Mar 13, 2007


I've found some interesting links about Compact Modeling. The first one is the homepage of Dr. Zhou Xing, at the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). A quite interesting page, with links to many of his papers and works.

The second link is more educational, and contains the material of a course in the "Grupo de Electrónica del Estado Sólido de la Universidad Simón Bolívar" (Caracas, VENEZUELA). The only drawback of this excellent page is that it is in a mixture of Spanish and English. However, the completeness of the page fully justifies a visit.

Mar 9, 2007

Carbon Nanotubes

I've been informed that the Journal of Semiconductor Science and Technology freely distributes (up to april, 18th) its special issue on charge and transport on Carbon Nanotubes. It is a very interesting topic, and the papers are both reviews and original research. I think it is an opportunity not to be missed.