Oct 4, 2016

Angstrem is developing new radiation-resistant microchips

as of August 16, 2016 by VICTORIA ZAVYALOVA, RBTH

Angstrem is planning to export microchips to India's aerospace sector. This is a major turning point for the Russian microelectronics industry, which until recently was almost entirely dependent on imports.
The Russian company Angstrem is completing the development of new radiation-resistant microchips for use in outer space. In September the manufacturer is planning to begin deliveries to India, its first major export market. This initial delivery will total about 10,000 microchips, and the contract is estimated at $200,000.
"While India has a full-fledged space program, the country does not have a complete technological cycle for the production of spacecraft and launch vehicles," said Vitali Aryshev, Angstrem's director of communications, when explaining the choice of this market. [read more...]

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