Jan 2, 2007

Why models are useful

Have a look at this blog from David Rutledge. It explanins very clearly what models (as he says, in the sense used in the Semiconductor industry) are, and what are they used for. He explains many things about different kinds of models, including the whole design process. It is good to keep an eye on the whole process, and not to get too focused on the mathematical modeling of the transistors.

Happy new year!

Well, after the celebrations of New Year, it's now time to get again to the real life. There are lots of things to comment on.
The first thing is the effect of the earthquake on the semiconductor production capabilities of Taiwan and the neighbour countries. People says that these effectes have been "limited" (have a look at this link: it is a very good source of news). We'll see...
I'd like to comment also the work of one of my students: she passed her final project on december 22 (with very good marks...), and she is now a very happy telecom engineer. However, her project had little to do with telecommunications, because I was directing her and it is traditional in our university that the project is related to the research of the supervisor. The project was on comparing the goodness of different methods of fitting models to experimental results using genetic algorithms. She compared queen-bee with classical methods, plus a combination of both. Results were quite good. If you are interested, ask me...

Dec 31, 2006

Conference in Roma (ITC'07)

I'm attending a conference in Roma on January 25-26: the 2007 International Thin Film Transistors Conference, ITC'07 (see the webpage) . I'm presenting there a paper on how to extend the AIMSPICE TFT model to short devices. If you want more details, contact me. Anyway, after the conference, I'll post here the abstract (I'd do it before, but it would be unethical).


Welcome everybody!

This is the first entry of what will be (hopefully) a blog dedicated to the world of compact modeling. We will try to discuss the most recent developments and also a bit of history. Obviously, all comments are welcome.

First of all, let me introduce myself: my name is Rodrigo Picos, and I've got a PhD in electronics, and I'm currently working on Compact Modeling. I'm also one of the founders of SEDEMOS, Inc, which is a firm dedicated to semiconductor consultancy (we cover from organic TFT to bulk MOS, without forgetting SOI nor HEMTs).

Happy new year 2007!