Dec 2, 2019

#Alibaba’s growing #opensource stature - Eyes on APAC

from Twitter

December 02, 2019 at 04:07PM

[C4P] 50th ESSDERC / 46th ESSCIRC

Grenoble (F) Sept.14-18 2020
Call for Papers

The aim of ESSCIRC and ESSDERC is to provide an annual European forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in solid-state devices and circuits. The level of integration for system-on-chip design is rapidly increasing. Therefore, more than ever before, a deeper interaction among technologists, device experts, IC designers and system designers is necessary. While keeping separate Technical Program Committees, ESSDERC and ESSCIRC are governed by a common Steering Committee and share Plenary Keynote Presentations and Joint Sessions bridging both communities. Attendees registered for either conference are encouraged to attend any of the scheduled parallel sessions, regardless to which conference they belong.

TPC Tracks:

  • Advanced Technology, Process and Materials
  • Analog, Power and RF Devices
  • Compact modeling and process/device simulation
  • Joint TRACK: Memory devices and circuits towards non Von Neumann
  • Joint TRACK: Emerging Computing Devices and Circuits
  • Joint TRACK: Devices and circuits for Sensors, Optoelectronics and Display
  • Analog Circuits
  • Data Converters Circuits
  • RF & mmW Circuits
  • Frequency Generation Circuits
  • Wireless & Wireline Circuits & Systems
  • Digital Circuits & Systems
  • Power Management Circuits

Nov 30, 2019

#paper A. Biswas, D. Ludwig and M. Cotorogea, "A New Computer-Aided Calibration Technique of Physics Based IGBT & Power-Diode Compact Models with Verilog-A Implementation," 2019 SISPAD, Udine, Italy, 2019, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/SISPAD.2019.8870499

from Twitter

November 30, 2019 at 06:12PM

Nov 29, 2019

PhD Positions at Institute for Microelectronics/TU Wien

PhD Positions
on Characterization, Modeling and Circuit Simulation in Microelectronics
Institute for Microelectronics/TU Wien

The Institute for Microelectronics is a world leading research institute focused on the reliability of circuit components (especially transistors). In addition to conventional Si transistors, the behavior of SiC devices designed for high-power applications is also at the center of interest. The broad field of research conducted at the Institute of Microelectronics ranges from characterization, physical modeling and ab-initio simulations to compact modeling and circuit simulation. For the characterization of transistors, the Institute for Microelectronics has a modern laboratory equipped with commercial and custom-built measurement instruments. To explain the experimental data, elaborate physical models are developed and constantly improved. The models are directly incorporated into state-of-the-art device simulators, i.e. MinimosNT and Comphy. To perform computationally expensive simulations a modern computer cluster is while for circuit simulations Cadence and Synopsis spice simulators are available.

The institute is currently looking for highly talented and motivated young researchers to join the team in one of the following areas:
  • Physical modeling of silicon-carbide transistors
  • Single-defect characterization of low-noise silicon transistors
  • Development of custom-made measurement instruments
  • Circuit simulations using advanced implementation of reliability models in Verilog-A for SPICE
For the positions knowledge in one or more of the following areas is advantageous to complement our team:
  • C/C++ and Python
  • Semiconductor device physics
  • Circuit simulation
  • Implementation of new compact/physical models
  • Handling of device/circuit simulators
  • Design of discrete analog circuits and hardware/software solutions
  • Wafer probers and instruments for microelectronics
  • Keithley instruments and scripting language LUA
  • Measurement techniques in microelectronics (MSM, C(V), DLTS, charge pumping etc.)
As a teaching institution, knowledge transfer and close cooperation with students are very importance. The applicants should like to work together with students and supervise Master’s and Bachelor theses.

Starting Date: As soon as possible

Salary: Three-year positions (40hours/week) are in accordance with the salary regulations of the Austrian Science Fund. The gross annual salary is approximately EUR 40,300

Application Material: Please provide a detailed CV, your collective certificates, your Master’s thesis (weblink or PDF), and a single-page motivation letter (discussing relevant previous experience related to the desired skills and experiences) and summarize your motives for joining us.

Application: Please submit your application to
Application Deadline: The positions will remain open until filled.

#paper J. A. D. Alamo, "Kudos to Our Golden Reviewers," in IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 1891-1891, Dec. 2019. doi: 10.1109/LED.2019.2953249

and some 2019 EDL Review Statistics:

from Twitter
— Wladek Grabinski (@wladek60) November 29, 2019

November 29, 2019 at 11:45AM

Do want to do a #PhD with two of the best #companies in the #world and #receive highly #competitive salary package? More #information here: #modeling

from Twitter

November 29, 2019 at 11:31AM

Nov 28, 2019

X-FAB 车规级特色工艺技术研讨会 诚挚邀请您参加在深圳举办的技术研讨会,共同发掘合作新契机! #modeling

from Twitter

November 28, 2019 at 01:42PM