Showing posts with label CAS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAS. Show all posts

Oct 26, 2020

[CAS Seasonal School] How Technology is Impacting Agribusiness

How Technology is Impacting Agribusiness

A CAS seasonal school on technology and agribusiness will be held virtually from November 16th to November 20th. The program is quite interesting and we invite you to register through our web page Registration is free.

The current world population of 7.6 billion is expected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) global agricultural productivity must increase by 50% – 70% to be able to feed the world population in 2050. Other researchers consider that reducing the waste of food would be enough.

Factors if not obstacles to be considered to meet global food demand by 2050 and beyond:
  • Less arable land: As cities are growing, the space allowed to agriculture is shrinking.
  • Climate change: Impacting dramatically agribusiness.
  • Role of the agribusiness on the GHG emissions.
  • Planet boundaries and the role of agribusiness.
  • Availability of freshwater.
  • Soil degradation.
The need has never been greater for innovative and sustainable solutions and technology should lead to significant improvement in our food and nutritional security.

In this seasonal school prestigious researchers and experts from all over the world will present the problems and challenges agribusiness is facing and how technologies such as IoT, AI, Machine Learning, sensors, electronic circuits, electronic systems, ICs, etc., can be applied to improve and solve the majority of those problems.

This is the first of a series of “Technology and Agribusiness” Seasonal Schools. It will be a meeting point for professionals working on Precision and Smart Agriculture, as well as professionals working on IoT, sensors, electronic circuits, electronic systems, ICs, etc.

We invite you to participate in this first version of the Technology and Agribusiness Seasonal School, which due to the pandemic will be 100% online and free of charge.

Join us!

Feb 9, 2019

IEEE EDS MQ at Hotel Plaza, Begumpet (IN)

Joint Chapter of Electron Devices and Circuits and Systems Societies (ED/CAS)
IEEE Electron Devices Mini Colloquia
Date:  Sunday, 24 February 2019 Time:  3.00 P.M to 6.00 P.M
Venue: Hotel Plaza, Begumpet. Free Registration Link 

For any further details please contact the MQ Coordinators:
Registrations: 3:00PM to 3.15 PM

DL Talk 1: 3.15 PM to 4.00PM, Speaker: Prof. Charvaka Duvvury, iT2 Technologies (USA)
Topic: ESD Issues and Challenges for Advanced Semiconductor Technologies
Electro-static Discharge (ESD) has been a constant reliability concern for IC technologies for several decades and it is heading to be a roadblock to newer applications for electronic devices. The seminar will begin with a summary of the understanding about ESD and how this is applied to develop protection at the IC level for Digital, Analog, and RF circuits. This will be followed by a review of the problems posed by advanced technologies beyond the 32 nm node and the corresponding challenge of hitting the available ESD design window while meeting the IO high-speed performance requirements. The talk will conclude with a survey of the upcoming challenges from emerging technologies such as GaN and CNT, as well as IoT applications. 
Speaker Bio: Charvaka Duvvury was a Texas Instruments fellow while he worked in the Silicon Technology Development group at TI.  He received his PhD in engineering science from the University of Toledo and afterwards worked as a post-doctoral fellow in Physics at the University of Alberta. His experience at Texas Instruments spanned for 35 years in semiconductor device physics with pioneering development work in ESD design. He has also mentored PhD students at several leading US universities on their investigations in ESD research and received Outstanding Industry Mentor Award twice from the SRC. Charvaka has published over 150 papers in technical journals and conferences and holds more than US 75 patents. He co-authored and contributed to 5 books on the subject. He is a recipient of the IEEE Electron Devices Society’s Education Award and Outstanding Contributions Award from the EOS/ESD Symposium. Charvaka has been serving on Board of Directors of the ESD Association (ESDA) since 1997 promoting ESD education and research at academic institutes. He is co-founder and co-chair of the Industry Council on ESD since 2006. During 2015 he became a co-founder of the iT2 Technologies that utilizes software engine and machine learning for rapid ESD data analysis. Charvaka is also Fellow of the IEEE.

Hi Tea and Networking: 4.00 PM to 4.15 PM

DL Talk 2: 4.15 PM to 5.00PM Speaker: Dr. Wladek Grabinski, MOS-AK (Switzerland)
Topic: FOSS TCAD/EDA Process/Device Simulations for Compact/SPICE Modeling
Compact/SPICE models of circuit elements (passive, active, MEMS, RF) are essential to enable advanced IC design using nanoscaled semiconductor technologies. To explore all related interactions, we are discussing selected FOSS CAD tools along complete technology/design tool chain from nanascaled technology processes. New technology and device development will be illustrated by application examples of the FOSS TCAD tools: Cogenda TCAD and DEVSIM. Compact modeling will be highlighted by review topics related to its parameter extraction and standardization of the experimental and measurement data exchange formats. Finally, we will present FOSS CAD simulation and design tools: ngspice, Qucs, GnuCap, Xyce.
Speaker Bio: Wladek Grabinski received the Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Electron Technology, Warsaw, Poland, in 1991. From 1991 to 1998 he was a Research Assistant at the Integrated Systems Lab, ETHZ, Switzerland, supporting the CMOS and BiCMOS technology developments by electrical characterization of the processes and devices. From 1999 to 2000, he was with LEG, EPFL, and was engaged in the compact MOSFET model developments supporting numerical device simulation and parameter extraction. Later, he was a technical staff engineer at Motorola, and subsequently at Freescale Semiconductor, Geneva Modeling Center, Switzerland. He is now a consultant responsible for modeling, characterization and parameter extraction of MOST devices for the IC design. Wladek is the chair of the ESSDERC Track4: "Device and circuit compact modeling" as well as has served as a member of organization committee of ESSDERC/ESSDERC, TPC of SBMicro, SISPAD, MIXDES Conferences; reviewer of the IEEE TED, IEEE MWCL, IJNM, MEE, MEJ/ Wladek is involved in activities of the MOS-AK Association and serves as a coordinating manager since 1999.

DL Talk 3: 5.00PM to 5.45 PM Speaker: Prof. Roberto Murphy, INAOE (Mexico)
Topic: Fundamental Aspects of CMOS RF Modeling and Characterization
As CMOS technology evolves, higher frequencies can be attained while more complex functions and operations become possible in Integrated Circuits. At the design stage, there are several fundamental aspects which have to be taken into account in order to have successful fabrication results, the closest to simulation predictions as possible. Furthermore, this evolution leads to more time-consuming characterization routines, which require both personnel and time to be performed. Some of the aspects dealt with in this talk refer to characterization techniques, substrate network effects, and geometry effects.
Speaker Profile:  Roberto S. Murphy-Arteaga (M´92, SM´02) received his B.Sc. degree in Physics from St. John’s University, Minnesota, and got his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the National Institute for Research on Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE), in Tonantzintla, Puebla, México.  He has been a researcher at INAOE since 1988. Since then, he has presented over 110 talks at scientific conferences, directed nine Ph.D. theses, 16 M.Sc. and 2 B.Sc. theses, published more than 140 articles in scientific journals, conference proceedings and newspapers, and is the author of a text book on Electromagnetic Theory.  He is currently a senior researcher with the Microelectronics Laboratory.  Dr. Murphy’s research interests are the physics, modeling and characterization of the MOS Transistor and passive components for high frequency applications, especially for CMOS wireless circuits, and antenna design.  For the last 30 years, he has been active in the organization of conferences, mostly in Latin America, such as the IEEE International Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems; the Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems; VLSI-SoC, and others related to microelectronics and IC design. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a Distinguished Lecturer of the Electron Devices Society, the President of ISTEC, a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Mexican National System of Researchers (SNI).

Aug 11, 2014

Dr. Jindal has been nominated for the Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect 2015

Dr. Renuka Jindal is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA, USA since 2002. His research and teaching interests lie in the theory and practice of random processes applicable to a wide variety of phenomena in electronic and photonic devices and circuits, lightwave and wireless communications systems and biological organs. Dr. Jindal was elected Fellow of IEEE in 1991 for his seminal work reducing MOSFET noise by almost an order of magnitude for analog and RF applications. He is also a recipient of the IEEE 3rd Millennium medal. For last four decades of his dual career in industry and academia, Dr. Jindal rose through the ranks as Editor, Editor-in-Chief, VP of Publications, and as EDS President in 2010- 2011. As President he formulated the vision and mission of EDS enhancing member benefits launching a plethora of initiatives reversing the decline in EDS membership. A partial list of his accomplishments is given below:

As Senior-Past President of EDS Dr. Jindal is still very much engaged with IEEE. Recently, Dr. Jindal has been nominated by IEEE Division I to run for the Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect 2015 position in the upcoming IEEE elections. The electorate consists of members of three societies i.e. Electron Devices (ED), Solid-State Circuits (SSC) and Circuits and Systems (CAS). The slate consists of three candidates one from each of these societies. 

On his behalf, I suggest to contact your colleagues in IEEE regions 1-10 for his support since IEEE ballots will be out by August 15.