Feb 28, 2007


I've been sent a white paper from RF-globalnet on S-parameter extraction. For those of you who do not know what a S-parameter is, I shall recommend to read it. For the rest, it can be interesting reading another point of view. The paper is from Richard Wang, Applications Engineering Manager, RF Micro Devices, Inc., and Ming-Hsiang Cho, Ph.D. Candidate, National Chiao-Tung University (Taiwan). You can download it from this link (it's free!).

Hint: S-parameters are used in RF circuits...

Feb 26, 2007

Thin-film design guidelines

Did you ever wondered how thin-film transistors are made or what are the design rules you should use? I'm asking because, in order to get a proper model or to explain it to a designer (the final user of our models, let me remind you), you should be aware of all these things and how they affect to your model, because they are important. Diablo Industries, Inc. now has made available on-line a set of design rules and material description that is very interesting to read, even it you only perform a quick lecture.