma analysis of DRAM write and retention performance: a TCAD-to-SPICE approach"; S. M. Amoroso1, J. Lee1, A. R. Brown1, P. Asenov1, X. W. Lin2, T. Yang3, V. Moroz2; (1 Synopsys Europe, U.K., 2 Synopsys, U.S.A., 3 Synopsys Taiwan, Taiwan) pp.35
[3-2] "Generative Model Based Adaptive Importance Sampling for Flux Calculations in Process TCAD"; A. Scharinger1, P. Manstetten1, A. Hossinger2, J. Weinbub1; (1 TU Wien, Austria, 2 Silvaco Europe, U.K.) pp.39
[3-3] "Implant heating contribution to amorphous layer: a KMC approach"; P. L. Julliard1,2, P. Dumas1, F. Monsieur1, F. Hilario1, D. Rideau1, A. Hemeryck2, F.Cristiano2; (1 STMicroelectronics, France, 2 LAAS-CNRS, Univ. Toulouse, France) pp.43
[3-4] "Automatic Modeling of Logic Device Performance Based on Machine Learning Utilizing Feature Engineering"; S. Kim, K. Lee, Y. Shin, K. Chang, J. Jeong, S. Baek, M. Kang, K. Cho, D. Kim; (Samsung Electronics, Korea) pp.47
[3-5] "Gummel-cycle Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioning for Large-scale Device Simulations"; H. Koshimoto1, H. Ishimabuchi2, J. Yoo2, Y. Kayama1, S. Yamada1, U. Kwon2, D. S. Kim2; (1 Samsung R&D Inst. Japan, Japan, 2 Samsung Electronics, Korea) pp.51
[3-6] "A continuous cellular automaton method with flux interpolation for two-dimensional electron gas electron transport analysis"; K.Fukuda1, J. Hattori1, H. Asai1, J. Yaita2, J. Kotani2; (1 AIST, Japan, 2 Fujitsu, Japan) pp.55
[3-7] "Geometric Advection Algorithm for Process Emulation"; X.Klemenschits, S. Selberherr, L. Filipovic; (TU Wien, Austria) pp.59

Session 4: Nanowire Chairperson: Susanna Reggiani; (Univ. Bologna, Italy)
[4-1] "Performance and Leakage Analysis of Si and Ge NWFETs Using a Combined Subband BTE and WKB Approach"; Z. Stanojevic, K. Steiner, G. Strof, O. Baumgartner, G. Rzepa, M. Karner; (Global TCAD Solutions, Austria) pp.63
[4-2] "Molecular Dynamics Modeling of the Radial Heat Transfer from Silicon Nanowires"; I. Bejenari1, A. Burenkov1, P. Pichler1, I. Deretzis2, A. La Magna2; (1 Fraunhofer IISB, Germany, 2 CNR-IMM, Italy) pp.67
[4-3] "Advanced simulations on laser annealing: explosive crystallization and phonon transport corrections"; A. Sciuto1,2, I. Deretzis1, S. F. Lombardo1, M. G. Grimaldi2, K. Huet3, B. Curvers3, B. Lespinasse3, A. Verstraete3, I. Bejenari4, A. Burenkov4, P. Pichler4, A. La Magna1; (1 CNR-IMM, Italy, 2 Univ. Catania, Italy, 3 LASSE laser systems and solutions of Europe, France, 4 Fraunhofer IISB, Germany) pp.71
[4-4] "Effect of Unit-Cell Arrangement on performance of Multi-Stage-planar Cavity-free Unileg Thermoelectric Generator Using Silicon Nanowires"; K. Abe1, K. Oda1, M. Tomita1, T. Matsukawa2, T. Matsuki1,2, T. Watanabe1; (1 Waseda Univ., Japan, 2 AIST, Japan) pp.75
[4-5] "Characteristics of Gate-All-Around Silicon Nanowire and Nanosheet MOSFETs with Various Spacers"; S. R. Kola, Y. Li, N. Thoti; (National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan) pp.79

Session 5: Material and Geometry Impact Chairpersons: Jun’ichi Hattori; (AIST, Japan)William Vandenberghe; (Univ. Texas at Dallas, U.S.A.)
[5-1] Invited Talk "On the Physical Mechanism of Negative Capacitance Effect in Ferroelectric FET"; Masaharu Kobayashi; (Univ. Tokyo, Japan) pp.83
[5-2] "Undoped SiGe material calibration for numerical laser annealing simulations"; A-S. Royet1, L. Dagault1,2, S. Kerdiles1, P. Acosta-Alba1, J. P. Barnes1, F. Cristiano2, H. Huet3; (1 Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France, 2 LAAS, CNRS Univ. Toulouse, France, 3 Laser Systems & Solutions of Europe, France) pp.89
[5-3] "TCAD simulation for transition metal dichalcogenide channel Tunnel FETs consistent with ab-initio based NEGF calculation"; H. Asai1, T. Kuroda2, K. Fukuda1, J. Hattori1, T. Ikegami1, N. Mori2; (1 AIST, Japan, 2 Osaka Univ., Japan) pp.93
[5-4] "Ab Initio Study of Magnetically Intercalated Tungsten Diselenide"; P. D. Reyntjens1,2,3, S. Tiwari1,2,3, M. L. Van de Put1, B. Sor´ee2,3,4, W. G. Vandenberghe1; (1 Univ. Texas at Dallas, U.S.A., 2 Imec, Belgium, 3 KU Leuven, Belgium, 4 Univ. Antwerp, Belgium) pp.97
[5-5] "A Study of Wiggling AA modeling and Its Impact on Device Performance in Advanced DRAM"; Q.Wang, Y. D. Chen, J. Huang, W. Liu, E. Joseph; (Lam Research, China) pp.101
[5-6] "Reactive Force-Field Molecular Dynamics Study of the Silicon-Germanium Deposition Processes by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition"; N. Uene1, T. Mabuchi1, M. Zaitsu2, S. Yasuhara2, T. Tokumasu1; (1 Tohoku Univ., Japan, 2 Japan Advanced Chemicals, Japan) pp.105

2nd group; (from 9:00 am on Sep. 28 to 11:59 pm on Oct. 3, JST)
Session 6: Reliability Chairpersons: Markus Karner; (Global TCAD Solutions, Austria)Hajime Tanaka; (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
[6-1] "Universal Feature of Trap-Density Increase in Aged MOSFET and Its Compact Modeling"; F. Avila Herrera1, M. Miura-Mattausch1, T. Iizuka1, H. Kikuchihara1, H. J. Mattausch1, H.Takatsuka2; (1 Hiroshima Univ., Japan, 2 USJC, Japan) pp.109
[6-2] "TCAD Incorporation of Physical Framework to Model N and P BTI in MOSFETs"; R. Tiwari, N. Chowdhury, T. Samadder, S. Mukhopadhyay, N. Parihar, S. Mahapatra; (Indian Inst. Tech., India) pp.113
[6-3] "Benchmarking Charge Trapping Models with NBTI, TDDS and RTN Experiments"; S.Bhagdikar, S. Mahapatra; (Indian Inst. Tech., India) pp.117
[6-4] "A TCAD Framework for Assessing NBTI Impact Under Drain Bias and Self-Heating Effects in Replacement Metal Gate; (RMG)p-FinFETs"; U.Sharma, S. Mahapatra; (Indian Inst. Tech., India) pp.121
[6-5] "Model analysis for effects of spatial and energy profiles of plasma process-induced defects in Si substrate on MOS device performance"; T.Hamano, K. Urabe, K. Eriguchi; (Kyoto Univ., Japan) pp.125

Session 7: Power and Optoelectronic Devices Chairpersons: Blanka Magyari-Kope; (TSMC at U.S.A., U.S.A.)Hideki Minari; (Sony Semiconductor Solutions, Japan)
[7-1] Invited Talk "Modeling and Simulation of Si IGBTs"; Naoyuki Shigyo; (Tokyo Inst. Tech., Japan) pp.129
[7-2] "Full Band Monte Carlo simulations of GaAs p-i-n Avalanche PhotoDiodes: What are the Limits of Nonlocal Impact Ionization Models?"; A. Pilotto1, F. Driussi1, D. Esseni1, L. Selmi2, M. Antonelli3, F. Arfelli3,4, G. Biasiol5, S. Carrato3, G. Cautero6,4, D. De Angelis6, R. H. Menk6,4, C. Nichetti6,3, T. Steinhartova5, P. Palestri1; (1 Univ. Udine, Italy, 2 Univ. Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, 3 Univ. Trieste, Italy, 4 INFN, Italy, 5 IOM CNR, Italy, 6 Elettra-Sincrotrone, Italy) pp.131
[7-3] "A technique for phase-detection auto focus under near-infrared-ray incidence in a back-side illuminated CMOS image sensor pixel with selectively grown germanium on silicon"; T. Kunikiyo, H. Sato, T. Kamino, K. Iizuka, K. Sonoda, T. Yamashita; (Renesas Electronics, Japan) pp.137
[7-4] "Investigation of the relationship between current filament movement and local heat generation in IGBTs by using modified avalanche model of TCAD"; T.Suwa; (Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage, Japan) pp.141
[7-5] "Verilog-A model for avalanche dynamics and quenching in Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes"; Y. Oussaiti1,2, D. Rideau1, J. R. Manouvrier1, V. Quenette1, H. Wehbe-Alause1, B. Mamdy1, A. Lopez1, G. Mugny1, M. Agnew1, E. Lacombe1, J. Grebot1, P. Dollfus2, M. Pala2; (1 STMicroelectronics, France, 2 Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, France) pp.145
[7-6] "A Novel Full-Band Monte Carlo Device Simulator with Real-Space Treatment of the Short-Range Coulomb Interactions for Modeling 4H-SiC Power Devices"; C-Y. Cheng, D. Vasileska; (Arizona State Univ., U.S.A.) pp.149
[7-7] "Tight-binding simulation of optical gain in h-BCN for laser application"; D.Maki, M. Ogawa, S. Souma; (Kobe Univ., Japan) pp.153
[7-8] "Predictive Compact Modeling of Abnormal LDMOS Characteristics Due to Overlap Length Modification"; T. Iizuka1, D. Navarro1, M. Miura-Mattausch1, H. Kikuchihara1, H. J. Mattausch1, D.R. Nestor2; (1 Hiroshima Univ., Japan, 2 Allegro MicroSystems, U.S.A.) pp.157

Session 8: Non-Volatile Memory I Flash and Phase Change Memory Chairperson: Kentaro Kukita; (Kioxia, Japan)
[8-1] "A TCAD Study on Mechanism and Countermeasure for Program Characteristics Degradation of 3D Semicircular Charge Trap Flash Memory"; N. Kariya, M. Tsuda, T. Kurusu, M. Kondo, K. Nishitani, H. Tokuhira, J. Shimokawa, Y. Yokota, H. Tanimoto, S. Onoue, Y. Shimada, T. Kato, K. Hosotani, F. Arai, M. Fujiwara, Y.Uchiyama, K. Ohuchi; (Kioxia, Japan) pp.161
[8-2] "Impact of Random Phase Distribution in 3D Vertical NAND Architecture of Ferroelectric Transistors on In-Memory Computing"; G.Choe, W. Shim, J. Hur, A. I. Khan, S. Yu; (Georgia Inst. Tech., U.S.A.) pp.165
[8-3] "TCAD Modeling and Optimization of 28nm HKMG ESF3 Flash Memory"; A. Zaka, T. Herrmann, R. Richter, S. Duenkel, R. Jain; (GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Germany) pp.69
[8-4] "Coupling the Multi Phase-Field Method with an Electro-Thermal Solver to Simulate Phase Change Mechanisms in Ge-rich GST based PCM"; R. Bayle1,2,3, O. Cueto1, S. Blonkowski1, T. Philippe3, H. Henry3, M. Plappa3; (1 CEA-LETI, France, 2 STMicroelectronics, France, 3 Ecole Polytechnique, France) pp.173

Session 9: Transport Chairperson: Christoph Jungemann; (Univ. Aachen, Germany)
[9-1] "Efficient partitioning of surface Green’s function: toward ab initio contact resistance study"; G. Gandus1,2, Y. Lee2, D. Passerone1, M. Luisier2; (1 nanotech@surfaces; (EMPA), Switzerland, 2 Integrated Systems Laboratory; (ETH Zurich), Switzerland) pp.177
[9-2] "Quantum transport in Si: P δ-layer wires"; J. P. Mendez, D. Mamaluy, X. Gao, L. Tracy, E. Anderson, D. Campbell, J. Ivie, T.-M. Lu, S.Schmucker, S. Misra; (Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.A.) pp.181
[9-3] "Analytical Formulae for the Surface Green’s Functions of Graphene and 1T’ MoS2 Nanoribbons"; H.Kosina, V. Sverdlov; (TU Wien, Austria) pp.185
[9-4] "Numerical Solution of the Constrained Wigner Equation"; R.Kosik, J. Cervenka, H. Kosina; (TU Wien, Austria) pp.189
[9-5] "Calibrated Si Mobility and Incomplete Ionization Models with Field Dependent Ionization Energy for Cryogenic Simulations"; H. Y. Wong; (San Jose State Univ., U.S.A.) pp.193

Session 10: Non-Volatile Memory II ReRAM and MRAM Chairperson: Uihui Kwon; (Samsung, Korea)
[10-1] "Monte Carlo Simulation of a Three-Terminal RRAM with Applications to Neuromorphic Computing"; A.Balasingam, A. Levy, H. Li, P. Raina; (Stanford Univ., U.S.A.) pp.197
[10-2] "Fully Analog ReRAM Neuromorphic Circuit Optimization using DTCO Simulation Framework"; A. Nguyen1, H. Nguyen1, S. Venimadhavan1, A. Venkattraman2, D. Parent1, H. Y. Wong1; (1 San Jose State Univ., U.S.A., 2 Univ. California Merced, U.S.A.) pp.201
[10-3] "Effect of Shape Deformation due to Edge Roughness in Spin-Orbit Torque Magnetoresistive Random-Access Memory"; Byun, D. H. Kang, M. Shin; (KAIST, Korea) #205
[10-4] "Computation of Torques in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions through Spin and Charge Transport Modeling"; S. Fiorentini1, J. Ender1, M. Mohamedou1, R. Orio1, S. Selberherr1, W. Goes2, V. Sverdlov1; (1 TU Wien, Austria, 2 Silvaco Europe, U.K.) pp.209
[10-5] "Efficient Demagnetizing Field Calculation for Disconnected Complex Geometries in STT-MRAM Cells"; J. Ender1, M. Mohamedou1, S. Fiorentini1, R. Orio1, S. Selberherr1, W. Goes2, V. Sverdlov1; (1 TU Wien, Austria, 2 Silvaco Europe, U.K.) pp.213
[10-6] "Properties of Conductive Oxygen Vacancies and Compact Modeling of IV Characteristics in HfO2 Resistive Random-Access-Memories"; J.Park, M.-J. Kim, J.-H. Jang, S.-M. Hong; (Gwangju Inst. Sci. Tech., Korea) pp.217

Session 11: High Speed Switching Devices Chairpersons: Akira Hiroki; (Kyoto Inst. Tech., Japan)Sebastien Martinie; (CEA-LETI, France)
[11-1] "MOS-like approach for compact modeling of HEMT transistor"; A. Vaysset, S. Martinie, F. Triozon, O. Rozeau, M.-A. Jaud, R. Escoffier, T. Poiroux; (CEA, LETI, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France) pp.221
[11-2] "Compact modeling of gate leakage phenomenon in GaN HEMTs"; K. Li1,3, E. Yagyu2, H. Saito2, K. H. Teo1; (1 Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, U.S.A., 2 Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan, 3 Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.) pp.225
[11-3] "Effect of Atomic Interface on Tunnel Barrier in Ferroelectric HfO2 Tunnel Junctions"; J.Seo, M. Shin; (KAIST, Korea) pp.229
[11-4] "Surge Current Capability in lateral AlGaN/GaN Hybrid Anode Diodes with p-GaN/Schottky Anode"; G. Atmaca1, M.-A. Jaud1, J. Buckley1, R. Gwoziecki1, A. Yvon2, E. Collard2, M. Plissonnier1, T.Poiroux1; (1 CEA, LETI, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France, 2 STMicroelectronics, France) pp.233
[11-5] "Dynamic Simulation of Write ‘1’ Operation in the Bi-stable 1-Transistor SRAM Cell"; T. Dutta1, F. Adamu-Lema1, A. Asenov1, Y. Widjaja2, V. Nebesnyi3; (1 Semiwise, U.K., 2 Zeno Semiconductor, 3 MCPG) pp.237
[11-6] "Simulation of gated GaAs-AlGaAs resonant tunneling diodes for tunable terahertz communication applications"; V. Georgiev, A. Sengupta, P. Maciazek, O. Badami, C. Medina-Bailon, T. Dutta, F.Adamu-Lema, A. Asenov; (Univ. Glasgow, U. K.) pp.241
[11-7] "Theoretical Study of Double-Heterojunction AlGaN/GaN/InGaN/δ-doped HEMTs for Improved Transconductance Linearity"; T.-H. Yu; (Inforsight Computing, Taiwan) pp.245
[11-8] "Nanoscale FET: How To Make Atomistic Simulation Versatile, Predictive, and Fast at 5nm Node and Below"; P. Blaise1, U. Kapoor1, M. Townsend1, E. Guichard1, J. Charles2, D. A. Lemus2, T. Kubis2; (1 Silvaco, U.S.A., 2 Purdue Univ., U.S.A.) pp.249

3rd group; (from 9:00 am on Oct. 1 to 11:59 pm on Oct. 6, JST)
Session 12: Emerging Devices Chairpersons: Andres Godoy; (Univ. Granada, Spain)Sung-Ming Hong; (Gwangju Inst. Sci. Tech., Korea)
[12-1] Invited Talk "TCAD-Assisted MultiPhysics Modeling & Simulation for Accelerating Silicon Quantum Dot Qubit Design"; Fahd Ayyalil Mohiyaddin; (imec, Belgium) pp.253
[12-2] "Physics-augmented Neural Compact Model for Emerging Device Technologies"; Y.Kim, S. Myung, J. Ryu, C. Jeong, D. S. Kim; (Samsung Electronics, Korea) pp.257
[12-3] "A Modeling Study on Performance of a CNOT Gate Devices based on Electrode-driven Si DQD Structures"; H.Ryu, J.-H. Kang; (Korea Inst. Sci. Tech. Info., Korea) pp.261
[12-4] "Simulation and Evaluation of Plasmonic Circuits"; M.Fukuda, Y. Ishikawa; (Toyohashi, Univ. Tech., Japan) pp.265
[12-5] "Numerical study of surface chemical reactions in 2D-FET based pH sensors"; A. Toral-Lopez1, E. G. Marin1, J. Cuesta1, F. G. Ruiz1, F. Pasadas2, A. Mediana-Rull1, A.Godoy1; (1 Univ. Granada, Spain, 2 Univ. Autonoma Barcelona, Spain) pp.269
[12-6] "A Combined First Principle and Kinetic Monte Carlo Study of Polyoxometalates Based Molecular Memory Devices"; P. Lapham, O. Badami, C. Medina-Bailon, F. Adamu-Lema, T. Dutta, V. Georgiev, A.Asenov; (Univ. Glasgow, U.K.) pp.273
[12-7] "Modeling Assisted Room Temperature Operation of Atomic Precision Advanced Manufacturing; (APAM)Devices"; X. Gao, L. Tracy, E. Anderson, DeAnna Campbell, J. Ivie, T.-M. Lu, D. Mamaluy, S.Schmucker, S. Misra; (Sandia National Lab., U.S.A.) pp.277

Session 13: 2D and Nano System I Chairperson: Jeff Wu; (TSMC, Taiwan)
[13-1] "Effects of the Dielectric Environment on Electronic Transport in Monolayer MoS2: Screening and Remote Phonon Scattering"; M. L. Van de Put, G. Gaddemane, S. Gopalan, M. V. Fischetti; (Univ. Texas at Dallas, U.S.A.) pp.281
[13-2] "Impact of Schottky Barrier on the Performance of Two-Dimensional Material Transistors"; S.-K. Su, J. Cai, E. Chen, L.-J. Li, H.-S. Philip Wong; (TSMC, Taiwan) pp.285
[13-3] "AC NEGF Simulation of Nanosheet MOSFETs"; S.-M. Hong, P.-H. Ahn; (Gwangju Inst. Sci. Tech., Korea) pp.289
[13-4] "Enhanced Capabilities of the Nano-Electronic Simulation Software; (NESS)"; C. Medina-Bailon, O. Badami, H. Carrillo-Nunez, T. Dutta, D. Nagy, F. Adamu-Lema, V.Georgiev, A. Asenov; (Univ. Glasgow, U.K.) pp.293
[13-5] "Electrostatic Potential Profile Generator for Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Devices"; S.-C. Han, J. Choi, S.-M. Hong; (Gwangju Inst. Sci. Tech., Korea) pp.297

Session 14: FET Devices and Design Technology Co-Optimization Chairpersons: Mehdi Bazizi,; (Applied Materials, U.S.A.)Lado Filipovic; (TU Wien, Austria)
[14-1] Invited Talk "Agile Pathfinding Technology Prototyping: the Hunt for Directional Correctness"; Daniel Chanemougame; (TEL at Albany, U.S.A.) pp.301
[14-2] "Self-Aligned Single Diffusion Break Technology Optimization Through Material Engineering for Advanced CMOS Nodes"; A. Pal, E. M. Bazizi, L. Jiang, M. Saremi, B. Alexander, B. Ayyagari-Sangamalli; (Applied Materials, U.S.A.) pp.307
[14-3] "L-UTSOI: A compact model for low-power analog and digital applications in FDSOI technology"; S. Martinie1, O. Rozeau1, T. Poiroux1, P. Scheer1, S. E. Ghouli2, M. Kang3, A. Juge2, H. Lee3; (1 CEA, LETI, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France, 2 STMicroelectronics, France, 3 Samsung, Korea) pp.311
[14-4] "Electromigration Model for Platinum Hotplates"; L.Filipovic; (TU Wien, Austria). pp.315
[14-5] "Compact Modeling of Radiation Effects in Thin-Layer SOI-MOSFETs"; M. Miura-Mattausch, H. Kikuchihara, D. Navarro, T. Iizuka, H. J. Mattausch; (Hiroshima Univ., Japan). pp.319
[14-6] "Complementary FET Device and Circuit Level Evaluation Using Fin-Based and Sheet-Based Configurations Targeting 3nm Node and Beyond"; L. Jiang, A. Pal, E. M. Bazizi, M. Saremi, R. He, B. Alexander, B. Ayyagari-Sangamalli; (Applied Materials, U.S.A.) pp.323
[14-7] "Via Size Optimization for Optimum Circuit Performance at 3 nm node"; S. Mittal1, A. Pal2, M. Saremi2, E. M. Bazizi2, B. Alexander2, B. Ayyagari-Sangamalli2; (1 Applied Materials, India, 2 Applied Materials, U.S.A.) pp.327
[14-8] "Time-Resolved Mode Space based Quantum-Liouville type Equations applied onto DGFETs"; L.Schulz, D. Schulz; (TU Dortmund, Germany) pp.331

Session 15: Machine Learning Chairpersons: Satofumi Souma; (Kobe Univ., Japan)Hiuyung Wong; (San Jose State Univ., U.S.A.)
[15-1] Invited Talk "Power Device Degradation Estimation by Machine Learning of Gate Waveforms"; Makoto Takamiya; (Univ. Tokyo, Japan) pp.335
[15-2] "Machine Learning Prediction of Formation Energies in a-SiO2"; D.Milardovich, M. Jech, D. Waldhoer, M. Waltl, T. Grasser; (TU Wien, Austria) pp.339
[15-3] "Novel Optimization Method using Machine-learning for Device and Process Competitiveness of BCD Process"; J. Kim, J.-H. Yoo, J. Jung, K. Kim, J. Bae, Y.-S. Kim, O.-K. Kwon, U.-H. Kwon, D.-S. Kim; (Samsung Electronics, Korea) pp.343
[15-4] "Real-Time TCAD: a new paradigm for TCAD in the artificial intelligence era"; S. Myung, J. Kim, Y. Jeon, W. Jang, J. Kim, S Han, K.-H. Baek, J. Ryu, Y.-S. Kim, J. Doh, C.Jeong, D. -S. Kim; (Samsung Electronics, Korea) pp.347
[15-5] "Application of Noise to Avoid Overfitting in TCAD Augmented Machine Learning"; S. S. Raju1, B. Wang2, K. Mehta1, M. Xiao2, Y. Zhang2, H.-Y. Wong1; (1 San Jose Univ., U.S.A., 2 Virginia Polytech. Inst. State Univ., U.S.A.) pp.351
[15-6] "Automatic Device Model Parameter Extractions via Hybrid Intelligent Methodology"; C.-C. Liu, Y. Li, Y.-S. Yang, C.-Y. Chen, M.-H. Chuang; (National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan) pp.355
[15-7] "Physics-Informed Graph Neural Network for Circuit Compact Model Development"; X. Gao, A. Huang, N. Trask, S. Reza; (Sandia National Lab., U.S.A.) pp.359

Session 16: 2D and Nano System II Chairperson: Frank Register; (Univ. Texas at Austin, U.S.A.)
[16-1] "Theoretical study of electronic transport in monolayer SnSe"; S. Gopalan1, G. Gaddemane2, M. L. Van de Put1, M. V. Fischetti1; (1 Univ. Texas at Dallas, U.S.A., 2 imec, Belgium) pp.363
[16-2] "Transient simulation of graphene FET gated by electrolyte medium"; K. Arihori1, M. Ogawa1, S. Souma1, J. Sato-Iwanaga2, M. Suzuki2; (1 Kobe Univ., Japan, 2 Panasonic, Japan) pp.367
[16-3] "Quantum Transport Simulations of Phosphorene Nanoribbon MOSFETs: Effects of Metal Contacts, Ballisticity and Series Resistance"; M.Poljak, Mislav Matic; (Univ. Zagreb, Croatia) pp.371
[16-4] "High-Performance Metal-Ferroelectric-Semiconductor Nanosheet Line Tunneling Field Effect Transistors with Strained SiGe"; N. Thoti1, Y. Li1, S. R. Kola1, S. Samukawa2; (1 National Chaio Tung Univ., Taiwan, 2 Tohoku Univ., Japan) pp.375
[16-5] "A First-Principles Study on the Strain-induced Localized Electronic Properties of Dumbbell-shape Graphene Nanoribbon for Highly Sensitive Strain Sensors"; Q.Zhang, K. Suzuki, H. Miura; (Tohoku Univ., Japan) pp.379

Late News Chairperson: Tatsuya Kunikiyo; (Renesas Electronics, Japan)
LN "Multiband Phase Space Operator for Narrow Bandgap Semiconductor Devices"; L.Schulz, D. Schulz; (TU Dortmund, Germany) pp.383

[conference] CADTFT2020 Final Program

Final Program
11th International Conference on Computer Aided Design for Thin-Film Transistor Technologies
November 9-11, 2020

2020/11/09 Monday Day 1 (1/3)
Tutorial Session 1 (Chair: Kai Wang)
[T1] Karim S. Karim Uni. Waterloo; Canada;"Next Generation Diagnostic X-ray Imagers for Scalable and Sustainable Healthcare"
[T2] Samar Saha IEEE Electron Device Society "What can we learn from Fin-FET?"

Poster Session (Chair: Di Geng)
[P1] Guan Ying Wang Uni. Toronto; Canada;"Electrolyte-gated Field Effect Transistors in Biological Sensing"
[P2] Mihir Srivastava Avantika University; India;"A Simple Approach to Estimate Performance Deteriorations of Circuits with Non-Ohmic TFTs"
[P3] Zhaohan Peng National Center for Nanoscience and Technology CAS; China;"High Electrical and Mechanical Stability of IGZO Transistor Arrays on Flexible Substrate"
[P4] Penglong Chen Chongqing Uni. Posts and Telecommunications; China;"A New Voltage-Programming IGZO TFT AMOLED Pixel Compensation Circuit"
[P5] Fengjing Liu National Center for Nanoscience and Technology CAS; China;"Organic-inorganic Hybrid Complementary Inverter Based Photodetector with Amplified Voltage-output"
[P6] Eva Bestelink Uni. Surrey; UK;"Source-Gated Transistor Current Mirrors with Negative Temperature Dependence"

Tutorial Session 2 (Chair: Xiaojun Guo)
[T3] Sanjiv Sambandan Indian Institute of Science; India;"Challenges and Solutions to Analog Integrated Circuit Design with Thin Film Transistors"
[T4] Arokia Nathan Uni. Cambridge; UK;"TFT Circuits for Signal Processing"
[T5] Yvan Bonnassieux Ecole Polytechnique; France;"Compact Modeling of Organic Field-Effect Transistors"
[T6] Slobodan Mijalkovic Silvaco Europe; UK;"Compact Modeling of Hysteretic Phenomena"

2020/11/10 Tuesday Day 2 (2/3) 
Opening Plenary Session 1 (Ling Li)
[P1] Feng Qin Tianma Microelectronics; China;"TFT Foundry Multi-Project"
[P2] Yanfeng Li Primarius Technologies; China;"Enabling DTCO with a Complete EDA Ecosystem from Data to Simulation"

Session 1 Device Modeling and Characterization (Chair: Liling Zhang)
[1-1] Ta-Ya Chu National Research Council; Canada;"Pinch-Off Mobility Extraction for Organic Thin-Film Transistors"
[1-2] Sungyeop Jung Seoul National University; South Korea;"Organic Thin-Film Transistor Compact Modeling"
[1-3] Wanling Deng Jinan University; China;"Modelling Method based on BP Neural Network and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Metal-oxide Thin-Film Transistors"
[1-4] Jumbum Park Ecole Polytechnique; France;"Validation of Power-law Drain Current Model for Coplanar OFETs at Various Temperatures"
[1-5] Mingxiang Wang Soochow University; China;"Comparative Study of Dynamic Degradation of Oxide TFTs in ESL or EMMO Structure"

Session 2 Device Design and Technology (Chair: Chuan Liu)
[2-1] Paddy Chan The Uni. Hong Kong; China;"Solution Processed Organic Monolayer Field Effect Transistors"
[2-2] Sanjiv Sambandan Indian Institute of Science; India;"Adaptive Dielectric Thin Film Transistors - A New Interface Device for Large Area, Flexible and Wearable Electronics"
[2-3] Aiming Song Uni. Manchester; UK;"Thin Film Transistors Based on Semiconductors and Semimetals"
[2-4] Andrew Flewitt Uni. Cambridge; UK;"Quantitative Analysis of the Bias Stress-Induced Threshold Voltage Shift in TFTs incorporating Disordered Materials"

Session 3 Device and Circuit Interaction (Chair: Chair: Xueqing Li)
[3-1] Niko Muenzenrieder Free University Bolzano; Italy;"Tools and Strategies to Optimize the Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Flexible TFTs"
[3-2] Ya-Hsiang Tai NCTU "Acquiring Differential Light Signal with TFT Sensing Array"
[3-4] Radu Sporea Uni. Surrey; UK;"Multimodal Thin-film Transistors: an Opportunity for Analog Signal Processing and Computation"
[3-5] Chen Jiang Uni. Cambridge; UK;"All-Inkjet-Printed Ultra-low-Power Organic Thin-Film Transistors for Electrophysiological Monitoring"
[3-6] Gerwin Gelinck Holst Centre, TNO; Netherland;"Organic Photodiodes for Imaging and Sensing Applications"

Plenary Session 2 ( Chair: Arokia Nathan)
[P3] Zhigang Shuai Tsinghua University; China;"First-principles Methods for Investigating Carrier Transport and Light-Emitting in Organic Semiconductors"
[P4] Ahmed Nejim Silvaco Europe; UK;"Modelling Thin Film Electronics - Recent TCAD Developments"

2020/11/11 Wednesday Day 3 (3/3)
Plenary Session 3 (Chair: Ling Li)
[P5] Jin Jang Kyung Hee University; South Korea;"Mechanical Stabilities of TFTs on Flexible Substrate"
[P6] Tim Cheng Hong Kong Uni. Science and Technology; China;"Ultra-thin and Robust Skin Electronics for High Quality and Continuous Skin-Sensor-Silicon Interfacing"

Session 4 Material Design & Processing ( Chair: Hang Zhou)
[4-1] Simon Rongdeau-Gagne Uni. Windsor; Canada;"Design of Stretchable and Self-healable Polymers for Fabrication of Stretchable Transistors"
[4-2] Myung-Gil Kim Sungkyunkwan University; South Korea;"Solution-Processing of Hybrid Materials for Flexible Electronics and Sensors"
[4-3] Min Zhang Peking University; China;"High-Performance Intrinsically Soft Thin Film Transistors"
[4-4] Xiaochen Ren Tianjin University; China;"Solution Processed Organic Crystalline Arrays for High-performance Organic Field-effect Transistors"

Session 5 Circuit Design (Chair: Hanbin Ma)
[5-1] Yuanfeng Chen Kyung Hee University; South Korea;"Gate Driver using Low-Temperature Poly-Si Oxide TFTs with Mobility Compensation"
[5-2] Congwei Liao Peking University; China;"Thin-film Transistor Integrated Gate Driver Circuit Design for in-Cell Touch Display"
[5-3] Seung-Woo Lee Kyung Hee University; South Korea;"Fault-tolerant Integrated Scan Driver Circuit for Implantable Bio-sensor Systems"
[5-6] Hongge Li Beihang University; China;"A High-precision Low Power Driver Circuit for Printed Display"

Session 6 Emerging Applications (Chair: Kai Wang)
[6-1] Xueqing Li Tsinghua University; China;"Organized by: Co-organized by: Technical Sponsor: "Emerging Ferroelectric Memory and Computing"
[6-2] Hanbin Ma SIBET CAS; China;"Active Matrix Digital Microfluidics Lab-on-a-Chip with Drain-offset a-Si TFTs"
[6-3] Xiao Gong National Uni. Singapore; Singapore;"Amorphous Metal Oxide-based TFTs for 3D Monolithic Integration Nano-electronic Systems"
[6-4] Zhe Liu Hangzhou LinkZill Technology Co. Ltd; China;"TFT-based System for Beyond-display Applications"
[6-5] Hang Zhou Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School; China;"Perovskite-IGZO Hybrid Phototransistor for Photodetection and Image Sensor"

Plenary Session 4 (Chair: Arokia Nathan)
[P7] Benjamin Iñiguez Universitat Rovirai Virgili; Spain;"Modeling of Low Frequency Noise in Organic and Oxide TFTs"

China-Europe Dialogue on TFT Compact Modeling 
  • Benjamin Iñiguez Universitat Rovirai Virgili; Spain; "European DOMINO Project on TFT Compact Modeling"
  • Shijia Lin Huada Empyrean Software; China; "Advances in TFT Device and Reliability Modeling"
Closing Remarks

Nov 21, 2020

[mos-ak] [Final Program] 13th International MOS-AK Workshop; Silicon Valley, Dec.10-11 2020

Together with THM Giessen, the MOS-AK workshop online host and IEEE Young Professionals (Germany), technical program promoter as well as all the Extended MOS-AK TPC Committee, we have the pleasure to invite to consecutive, 13th International MOS-AK Workshop is Silicon Valley which will be Virtual/Online event using Zoom platform.

Scheduled, subsequent 13th MOS-AK SPICE/Compact Modeling Workshop organized in the Silicon Valley, aims to strengthen a network and discussion forum among experts in the field, enhance open platform for information exchange related to compact/SPICE modeling and Verilog-A standardization, bring people in the compact modeling field together, as well as obtain feedback from technology developers, circuit designers, and TCAD/EDA tool developers and vendors. 

The MOS-AK workshop program is available online

Venue: Virtual/Online Workshop on Zoom platform
  • virtual session 11:00 - 14:00 (PST) on Dec.10, 2020
  • virtual session 11:00 - 14:00 (PST) on Dec.11, 2020
Online free Registration is open, now. Registered participant will receive Zoom meeting invitation.
(any related enquiries can be sent to

Postworkshop Publications:
Selected best MOS-AK technical presentation will be recommended for further publication in a special Solid State Electronics issue on compact modeling 

W.Grabinski on the behalf of International MOS-AK Committee

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