Apr 22, 2016

#Compact #Model for MetalOxide Resistive Random Access Memory With Experiment Verification https://t.co/DhlMo2ZenF #papers

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April 22, 2016 at 05:53PM

Physically Based Compact Mobility Model for Organic Thin-Film Transistor https://t.co/2iRX20ogJL #papers

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April 22, 2016 at 06:39PM

#Compact #Model for MetalOxide Resistive Random Access Memory With Experiment Verification https://t.co/DhlMo2ZenF #papers

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April 22, 2016 at 05:53PM

Apr 21, 2016

SPICE models for Precision DACs https://t.co/evOjXzJZYd #papers

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April 21, 2016 at 08:20PM

Apr 19, 2016

[mos-ak] A new approach to compact semiconductor device modelling with Qucs Verilog-A analogue module synthesis

A new approach to compact semiconductor device modelling with Qucs Verilog-A analogue module synthesis  

M. E. Brinson 1,* andV. Kuznetsov 2  

Keywords:Qucs; Verilog-A analogue module synthesis;equation-defined devices (EDD); compact device modelling; circuit simulation  

Summary: Since the introduction of SPICE non-linear controlled voltage and current sources, they have become a central feature in the interactive development of behavioural device models and circuit macromodels. The current generation of SPICE-based open source general public license circuit simulators, including Qucs, Ngspice and Xyce©, implements a range of mathematical operators and functions for modelling physical phenomena and system performance. The Qucs equation-defined device is an extension of the SPICE style non-linear B type controlled source which adds dynamic charge properties to behavioural sources, allowing for example, voltage and current dependent capacitance to be easily modelled. Following, the standardization of Verilog-A, it has become a preferred hardware description language where analogue models are written in a netlist format combined with more general computer programming features for sequencing and controlling model operation. In traditional circuit simulation, the generation of a Verilog-A model from a schematic, with embedded non-linear behavioural sources, is not automatic but is normally undertaken manually. This paper introduces a new approach to the generation of Verilog-A compact device models from Qucs circuit schematics using a purpose built analogue module synthesizer. To illustrate the properties and use of the Qucs Verilog-A module synthesiser, the text includes a number of semiconductor device modelling examples and in some cases compares their simulation performance with conventional behavioural device models. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  

Article first published online: 15 APR 2016; DOI: 10.1002/jnm.2166  

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[3] Brinson M, Crozier R, Kuznetsov V, Novak C, Roucaries B, Schreuder F, Torri GT. Qucs (Quite universal circuit simulator), 2015. Available from: http;//qucs.sourceforge.net [Accessed November 2015].
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Direct Link:
Abstract PDF(1011K) References Web of Science® Times Cited: 7 Go here for SFX
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Abstract PDF(1156K) References Web of Science® Times Cited: 7 Go here for SFX
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CrossRefWeb of Science® Times Cited: 1
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