Mirjana Videnovic-Misic, Harald Pretl, Ali Sabir, Zonghao (Chris) Li,
and Sadayuki Yoshitomi
SSCS PICO Chronicles: news from the open source community
Date of current version: 14 November 2023
DOI: 10.1109/MSSC.2023.3315888
The Growing Activity of Open
Source Chip Design in Japan
The Chipathon 2023 Team Japan consists of 12 volunteers from industry and academia. Since the team members are located in different parts of Japan, the team will be working remotely to design the project. On 4 August, they held a kickoff meeting where the members, who had been working together on Slack, gathered for the first time in person. Although many of the team members have no tape-out experience, they are all truly interested in IC design. The leader of Team Japan is Prof. Akira Tsuchiya at the University of Shiga in Japan (FIG).
Prof. Tsuchiya has been working on open source IC design and has been a volunteer member of the SSCS Chipathon since October 2022. He has promoted open source IC design and SSCS PICO activities in Japan. He held several hands-on events, for example, at the summer camp of the IE- ICE ICD in 2022. Also, he gave several talks about open source IC design and his research on analog synthesis in domestic conferences. And now, he has recruited members and applied to the latest Chipathon. Let’s look forward to the activities of the new members of “Team Japan.”
FIG: Prof. Akira Tsuchiya, an associate professor of the University of Shiga prefecture,
Japan, and a snapshot of the kickoff meeting (hybrid) of the Chipathon 2023 Japan team