There were two DevRooms to discuss the status and further FOSS CAD/EDA IC design tools developments and open PDK initiative:
- Libre-SOC, FPGA and VLSI DevRoom
- Open Hardware and CAD/CAM DevRoom
1. Theoretical aspects of micro-and nanoelectronic systems (MES).
2. Methods and tools of design automation for micro-and nanoelectronic circuits and systems (VLSI CAD).
3. Experience of development of digital, analog, digital to analog, radio functional blocks of VLSI.
4. Features of VLSI design for nanometer technologies.
5. SoCs for advanced radioelectronic equipment.
6. Exhibition and presentation of commercial products.
1. Circuits and Systems based on nanometer technologies2. Systems on Chip3. Digital VLSI Design4. Design of analog functional blocks and radio VLSI5. Design of mixed-signal VLSI6. Methods of structural synthesis of analog, digital and mixed VLSI and complex functional blocks7. Specialized (resistant to special effects, photosensitivity, etc.) VLSI
1. Methods of simulation of digital, analog and mixed circuits and systems2. Methods for radio VLSI simulation3. Structural, logical, circuit, mixed and layout simulation4. Methods for generating models and macromodels for VLSI CAD5. Device and Technology simulation6. Behavioral simulation
1. Information coding2. Digital data processing3. Use of artificial intelligence methods, neural networks, etc. in micro- and nanoelectronic system designs4. Unconventional arithmetic5. High-performance computers
1. Nanomagnetic storage devices2. Magnetosensor structures
Professor Andrzej Jakubowski was born in 1940 in Kraków; died on March 9, 2021 in Warsaw. He was a graduate of the TU Warsaw. He obtained his PhD in 1974, and his habilitation (DSc) in 1983. Six years later, he was awarded the academic professor title. During his scientific and research carrier, he was the author or co-author of about 650 scientific papers, conference contributions and books (including [1]), 9 patents and patent applications, as well as promoting popular science. Professor Jakubowski was one of the most outstanding TU Warsaw professors, co-founder of the Polish microelectronics industry. He was also a pioneer of diamond-like and graphene layers application in microelectronics. For more than 50 years associated with the Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics as its Director; founder of an outstanding scientific school of the micro and nanoelectronics, higly recognized in Poland as well as by many foreign R&D centers; a teacher and tutor of next generations of engineers; personally devoted to young people; with deep passion for half a century educating students and scientific staff at the highest international level with immense dedication of all his heart and scientific knowledge. Professor Jakubowski promoted 23 PhD students and may of them are working for international semiconductor companies and R&D organizations, now.