Sep 2, 2012

CMRF Workshop (at BCTM)

CMRF Workshop (at BCTM)
Wednesday October 3, 2012, in Portland, Oregon, USA

Session Chair: Colin McAndrew
As with previous years the Workshop on Compact Modeling for RF/Microwave Applications (CMRF) is being held in conjunction with BCTM. The workshop has an interactive dynamic, and this year includes a Forum of experts who will assess the present major needs in modeling.

1:00–1:30 PM – Advanced SiGe HBT Modeling with HICUM Level 0 (v1.3) for RF and mmW Applications
D. Celi and N. Derrier
This presentation deals with advanced bipolar modeling using the latest revision of HICUM/L0 (1.3). Following an overview of test structures and measurement setup used for bipolar transistors, the new HICUM/L0 formulations are described. Subsequently a workflow for parameter extraction is detailed that is suitable for advanced SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors for mmW applications. As a last point the possibilities and limitations of the model and the parameter extraction are discussed.

1:30–2:00 PM – Dynamic Ageing Modeling for Reliability Simulation
B. Ardouin
Semiconductor device behavior is not static but changes over time, and the amount of change depends on details of the voltages and currents a device experiences. This presentation will review recent development of a dynamic ageing model for HiCuM 2.3 and provides details of Verilog-A implementation and pragmatic modeling issues related to self-consistent integration of transistor degradation in accelerated time based on realistic transient circuit operation.

2:00–2:30 PM – End-to-End Modeling for Handset Power Amplifiers – It’s Not Just Two Transistors!
P. Zampardi, Y. Yang, K. Kwok, B. Li, A. Metzger, C. Cismaru, H. Shao, W. Sun, and M. Fredriksson
The short design cycle for handset power amplifiers relies on accurate models for ALL components used in the design, not just the “two HBTs” used for the power transistors. As the complexity of these amplifiers (usually used in front-end modules) has increased, so has the required accuracy for simulating the package, control circuitry, and the RF chain itself. This presentation will show some of the challenges and solutions developed to address the development of high-yield commercial power amplifiers and the design flow for their realization.

2:50–3:20 PM – Practical Modeling: When Less is More
A. DiVergilio
The primary goal of compact modeling is to allow designs to be carried out quickly and efficiently. Therefore, model accuracy is not the only metric of model effectiveness. No matter what the circuit, significant portions of the design cycle can benefit more from rapid iteration than from absolute accuracy. Overly-complicated models slow down simulation and, at worst, prevent convergence all-together, especially for large designs. This presentation discusses trade-offs that can be made between speed and accuracy, emphasizing the flexibility that can be achieved through high-level modeling languages, such as Verilog-A, when applied to device-level model development.

3:20–4:20 PM – Forum: “Grand Challenges in Modeling”
Queen Marie Ballroom
Models are by definition imperfect, but what are the biggest opportunities for improvement that will have the biggest bang-for-the-buck in design? This forum will attempt to answer that question, and formulate a prioritized list of items that will be published on the BCTM web site.


  • Bertrand Ardouin (XMOD technologies)
  • Adam DiVergilio (Tektronix)
  • Mikhail Shirokov (Triquint Semiconductor)
  • Peter Zampardi (Skyworks Solutions)
  • Colin McAndrew (Moderator; Freescale)

Aug 13, 2012

CTFT 2012

4th International Workshop on Compact Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Modeling for Circuit Simulation

This workshop will provide a forum for discussions and current practices on compact TFT modeling. The workshop is sponsored by IEEE EDS Compact Modeling Technical Committee in joint collaboration with Cambridge University. A partial list of the areas of interest includes:

  • Physics of TFTs and operating principles
  • Compact TFT device models for circuit simulation
  • Model implementation and circuit analysis techniques
  • Model parameter extraction techniques
  • Applications of compact TFT models in emerging products
  • Compact models for interconnects in active matrix flat panels

The workshop organizers:
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Technical School of Engineering, University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain

Jul 24, 2012

[mos-ak] Final Program: 10th MOS-AK/GSA ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Workshop in Bordeaux, Sept. 21, 2012

Together with the Organizing Committee, Extended MOS-AK/GSA TPC Committee, and the IEEE EDS French Branch, the technical program sponsor, as well as with the industrial sponsors Agilent Technologies, LFoundry, CSEM, STM, AMS we have pleasure to invite to the 10th MOS-AK/GSA Compact Modeling Workshop at the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Conference in Bordeaux, Sept. 21, 2012.  

The final workshop program is available on-line: <

To register please visit official ESSDERC/ESSCIRC registration website.

- with regards - WG (for the MOS-AK/GSA Committee
MOS-AK/GSA Bordeaux (F) Sept.21, 2012 
MOS-AK/GSA San Francisco, CA Q4 2012 

Why- and how- to integrate Verilog-A compact models in SPICE simulators

A nice paper from Maria-Anna Chalkiadaki, Cédric Valla, Frédéric Poullet, and Matthias Bucher:

Why- and how- to integrate Verilog-A compact models in SPICE simulators

This article presents a fast and accurate way to integrate and validate Verilog-A compact models in SPICE-like simulators. Modifications in the models' Verilog-A source code may be required prior to their conversion into low-level C language by a code generator. The most common of these modifications is discussed. The generated C code is then directly compiled in the target simulator resulting in an equivalent SPICE model. The comparison between Verilog-A and SPICE models in the same simulation environment, for simple and complex circuits, validates the procedure. Performance tests for demanding designs are carried out for both models. Results highlight the higher simulation speed and lower memory consumption of SPICE models. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Jul 9, 2012

Birthday (61) of the JUNCTION transistor

From EDN:

Bell Labs and primarily William Shockley announced the invention of the junction transistor at a press conference in Murray Hill, NJ, the first week of July, 1951.
Sources vary as to when the formal announcement was actually made, July 4, 1951, or July 5, 1951.
At the time, Shockley was with Bell Labs’ solid state physics group, a unit to which he was a group head and a unit that saw much internal competition.
This new type of transistor overcame problems created by earlier point-contact transistors, developed by Bell Labs’ Joe Bardeen and Walter Brattain without Shockley but based in part on his previous work. It is said that when the patent process began for the point-contact transistor, Shockley made an effort to have his name only placed on the patent and made sure his fellow engineers knew of that effort.
Shockley has been described as having a “tremendous ego” by his co-workers. He was also known as having openly racist views.
Although Shockley is often known as “the inventor” of the transistor and despite his reported ego, he was often noted as correcting such misstatement and noting that he led the effort with others involved. Notes made during the development of the junction transistor can be viewed here.
Shockley left Bell Labs a few years after working on the junction transistor and eventually became a professor emeritus of electrical engineering at Stanford. He died on campus in 1989 at the age of 79.

For more moments in tech history, see this blog.