Apr 27, 2014

[mos-ak] CUSPICE: CUDA-accelerated NGSPICE release available immediately

 Recently, Francesco Lannutti, NGSPICE lead developer, has announced the CUSPICE: CUDA-accelerated NGSPICE release. The NVIDIA has recognised importance of the open source CAD/EDA tools and gave the permission to release CUSPICE as an integral part of the NGSPICE simulation platform. New NGSPICE extension is available immediately on the NGSPICE repository, in the branch named 'CUSPICE'. 

 At the moment only BSIM4v7, CAP, IND, ISRC, RES and VSRC device models are supported by the CUSPICE simulator. With broad acceptance of the NGSPICE simulation platform, we can expect other standard models and new extensions developed, soon. 

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Apr 21, 2014

[Abstracts Due Extended] 2014 NanoTech Workshop on Compact Modeling

 NanoTech Workshop on Compact Modeling Important Dates:
  • Late Poster Abstracts Due: Rolling Submissions - May 15
  • Notification: Rolling Notification Date
Authors of research submissions, upon acceptance, must register for the conference. [read more...]

Apr 17, 2014

Devices That You Definitely Will (and Just Might) Use: Emerging Transistor Technologies for the Near-and Long-Term

 WEDNESDAY June 04, 4:00pm - 6:00pm | Room 302 

 SPECIAL DAC SESSION 63: Devices That You Definitely Will (and Just Might) Use: Emerging Transistor Technologies for the Near-and Long-Term

Chair:  Michael Niemier; Univ. of Notre Dame, IN
Organizers:  Michael Niemier; Univ. of Notre Dame, IN
Xiaobo Sharon Hu; Univ. of Notre Dame, IN

Want to learn about the latest developments in FinFET-based processor design? What other transistor technologies might follow FinFETs and would they bring new design and modeling challenges? Come to this session to hear about both near- and long-term transistor technologies and their prospects for continuing Moore’s Law-based performance scaling trends. The session will begin with a discussion of FinFET technology; subsequent presentations will discuss tunnel transistors (TFETs) as well as other emerging FET technologies that could reenable voltage scaling. The session will conclude with a discussion of modeling efforts that consider the impact of new device technologies on von Neumann architectures as well as hybrid analog/digital circuits and architectures.

63.1 FinFET's and Their Implications for Design Now and in the Future

  • Speaker: Rob Aitken; ARM Ltd., San Jose, CA
    Greg Yeric; ARM Ltd., Austin, TX
    Brian Cline; ARM Ltd., Austin, TX
    Lucian Shifren; ARM Ltd., San Jose, CA

63.2 Emerging Devices for Logic: Can a Low-Power Switch Be Fast?

  • Speaker: Thomas Theis; IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY

63.3 Energy Efficient Tunnel-FET Transistors for Beyond CMOS Logic

  • Speaker: Uygar Avci; Intel Corp., Portland, OR
    Daniel Morris; Intel Corp., Portland, OR
    Ian Young; Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR

63.4 Steep Slope Devices: Enabling New Architectural Paradigms

  • Speaker: Vijaykrishnan Narayanan; Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA
    Karthik Swaminathan; Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA
    Huichu Liu; Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA
    Moon Seok Kim; Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA
    Xueqing Li; Pennsylvania State Univ., State College, PA
    Jack Sampson; Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA

Apr 15, 2014

[mos-ak] [on-line publications] Spring MOS-AK Workshop in London

Recent, Spring MOS-AK Workshop at the London Metropolitan University was organized to discuss SPICE/compact modeling and its standardization with following Qucs GPL circuit simulation tutorial. The workshop's presentations are available on-line at <http://www.mos-ak.org/london_2014/>.
Please also distribute further information about next MOS-AK related events among all who are interested in the SPICE/compact modeling and its Verilog-A standardization:
Already now, I am looking forward to meet you at one of our MOS-AK modeling events, soon.

-- with regards - wladek for the Extended MOS-AK/GSA Committee;
Arbeitskreis Modellierung von Systemen und Parameterextraktion 
Modeling of Systems and Parameter Extraction Working Group
Over two decades of Enabling Compact Modeling R&D Exchange
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i-MOS version 201404 release

The i-MOS Team has announced  new release of the interactive Modeling and On-line Simulation
Platform (i-MOS), version 201404. In this release, there are several new services listed as follows:

  • Integrating the model benchmark testing suites in Model page
  • Including first three benchmark tests for model evaluations
  • Constructing the Developer page for device model submissions
  • Implementing one industry standard MOSFET model HiSIM2
  • Uploading presentation files from IWCM 2014 for your references

For more details, please visit the i-MOS website.

Apr 3, 2014

ESSDERC/ESSCIRC 2014 - Paper submission deadline extension

the Organizing Committee decided to extend the paper submission deadline of the 44th ESSDERC and 40th ESSCIRC to:
April 16th, 2014 23:59 (GMT - 07:00 am)

This is a hard deadline and no further extensions will be granted. After the deadline is elapsed, further paper submissions will not be accepted. The notification of paper acceptance, May 27, 2014, has not changed. Detailed information about the conferences is provided at the ESSCIRC/ESSDERC 2014 website.

[read more...]

VI Regional Seminar MNE & MS 2014

VI Regional Seminar on Computer Modeling and Designing in Micro- and Nanoelectronics and in Microelectromechanical Systems (MNE & MS 2014),
Orel, Russia, March 28 2014
  1. С.И. Матюхин1, Welcome and Seminar Openning,
  2. Турин В.О.1, Кильчицкая М.В.2, Герасимов К.А.2Simulation of power bipolar transistor,
    1Госуниверситет-УНПК, 2БГТУ, г. Брянск
  3. Ващенко В.А., The physical ESD design for integrated circuits and electronic devices,
    Maxim Integrated Corp., г. Сан Хосе, Калифорния, США
  4. Цырлов А.М., Development of CMOS optocoupler,
    ОАО «Протон», г. Орёл
  5. Студенников А.С., Development of CMOS ICs,
    ОАО «Протон», г. Орёл
  6. Малый Д.О.1, Матюхин С.И.2, Ставцев А.В.1"Proton-Elektroteks" IGBT-devices JSC: basic approaches of production and quality assurance,
    1ЗАО «Протон-Электротекс», г. Орёл, 2Госуниверситет-УНПК
  7. Макулевский Г.Р., Матюхин С.И., Current-voltage characteristics of laser diodes based on AlGaAs,
  8. Матюхин С.И., Гришин В.О., Radiation effects of on the current-voltage characteristic of power diodes and thyristors,
  9. Писарев А.А.1, Матюхин С.И.2, Сурма А.М.1, Черников А.А.1Electrical characteristics of fast diodes with soft recovery,
    1ЗАО «Протон-Электротекс», г. Орёл, 2Госуниверситет-УНПК
  10. Koziol Z., Aestimo quantum mechanical software for modeling quantum wells in nanoelectronics,
    TU Rzeszow, Polska