Feb 17, 2015

MIXDES 2015, June 25-27, 2015; Torun, Poland

 22nd International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems"
 MIXDES 2015, June 25-27, 2015; Torun, Poland

The deadline for regular paper submission is approaching (March 2nd, 2015). If you are going to contribute, I encourage you to register your papers as soon as possible. You will be able to update the paper details and the document file at any time till the final paper version deadline (May 15th, 2015). The early submission will allow us to take care of your paper just now, especially start the reviewer assignments and begin the formatting verification process.

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Feb 16, 2015

Call for Papers [dvconeurope] DVCon-Europe 2015

The Design and Verification Conference & Exhibition Europe (DVCon Europe) is the premier conference for system architects, concept engineers, software developers, design and verification engineers, and IP integrators to share the latest methodologies and technologies on the practical use of EDA and IP languages and standards used in electronic design.

The focus of this highly technical conference is on the industrial application of specialized design and verification languages such as SystemC, SystemVerilog, VHDL, UVM or e; assertions in SVA or PSL; the use of AMS languages; design automation using IP-XACT; and the use of general purpose languages C and C++.

This call for papers solicits presentations that are highly technical and reflect real life experiences in using EDA languages, standards, methodologies and tools. Industry applications of interest include (but are not limited to) automotive, mobile communication, aerospace, healthcare, chip-cards, consumer and power electronics. Submissions are encouraged in (but not restricted to) the four topic areas listed below. Low power techniques and design for functional safety (e.g., ISO 26262, DO-254) are pervasive and can be addressed in any of these topics areas.

Please submit your draft version of the paper by May 1, 2015. Detailed instructions on the paper requirements and submission process can be found on www.dvcon-europe.org

ESSCIRC/ESSDERC 2015 website is now active

 ESSCIRC/ESSDERC 2015 website is now active: www.esscirc-essderc2015.org

 The deadline for paper submission is 2 April, 2015.
 Looking forward to seeing you in Graz!

Prof. Wolfgang Pribyl: General Chair ESSCIRC/ESSDERC 2015
Franz Dielacher, Gernot Hueber: ESSCIRC TPC Chairs
Martin Schrems, Tibor Grasser: ESSDERC TPC Chairs

Feb 12, 2015

Call for Papers: [fdl7] FDL2015

 Forum on Specification & Design Languages
 [fdl7] FDL 2015 CALL FOR PAPERS
  September 14-16, 2015 | Barcelona, Spain

FDL is an international forum to exchange experiences and promote new trends in the application of languages, their associated design methods and tools for the design of electronic systems. FDL stimulates scientific and controversial discussions within and in-between scientific topics as described below. The program structure includes research working sessions, embedded tutorials, panels, and technical discussions. The Forum includes tutorials and fringe meetings, such as user group or standardization meetings. “Wild and Crazy Ideas” are also welcome.

Important Dates:

  • Proposals for Special Session: March 22, 2015
  • Full Research Paper submission: May 4, 2015
  • Other Contributions submission: June 10, 2015
  • Notification of acceptance: July 4, 2015
  • Camera ready papers: August 12, 2015

[1st announcement] #SIXHackathon 20-21 March 2015 in Zurich (CH)

 #SIXHackathon 20-21 March 2015 in Zurich (CH)
 [1st announcement] 

Are you interested in the financial technology sector (FinTech)? Are you on the lookout for a challenge? Then take part in SIX's Hackathon in Zurich 20 - 21 March 2015 and rub shoulders with one of the financial sector's leading IT companies for 30 hours.

What you can expect
Fun, challenging questions, exciting data sets, new ideas, networking opportunities, an exchange with like-minded people; people interested in FinTech and employees from SIX who are also participating.

What you have to do
SIX will provide you with data and APIs (interface information) from FinTech. You will work in small teams. The aim is to present an expert jury with a prototype or a concept after 30 hours. You can either select a topic freely or take inspiration from one of the workshops on big data in the financial technology sector and payment solutions. You will be competing against around 100 participants.

Who is eligible to take part
In principle, any student aged over 18 at a Swiss university or university of applied science and all SIX employees are eligible to take part. Participants must have an affinity and a relevant skill-set in the areas of software development, graphic or interface design, marketing, project management or similar.

Why it’s worth to participate
You will have the opportunity to prove your skills using real-life problems and present your ideas to an expert jury. Furthermore, SIX is searching for new talents – depending on your background, successful Hackathon participants could be offered a permanent position or a traineeship at SIX.
