Mar 23, 2007

Another blog

I've found another blog about semiconductors. It is basically about technology news, but it is quite interesting to look at. You can reach it here (by the way, the name is Semiconductor Highlights). It is not frequentely updated, but it has a long history. In any case, if any of you, dear hipothetical readers, feels like suggesting another blog, don't hesitate to post it here...

Mar 20, 2007


The last call for papers has been issued for the DCIS'07. This conference has evolved from its origins, more than two decades ago, into an important international meeting for researches in the highly active fields of micro and nano electronics circuits and integrated systems. It provides an excellent forum to present and investigate the emerging challenges in modelling, design, implementation and test of circuits and systems. Experts from both industry and academia have the chance to discuss the demands and solutions for current applications. Strong scientific, technical and personal relationships have been developed in the frame of this event. Moreover, there will be at least one session dedicated to modelling. So, it is a very good opportunity to visit Sevilla!

DCIS 2007 will take place at Sevilla. Last editions were at Barcelona (2006), Lisboa (2005), Bordeaux (2004), Ciudad Real (2003), Santander (2002), Porto (2001), Montpellier (2000) and Palma de Mallorca (1999). DCIS 2007 will be organized by the Institute of Microelectronics of Sevilla, IMSE-CNM.