Detailed information regarding the venue and travel to the conference site can be found in the official website of the Winter School.
Dec 3, 2009
The International Winter School: Beyond Moore’s Law, 2010 (BML2)
Detailed information regarding the venue and travel to the conference site can be found in the official website of the Winter School.
Dec 1, 2009
[mos-ak] Final Program: MOS-AK Workshop in Baltimore
--- Workshop location:
* Johns Hopkins University at Homewood Campus in the Computational
Sciences and Engineering
* Building (CSEB) Room CSEB 17
* <
--- No registration fee thanks to our organizers and sponsors.
To help our local organizers with local logistic and other
arrangements, we would suggest to register on-line
--- MOS-AK/Baltimore Committee:
* Andreas G. Andreou, JHU; Technical Program Chair
* Pekka Ojala, Exar; MOS-AK/GSA WG North America Chair
* Gilson I Wirth; UFRGS; MOS-AK/GSA WG South America Chair
* Ehrenfried Seebacher, austriamicrosystems AG; MOS-AK/GSA WG
Europe Chair
* Chelsea Boone GSA; Senior Research Analyst
* Darryl Leavitt, GSA; Director of Events
* Wladek Grabinski, GMC Suisse; MOS-AK/GSA Workshop Manager
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Nov 30, 2009
Circuit Simulation with SPICE OPUS, Theory and Practice
The Complete Book on Contemporary Circuit Design
Series: Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISBN: 978-0-8176-4866-4, 2009, Hardcover; A Birkhäuser book
Download simulation examples from chapter 7 ( 23KB)
More about the book ...
Visit also OPUS Spice web site.
Nov 18, 2009
[mos-ak] [Dec.9, 2009] MOS-AK Meeting at Baltimore // 2nd announcement
with updated:
* Speakers list:
* Extended Panel Session:
* To register, use available Free On-line Registration form:
* Important dates:
# Nov.30 Final program
# Dec.9, 2009 MOS-AK/GSA Workshop
# collocated with:
* IEDM Conference (Dec.6-9 <>)
* CMC Meeting (Dec.10-11 <>)
* ISDRS Symposium (Dec. 9-11 <>
* MOS-AK/Baltimore Committee:
* Andreas G. Andreou, JHU; Technical Program Chair
* Pekka Ojala, Exar; MOS-AK/GSA WG North America Chair
* Gilson I Wirth; UFRGS; MOS-AK/GSA WG South America Chair
* Ehrenfried Seebacher, austriamicrosystems AG; MOS-AK/GSA WG
Europe Chair
* Chelsea Boone GSA; Senior Research Analyst
* Darryl Leavitt, GSA; Director of Events
* Wladek Grabinski, GMC Suisse; MOS-AK/GSA Workshop Manager
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Touchstones of a Quality Compact Model
- incorporate new physics that improves the accuracy or predictive ability of existing models in a meaningful way, and/or
- it should demonstrate a novel method or approach that improves the efficiency of the simulations without loss of accuracy, and/or
- it should take an existing phenomenological or semi-empirical model and establish the physical foundations of the model and/or
- it should provide new insight into the functioning, performance characteristics, reliability, or limits of conventional devices and ideally should even suggest a means of improvement, and/or
- it should provide new insights into how existing models are related, and/or
- it should be predictive of new behaviors which can be subsequently observed and/or,
- it should clarify the domain of validity of existing models.
- a) When presenting results that are compared with simulation results, authors should state which models were turned on in the simulations.
- b) When presenting results that are compared with simulation results, authors should include a table that identifies the simulation parameters and the analytical model parameters (physical as well as fitting) used to generate the model traces. If the simulation parameters differ from the corresponding analytical physical parameters, authors should explain why.
- c) When presenting results that are compared with simulation results, authors should only show relevant comparison plots with correct models turned on. For example if the compact model considers field-dependent mobility when reporting transport properties, then the corresponding TCAD plots should not be reported using constant mobility.
- d) When reporting subthreshold voltages extracted from simulations, authors should state the method of extraction and if by constant current method they should state the current cut-off value used.
- e) Authors should actually read and understand the references they cite. Specifically, cited references should actually substantiate the claims made by the author.

Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
Houston, TX
[1] D. Verret; "Touchstones of a Quality Compact Model" Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on; Nov. 2009; Vo. 56, No. 11; pp: 2374-2375