Oct 13, 2010
SEMI urges less bureaucratic approach to EU research funding
Oct 5, 2010
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 (graphene)
Andre Geim, Dutch citizen. Born 1958 in Sochi, Russia. Ph.D. 1987 from Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia. Director of Manchester Centre for Meso-science & Nanotechnology, Langworthy Professor of Physics and Royal Society 2010 Anniversary Research Professor, University of Manchester, UK.
Konstantin Novoselov, Brittish and Russian citizen. Born 1974 in Nizhny Tagil, Russia. Ph.D. 2004 from Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Professor and Royal Society Research Fellow, University of Manchester, UK.
Read the press release...
AWR Announces New PDK for Cree GaN HEMT MMIC Foundry
Oct 3, 2010
[mos-ak] MOS-AK/GSA Seville Workshop on-line Publications
More that 50 registered participants followed 2 keynote invited
presentations, 7 technical compact modeling talks as well as 15 poster
presentation at the MOS-AK/GSA ESSEDERC/ESSCIRC Compact Modeling
Workshop. I would like to thank all MOS-AK/GSA speakers and poster
presenters for sharing their compact modeling competence, R&D
experience and delivering valuable MOS-AK/GSA presentations. I am
sure, that our modeling event in Seville was beneficial to all MOS-AK
Workshop attendees.
Please note that as a result of post workshop discussion, the Dolphin
Verilog-A Compact Model Coding Whitepaper is available for direct
Organization of our modeling event would not be possible without our
generous sponsors: Cascade Microtech and X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries
as well as the IEEE EDS, technical co-sponsor. I also would like to
personally acknowledge local ESSDERC/ESSCIRC organizers, in
particular, Professors Manuel Delgado Restituto, Andrés Godoy, the
ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Tutorials & Workshops Chairs for their dedication,
commitment. My very special 'thank you' goes also to Susana Eiroa for
her assistance and providing smooth workshop logistics.
I hope, we would have a next chance to meet us with your academic and
industrial partners at future MOS-AK/GSA modeling events (check the
list below).
- with regards - WG (for the MOS-AK/GSA Committee)
MOS-AK/Seville on-line publications <http://mos-ak.org/seville>
MOS-AK/California (Dec.2010; IEDM time frame)
IWCM at ASP-DAC in Yokohama Jan.2011 (with MOS-AK Support)
MOS-AK/Paris at LIP6 (March/April 2011)
MIXDES in Gliwice June 16-18, 2011 (with MOS-AK Session)
MOS-AK/Helsinki Sept.16, 2011 (ESSDERC time frame)
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Oct 1, 2010
CEA-Leti Makes a R&D 20nm Fully Depleted SOI Process available through CMP
The basis of the Fully Depleted SOI 20nm technology offer will be the following:
- CMOS transistors with an undoped channel and a silicon film thickness of 6nm
- High-k / Metal Gate stack
- Single threshold voltage (Vth) n- and p-MOSFET with balanced Vth of ±0.4V
- Associated Design Kit, including SPICE model (Verilog-A language), model cards extracted from silicon data, p-cells, DRC, LVS, schematic, parasitics
- Design Kit documentation