Oct 3, 2008

[mos-ak] Edinburgh on-line publications

I post an e-mail from Wladek Grabinski (MOS-AK), in the MOS-AK googlegroups:

The MOS-AK Edinburgh Workshop's presentations are available on-line
please visit:

I would like to take this opportunity and thank all speakers and presenters for their valuable contribution to the MOS-AK/ESSDERC/ESSCIRC workshop.

Let me also acknowledge the workshop sponsors (Accelicon, Tanner, X-FAB and SUSS) for their generous financial support as well as the conference organizers for their support, smooth organization and perfect logistic of our modeling event, which is an unique platform for continuous promotion of local, European compact modeling activities.

You are more than welcome to attend and contribute to coming events:

# 1st International MOS-AK Workshop in San Francisco

# MOS-AK Spring'09 Meeting

Oct 2, 2008

On the way to Plastic computation

I've found (out of sheer luck, I must say) a very nice paper in the IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine. The topic: Plastic electronics, one of my fixations, even if I think that it will be used mainly for large-area applications. The paper I'm talking about (On the way to plastic computation) is a quite complete paper, from fabrication to circuit design using a commercial soft (Cadence).

The only point I find improvable (a lot) is that they are not doing a good job in the references, and they miss a lot of the field. However, as I've said, the paper is very interesting (not for the technical aspects, but this is a magazine...), since it's the first time I see a paper presenting the full design cycle...

Sep 30, 2008

2009 Symposium on VLSI Technology

The 2009 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology will be held from June 15 to June 17 at Rihga Royal Hotel in Kyoto, Japan.

The IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology is one of the most prestigeous conferences on VLSI devices and processes. It is also a very competitive and tough conference. Papers should always be innovative enough regarding VLSI devices. Some of the topics explicitly mentioned in the Call for Papers are "processes and device modeling of VLSI devices" and "theories and fundamentals" related to VLSI devices. Therefore, researchers in device modeling (including compact modeling) can submit papers to the IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology, but it should be remarked that these models or theories should be real breakthroughs.

The deadline is January 14.

There will be a Best Student Paper Award. The Symposium will cover the travel mexpenses and registration fee for the award recipient to attend the 2009 Symposium.

The IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology will be held in conjunction with the IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, which is one of the top conferences in the field of integrated circuits. This Symposium is also very demanding and competitive. Papers should be really breakthroughs to be accepted.

Besides, a satellite workshop, the 2009 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, will be held at the same location as the VLSI Symposia on June 13-14 2009.

Well, despite the symposium is so demanding, it is worthy to work hard to make a suitable paper for this Symposium. And it is also a good opportunity to enjoy some days in Kyoto, one of the most beautiful cities in Japan!

IEEE TED Special issue on Compact Interconnect Models for Giga Scale Integration

This Special Issue in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices will be devoted to the research and development activities on emerging compact interconnection models for circuit simulation for the 65 nm technological dode and below.

Topics include compact models for RLCK interconnects, Cu/low-K technologies, Carbon nanotube interconnects and Graphene Nano-Ribbon interconnects, RF and Microwave, 2D/3D compact interconnect models, interconnect modeling for SoC design, interconnect variability and statistical modeling,...

The deadline for paper submission is January 16 2009.

Postdoc position on compact device modeling in Spain

A postdoc position is open in the Department of The Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Control Engineering in the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain). This position is funded by a European project of the type called Marie-Curie Industry Academia Partnership and Pathwatys.

The candidate should have a Ph D in Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Physics, or related disciplines.

The candidate should have enough research experience in the field of semiconductor devices, and must have a very good knowledge of the physics of electron devices. The research project to be carried out can be adapted to the candidate's profile. In any case, it will be related to the European project which will fund this position. Our contribution in these projects is the physics and modeling (in particular compact modeling) of the novel devices addressed by this European project: multi-gate MOSFETs (FinFETs, DG MOSFETs,...), High Voltage MOSFETs and advanced HEMTs.

The postdoc position, which will be a contract, will have a duration of at least 18 months (maybe up to 24 months). The net salary will be around 2000 Euro/month.

Interested applicants should send me their CV by e-mail.

MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS: benjamin.iniguez@urv.cat

Benjamin Iñiguez
Nanoelectronics and Photonics Systrems Group (NEPHOS)
Department of Electronic Engineering
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)
Avinguda dels Paisos Catalans 26
43007 Tarragona


The 2009 IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009) will be held in Taipei (Taiwan), on 24-27 May 2009. It will be hosted by the hosted by the National Cheng Kung University.

ISCAS is the largest conference in the area of Circuits and Systems. It is sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. Prestigeous speakers in this field are always invited.

ISCAS 2009 will focus on circuits and systems for Human Centric Smart Living Technologies, including mobile communications, multimedia systems, sensor interface, and biosystems.

The deadline for regular paper submission is October 10 2008 As indicated in the Call for Papers, the scope of ISCAS 2009 includes all topics related to integrated circuits and systems. Papers on compact modeling for circuit design are considered to address some of the topic of the call. In fact, every year a number of interesting papers on compact modeling are presented at ISCAS.

It is important to mention that in ISCAS posters are very well considered, as important as oral presentations. Many authors choose poster as their presentation format.

On the other hand, a "a very entertaining social program is planned. Special tours to tourist attractions will be available to the Symposium attendees and their guests." It Sounds promising, anyway.

Sep 29, 2008


The 5th International TFT Conference (ITC'09) will take place in the École Polytechnique (near Paris, France) on March 5-6 2009.

ITC is an annual conference which addresses all topics related to Thin Film Transistors (TFTs), from process to circuits, also including simulation and compact modeling.

Abstracts should be submitted not later than November 30 for evaluation.

A number of talks will be given by prestigeous invited speakers.

Key Dates / Schedule
First Call-for-Papers.......................................................................Sep.15, 2008
Submission of Short Abstract........................................................Nov.30, 2008
Acceptance Notification...................................................................Jan.1, 2009
Submission of camera ready manuscript..........................................Feb.1, 2009
Advance Registration.......................................................................Feb.1, 2009

Separate Cover letter
Title of Paper Oral/Poster Preference
Full name, complete mailing address, email address, telephone and fax number of the principal author
Name, Affiliation, city, state, country of additional authors

Objective and Background: Briefly describe the goals and intent of your project and give background
factors that led to the new results
Results: Describe, in detail, the specific results that will be presented at the ITC’09.
Impact: Discuss the significance of your work and compare your findings with previously published
All interested authors are requested to submit abstracts for evaluation via the ITC ’09 web site.

No doubt ITC 2009 will be a very interesting conference. Besides, ITC '09 will be held jointly with the SID Mid-Europe Chapter Spring Meeting, an annual meeting attracting many European display professionals.