Mar 6, 2007

Threshold voltage models

As each month, I've been performing a review of some of the more interesting literature. Today, I'll point out three papers, all of them in the current issue of IEEE Trans. El. Devices, and all three of them dedicated to threshold voltage modeling.
The first one is Threshold-Voltage Modeling of Body-Tied FinFETs (Bulk FinFETs), by Choi, B.-K. Han, K.-R. Kim, Y. M. Park, Y. J. Lee, J.-H. Someday I shall comment something about threshold voltage extraction methods, because it is quite interesting. However, this will not be today.
The second paper is
Compact Analytical Threshold-Voltage Model of Nanoscale Fully Depleted Strained-Si on Silicon–Germanium-on-Insulator (SGOI) MOSFETs by Venkataraman, V.; Nawal, S.; Kumar, M. J. I think that the title is quite self-explanatory.
Finally, the third one is Analytical Model of the Threshold Voltage and Subthreshold Swing of Undoped Cylindrical Gate-All-Around-Based MOSFETs, by some friends: Hamdy El Hamid; Iniguez, B.; Roig Guitart, J.
There is a point I'd like to make: all of them are dedicated to different devices, using different technologies. This is a demostration that Iroshi Iwai is right when he says that we've got work for still some fourty or fifty years more, and that it will be possible to evade the classic Moore's Law (perhaps it should be called Moore's Guideline).

Mar 5, 2007


The 2007 European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) and European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) will be held in Munich from 11 - 13 September 2007 (about one week before Oktoberfest).

As you may know, ESSDERC is the most prestigeous European conference on electron devices. The acceptance rate is usually less than 50%.

The deadline for paper submissions is April 7 2007.

This year compact modeling appears explicitly as one of the themes for papers to be submitted to ESSDERC:

"Compact, numerical, and physical modeling; device simulation; behavior models; quantum mechanical and non-stationary transport phenomena; ballistic transport; scattering models; process dispersions, parameter fluctuations, variability; TCAD; mixed electrical-thermal modeling and simulation."

Furthermore, on September 14 2007, one day after the end of ESSDERC and ESSCIRC, the MOS-AK Workshop on Compact Modeling will take place.