Tin Oxide: The First Stable p-type #2D #Semiconductor Material https://t.co/mKQ9vHsbrJ #papers #feedly
— Wladek Grabinski (@wladek60) February 18, 2016
from Twitter https://twitter.com/wladek60
February 18, 2016 at 07:59AM
Tin Oxide: The First Stable p-type #2D #Semiconductor Material https://t.co/mKQ9vHsbrJ #papers #feedly
— Wladek Grabinski (@wladek60) February 18, 2016
#TFETs may #challenge MOSFETs https://t.co/9tyWFYJprp #cad #feedly #papers
— Wladek Grabinski (@wladek60) February 10, 2016
Obama makes risky bid to increase #science #spending https://t.co/ckzMvs97eb #papers #feedly
— Wladek Grabinski (@wladek60) February 10, 2016