Together with the Organizing Committee and Extended MOS-AK/GSA TPC Committee, we have pleasure to invite to the 10th MOS-AK/GSA Compact Modeling Workshop at the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Conference in Bordeaux, Sept. 21, 2012.
The terms of participation, intending participants and authors should also note the following dates:
- Preannouncement - April 2012
- Call for Papers - May 2012
- Abstract submission deadline - June 2012
- Final Workshop Program - July 2012
- MOS-AK/GSA Workshop - Sept. 21, 2012
Email contact: <>
- with regards - WG (for the MOS-AK/GSA Committee)
MIXDES Special Modeling Sesion Warsaw (PL) May 24-26, 2012
MOS-AK/GSA Bordeaux (F) Sept.21, 2012
MOS-AK/GSA San Francisco, CA Q4 2012
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