Aug 12, 2019

[papers] Compact Modeling

Q. C. Nguyen, P. Tounsi, J. Fradin and J. Reynes, "Development of SiC MOSFET Electrical Model and Experimental Validation: Improvement and Reduction of Parameter Number," 2019 MIXDES - 26th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems", Rzeszów, Poland, 2019, pp. 298-301.
doi: 10.23919/MIXDES.2019.8787050
Abstract: In this work, a new approach for electrical modeling of Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFET is presented. The developed model is inspired from the Curtice model which is using a mathematic function reflecting MOSFET output characteristics. The first simulation results showed good agreement with measurements. Improvement is needed in order to increase model accuracy and to take into account the influence of the junction temperature on device characteristics.

D. Kasprowicz, "Semiconductor Device Parameter Extraction Based on I–V Measurements and Simulation," 2019 MIXDES - 26th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems", Rzeszów, Poland, 2019, pp. 321-326.
doi: 10.23919/MIXDES.2019.8787195
Abstract: The paper presents a method for extracting the physical parameters of a semiconductor device based on the measurements of its electrical response (e.g. transfer characteristics) combined with simulation. Such extraction is usually performed by an optimization algorithm seeking device-parameter values that minimize the difference between the measured response and its simulated equivalent. The proposed approach needs only an average of 13 objective-function evaluations, i.e. device simulations, to extract three parameters of a single device. If the parameters of a group of devices of the same type are to be extracted, the average number of simulations drops to four per device. This number is much smaller than in conventional optimization procedures. Thus, the proposed procedure can be used even in the absence of an accurate compact model, when time-consuming TCAD simulation must be used to determine the device’s response.

D. Tomaszewski, J. Malesińska, G. Głuszko and K. Kucharski, "Current vs Substrate Bias Characteristics of MOSFETs as a Tool for Parameter Extraction," 2019 MIXDES - 26th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems", Rzeszów, Poland, 2019, pp. 87-91.
doi: 10.23919/MIXDES.2019.8787068
Abstract: An application of the drain current vs substrate bias characteristics of MOSFETs for the device parameter extraction is presented. Modeling of the substrate bias effect on the MOSFET drain current is briefly discussed. A method of the MOSFET characterization is formulated. It requires a measurement of two I(V) characteristics, including the ID(VBS) smooth curve measured in a "sweep" mode. The method allows to extract the threshold voltage parameters and to estimate the in-depth doping profile in the substrate. The proposed approach is demonstrated using I(V) data of the MOSFETs manufactured in ITE in a bulk CMOS process.

#Huawei announces #opensource Harmony OS

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August 12, 2019 at 11:22AM

Aug 1, 2019

Horizon Europe - Commission announces top experts to shape Horizon Europe (2021-2027) missions #paper

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August 01, 2019 at 12:18PM