Apr 3, 2013

Call for IJNM Papers: Modeling of high-frequency silicon transistors

Silicon transistors (STs) have been the workhorse of the electronics industry ever since its inception. Although STs historically have been used primarily in digital and low-frequency analog applications, they increasingly are being adopted for high-frequency analog purposes as well. This trend is fueled by the introduction of new fabrication methods, novel materials, and transistor architectures that permit aggressive downscaling into the nanometer regime. Along these lines, considerable attention currently is being devoted to the FinFET, which is an innovative multiple-gate field effect transistor offering the important advantage of being compatible with conventional planar CMOS technology.

Modeling and simulation are indispensable in the development of high-frequency STs. Indeed, ST models and simulations provide indispensable feedback for improving device fabrication processes and serve as a valuable tool for optimizing circuit designs. Unfortunately, the predictive power of modeling and simulation techniques for STs for digital and low-frequency applications oftentimes diminishes when applied to high-frequency analog STs. For modeling and simulation methods to drive the development of high-frequency ST technology, they must adapt as well. 

The purpose of this Special Issue is to publish high-quality contributions addressing the modeling and simulation of high-frequency STs. A wide range of topics will be covered, ranging from bipolar to ?eld effect transistors and from linear to noise and non-linear models. Although the main focus of the Special Issue will be the extraction of high-frequency models, papers addressing other aspects of ST modeling will be considered as well. This issue will contain both invited and contributed papers. Manuscripts for this Special Issue should adhere to the requirements for regular papers of the IJNM as specified in the Author Guidelines at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/ (ISSN)1099-1204/homepage/ForAuthors.html.

Potential contributors may contact the Guest Editors to determine the suitability of their contribution to the Special Issue. All manuscripts should be submitted via the IJNM’s manuscript website http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijnm, with a statement that they are intended for this Special Issue.

Guest Editors:
Manuscript submission deadline: April 30, 2013

Mar 19, 2013

[mos-ak] [2nd announcement] Spring MOS-AK/GSA Workshop in Munich; April 11-12, 2013

Together with the workshop host, Prof. Dr. Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel, Lehrstuhl fur Technische Elektronik, TUM and Extended MOS-AK/GSA TPC Committee and the workshop sponsors MunEDA and Tanner EDA, we have pleasure to invite to the spring MOS-AK/GSA Workshop in Munich <http://www.mos-ak.org/munich_2013/>

Lehrstuhl fur Technische Elektronik
Room: 5325, 5th floor <http://www.lte.ei.tum.de/index.html>
Technische Universitat Munchen 
Arcisstr. 21 D-80333 Munchen

Important Dates:
  • Call for Papers - Jan. 2013
  • 2nd Announcement - March 2013
  • Final Workshop Program - March, 2013
  • MOS-AK/GSA Workshop - April 11-12, 2013
R&D topics to be covered include the following:
  • Advances in semiconductor technologies and processing
  • Compact Modeling (CM) of the electron devices
  • Verilog-A language for CM standardization
  • New CM techniques and extraction software
  • CM of passive, active, sensors and actuators
  • Emerging Devices, CMOS and SOI-based memory cells
  • Microwave, RF device modeling, high voltage device modeling
  • Nanoscale CMOS devices and circuits
  • Technology R&D, DFY, DFT and IC Designs
  • Foundry/Fabless Interface Strategies
Postworkshop publications;
selected best MOS-AK technical presentation will be recommended for further publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields

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DEVSIM is now open source

Juan Sanches of Devsim LLC (Austin, Texas) announced:
DEVSIM is now open source 
The source code for my device simulation software, DEVSIM, is now available for download. The core engine is released under the LGPL 3.0. I hope this software will be useful to the TCAD community and it is available for download from github:

Great. Looks very interesting. A lot of good code. Anyone here by chance has any experience with it?

Mar 18, 2013

NANO 2013

Symposium on Nanostructured Materials to be held May 21-22, 2013 at the University of Rzeszow, Poland. The Symposium will be a major event during the grand opening of the Center for Microelectronics and Nanotechnology. This conference is devoted to the current trends in research on layer-structured materials and one-dimensional nanomaterials. Emphasis will be placed on the state-of-the-art metrology for detecting defects and impurities using modern TEM, SIMS, and Nano-Raman methods etc. Specific areas of interest include:

  • MBE technology, 
  • nanopatterning, 
  • nanolithography, 
  • photolithography and electron lithography for the production of integrated circuits, 
  • magneto-transport at low temperatures, 
  • optical properties of nanostructures, 
  • interaction between academic and industrial research
    (instrument manufacture, IC and optoelectronics industry, and materials suppliers).

[read more...]

Feb 25, 2013

[mos-ak] Live webcast - MQA: The Golden Standard for Device Model Validation


MQA: The Golden Standard for Device Model Validation 


Register now




Agilent Technologies invites you to our live webcast so that you can stay up to date with the latest technologies and solutions.

When: 19th March 10:30 (CET)

Where: Online




Why is this webcast important?

Whether you are a Foundry or IDM creating models, or a design house using device models, it is important to understand model behaviour and asses quality. Foundries/IDMs need to comprehensively and effectivley asses the quality of device models, and take steps to assure their behaviour for the technology of interest. Design houses need to validate device models, and understand their behaviour in the regions of interest, prior to indroducing to the design teams. It is important for Design Houses to understand where errors exist in Foundry supplied libraries, model and document their behaviour, and assure operation in the simulation environment. MQA provides this functionality for Foundries, IDMs and fab-less Design Houses, and provides a sophisticated automated Report Generation feature to document results.




Who should view this webcast?

Modeling teams that create device models at Foundries/IDMs, foundry interface groups at Design Houses, IC designer & manger who need to evaluate new Foundry technology. 

Register Now






Presenter: Janice Deng





Janice Deng graduated from Peking University in Microelectronic, and went on to get an Engineering diploma at ESIEE, France. In 2008, she joined Accelicon , as an application engineer supporting MBP and MQA worldwide.










Presenter: Cedric Pujol





Cedric Pujol received his Electronic Diploma at Engineering School INP Grenoble France in 1997. He has worked 7 years at ST Microelectronics, in Central R&D. He developed his skills on Device Modeling through various positions : Design Kit development for Analog and RF, Design tool strategy choice for ST. Cedric joined Xpedion then Agilent where he is now leading the RFIC pre-sales activity in Europe as well as Device Modeling solution.







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