Nov 9, 2021

8th EuroSOI-ULIS 2022 at University of Udine (Italy)

Organized by:
University of Udine (Italy)

Conference chair:
Pierpaolo Palestri

Local organizing Committee:
Francesco Driussi
David Esseni
Daniel Lizzit

Conference Secretariat:
Centro Congressi Internazionali 

Steering Committee:
  • Francis BALESTRA
    (IMEP Minatec, France)
  • Maryline BAWEDIN
    (IMEP-LAHC, France)
  • Cor CLAEYS
    (KU-Leuven, Belgium)
  • Bogdan CRETU
    (ENSICAEN, France)
    (IMEP-LAHC, France)
  • Francisco GAMIZ
    (UnivGranada, Spain)
  • Elena GNANI
    (Univ. of Bologna, Italy)
  • Benjamin INIGUEZ 
    (URV, Spain)
  • Joris LACORD
    (CEA-Leti, France)
  • Enrico SANGIORGI
    (Univ.Bologna, Italy)
  • Luca SELMI
    (Univ. of Modena, Italy)
  • Viktor SVERDLOV
    (TU Wien, Austria)
    (ISEP, France)

8th Joint International EuroSOI Workshop and International Conference
on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (EuroSOI-ULIS) 2022
May 18-20, 2022 – Udine, Italy

The Conference aims at gathering together scientists and engineers working in academia, research centers and industry in the field of SOI technology and nanoscale devices in More-Moore and More-Than-Moore scenarios. High quality contributions in the following areas are solicited:
  • Advanced SOI materials and structures, innovative SOI-like devices.
  • Alternative transistor architectures (FDSOI, Nanowire, FinFET, MuGFET, vertical MOSFET, FeFET and TFET, MEMS/NEMS, Beyond-CMOS).
  • New channel materials for CMOS (strained Si/Ge, III-V, carbon nanotubes; graphene and other 2D materials).
  • Properties of ultra-thin semiconductor films and buried oxides, defects, interface quality; thin gate dielectrics: high-κ and ferroelectric materials for switches and memory.
  • New functionalities and innovative devices in the More than Moore domain: nanoelectronic sensors, biosensor devices, energy harvesting devices, RF devices, imagers, integrated photonics (on SOI), etc.
  • Transport phenomena, compact modeling, device simulation, front- and back-end process simulation.
  • CMOS scaling perspectives; device/circuit level performance evaluation; switches and memory scaling; three-dimensional integration of devices and circuits, heterogeneous integration.
  • Advanced test structures and characterization techniques, parameter extraction, reliability and variability assessment techniques for new materials and novel devices.
Original 2-page abstracts with illustrations will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The accepted contributions will be published as 4-page letters in a special issue of the Elsevier journal Solid-State Electronics. Extended versions of outstanding papers will be published in a further special issue of Solid-State Electronics. A best poster award will be attributed by ELSEVIER. 

The “Androula Nassiopoulou Best Paper Award"
will be attributed by the SINANO institute.

Important dates:
  • abstract submission deadline: March 1, 2022
  • notification of acceptance: March 15, 2022

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