The International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems & Workshop on Nanoelectronics will take place in Hiroshima (Japan), on March 6-8 2019.
The ISDCS is a premium international forum for scholars, scientists, educators, students and engineers to exchange their latest findings and technological advances in the field of devices, circuits and systems.
One of the topics is Physics, Analysis and Modeling of Devices.
Other topics;
Photonics and Optoelectronics of Advanced Materials
Digital and Analog Circuits and Their System Applications
Neural Networks & Neuromorphic Circuits and Systems
Circuit Testing and Verifications
IoT Circuits and Systems
AI Circuits for Machine Learning Systems
Beyond CMOS Circuits and Hybrid systems
Intelligent Systems and Robotics
Environment Electronics and
Their Applications
Visual Communications & Multimedia Signal Processing
This symposium is initiated by IIEST Shibpur in collaboration with Hiroshima University, which will be held annually in India and in Japan alternatively. The first event was held at IIEST Shibpur. The 1st ISDCS-2018 conference proceedings are published in IEEE-explore.
Deadline: November 15 2018.