Sep 4, 2020

Sep 3, 2020

[eBook] download figures: POWER/HVMOS Devices Compact Modeling


Today we are pleased to share your Annual Book Performance Report with you, which summarizes the number of chapter downloads* in the first half of this year, the calendar year 2019 and previous years as applicable.
POWER/HVMOS Devices Compact Modeling
01/2020 - 06/2020285

*Since its online publication on Jun 10, 2010, there have been a total of 7336 chapter downloads for your eBook on SpringerLink. The table above shows the download figures for the last year(s).
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Broadband Measurements to 220 GHz

VectorStar ME7838G 70 kHz to 220 GHz Single Sweep VNA Measurements and On-Wafer Calibrations

  • Miniature mmWave MA25400A NLTL module connects directly to probes without cables for best dynamic range and stability
  • MPI TITAN Probes available in 50, 75, and 100 um pitch
  • Probes are field replaceable
On-wafer calibrations:
  • SOLT up 40 or 70 GHz if standards provide required performance
  • LRM, ALRM, LRRM, and multiline TRL up to 220 GHz
  • SOLR when thru is not 0 length, is not well matched, insertion loss is less known, and there is no .s2p file describing the thru
Calibration substrates:
  • Available from MPI
  • When possible, use a ceramic chuck to minimize the potential for multimode parasitic propagation.
  • Alternatively, use an isolation wafer on metal chuck if available

[paper] Wearable Energy Harvester

A Piezoelectric-Transducer-Biased 3-D Photosensitive Thin-Film Transistor
as a Dual-Mode Wearable Energy Harvester
Emad Iranmanesh1, Weiwei Li2,3, Ahmed Rasheed2,3, and Kai Wang2,3 (Member IEEE)
IEEE EDL, Vol. 41, No. 9, Sept. 2020
DOI: 10.1109/LED.2020.3009685

1School of Electronics and Information Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China.
2Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Display Material and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China
3State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, School of Electronics and Information Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China

Abstract: This letter reports on a dual-mode wearable energy harvester that utilizes both piezoelectric and photoelectric effects. It integrates a piezoelectric transducer with a 3-D photosensitive dual-gate thin-film transistor (DGTFT) as a rectifier and a buffer. The energy conversion efficiency is enhanced by reducing the internal resistance of the 3-D photosensitive DGTFT upon light illumination. Such a dual-mode energy harvester is promising for wearable electronics.
Fig.: a) Schematic diagram of the proposed wearable dual-mode energy harvester formed by a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) transducer integrated with a self-driven diode-connected 3-D photosensitive DGTFT as a buffer and a rectifier;  b) Equivalent circuit of the proposed dual-mode harvester.

Acknowlwgement: This work was supported by the Guangdong Innovative Research and Entrepreneurial Team Program under Grant 2014ZT05D340

[paper] Compact Models for IGBTs

Advanced physics-based compact models for new IGBT technologies
Arnab Biswas, Maria Cotorogea
Infineon Technologies AG, Germany

Abstract The TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 technology is based on the latest micro-pattern trench technology. It provides strongly reduced losses offering a high level of controllability [1]. This technology brings forward new challenges in compact modelling. Current IGBT compact models at Infineon are physics-based subcircuit representations in SPICE syntax. They were developed to run in the circuit simulator SIMetrix, and are manually calibrated. The aim of this work is to present advanced models for the micro-pattern trench IGBT implemented in Verilog-A language, addressing the challenges of compact models in terms of calibration accuracy, simulation run time, model robustness and portability to multiple simulators.
Fig. 3: IGBT technology overview showing schematically
the static excess-carrier density distribution in the plasma region.