Showing posts with label SPICE Modeling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPICE Modeling. Show all posts

Jan 13, 2025

[paper] SPICE Compact FLASH Memory Model

Jung Rae Cho 1, Donghyun Ryu 2,3, Donguk Kim1, Wonjung Kim1, Yeonwoo Kim 2,3, Changwook Kim 1, Yoon Kim 4, Myounggon Kang 5, Jiyong Woo 6, and Dae Hwan Kim 1
Physics-Based SPICE-Compatible Compact Model of FLASH Memory 
With Poly-Si Channel for Computing-in-Memory Applications
in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 13, pp. 1-7, 2025
doi: 10.1109/JEDS.2024.3511581.

1 School of Electrical Engineering, Kookmin University, Seoul 02707, South Korea
2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, South Korea
3 Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, South Korea
4 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul 02504, South Korea
5 School of Advanced Fusion Studies, University of Seoul, Seoul 02504, South Korea
6 School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, South Korea

ABSTRACT: Recently, three-dimensional FLASH memory with multi-level cell characteristics has attracted increasing attention to enhance the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) by leveraging computingin-memory (CIM) systems. The focus is to maximize the computing performance and design FLASH memory suitable for various AI algorithms, where the memory must achieve a highly controllable multi-level threshold voltage (VT). Therefore, we developed a SPICE compact model that can rapidly simulate charge trap FLASH cells for CIM to identify optimal programming conditions. SPICE simulation results of the transfer characteristics are in good agreement with the results of experimentally fabricated FLASH memory, showing a low error rate of 10%. The model was also validated against the results obtained from the TCAD tool, showing that a consistent VT change was computed in a shorter time than that required using TCAD. Then, the developed model was used to comprehensively investigate how single or multiple gate voltage (VG) pulses affect VT. Moreover, considering recent FLASH memory fabrication processes, we found that grain boundaries in polycrystalline silicon channel materials can be involved in deteriorating gate controllability. Therefore, optimizing the pulse scheme by correcting potential errors identified in advance through fast SPICE simulation can enable the accurate achievement of the specific analog states of the FLASH cells of the CIM architecture, boosting computing performance.

FIG: Device structure of FLASH memory cell for TCAD Sentaurus simulation and its transfer characteristics of FLASH memory obtained from measurement and SPICE simulation.

Acknowledgements: This work was supported in part by the Institute of Information and Communications Technology Planning and Evaluation (IITP) funded by the Korea Government (MSIT) under Grant 2021-0-01764-001; in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Korean Government (MSIT) under Grant RS-2023-00208661; in part by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE) under Grant 1415187390; in part by the Korea Semiconductor Research Consortium (KSRC) support program for the Development of the Future Semiconductor Device under Grant 00231985; and in part by the 2023 Research Fund of Kookmin University, South Korea. The work of Jiyong Woo was supported by the National Research and Development Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT under Grant RS-2023-00258227.

Jul 11, 2023

[paper] Printed OTFTs

Non-Quasi-Static modeling of printed OTFTs
Antonio Valletta1,2, Matteo Rapisarda1,2, Mattia Scagliotti1, Guglielmo Fortunato1, Luigi Mariucci1,2, Andrea Fabbri2, Paolo Branchini2 and Sabrina Calvi1,2,3,4
IEEE J-EDS, 2023, Jul 7
1 CNR - Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM), via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100, 00133 Rome, Italy
2 INFN, Sezione di RomaTre, via della Vasca Navale, 00146 Rome, Italy
3 CNR-SPIN UoS di Napoli, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Fisica, piazzale Tecchio, 80, 80125, Napoli, Italy
4 Department of Physics University of “Tor Vergata”, via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133, Rome, Italy

Abstract: A non-quasi-static compact model well suited for the simulation of the electrical behavior of printed organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) is proposed and validated. The model is based on the discretization of the current continuity equation by using a spline collocation approach, while the electrical transport in the organic semiconductor is described by the variable range hopping theory. The model accounts for the presence of parasitic regions that are often found in the layouts of printed OTFTs due to large process tolerances. The model has been implemented in the Verilog-A language and has been validated by a comparison with the capacitance vs. voltage (small signal) characteristics of the devices and measurements made on OTFT-based common-source amplifiers (large signal). A comparison with a quasi-static version of the model is reported. 

FIG: Typical device layout (in scale) of the printed OTFTs and its DC (static) characterization: transfer and output characteristics of an L=100µm W=400µm device measured after light exposure

Aknowledgements: This work has been funded by the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics – INFN -5th commission, under the “FIRE” project (2019-2022) and from INFN-CNR national project (PREMIALE 2012) EOS “Organic Electronics for Innovative research instrumentation”.

Mar 2, 2022

[paper] SPICE Modeling and Circuit Demonstration of a SiC Power IC Technology

Tianshi Liu1, Hua Zhang1, Sundar Babu Isukapati2, Emran Ashik3, Adam J. Morgan2, Bongmook Lee3, Woongje Sung2, Ayman Fayed1, Marvin H. White1, and Anant K. Agarwal1
SPICE Modeling and Circuit Demonstration of a SiC Power IC Technology
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 10, pp. 129-138, 2022, 
DOI: 10.1109/JEDS.2022.315036
1 Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
2 College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, State University of New York Polytechnic Institute, Albany, NY 12309, USA
3 Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA

Abstract: Silicon carbide (SiC) power integrated circuit (IC) technology allows monolithic integration of 600 V lateral SiC power MOSFETs and low-voltage SiC CMOS devices. It enables application-specific SiC ICs with high power output and work under harsh (high-temperature and radioactive) environments compared to Si power ICs. This work presents the device characteristics, SPICE modeling, and SiC CMOS circuit demonstrations of the first two lots of the proposed SiC power IC technology. Level 3 SPICE models are created for the high-voltage lateral power MOSFETs and low-voltage CMOS devices. SiC ICs, such as the SiC CMOS inverter and ring oscillator, have been designed, packaged, and characterized. Proper operations of the circuits are demonstrated. The effects of the trapped interface charges on the characteristics of SiC MOSFETs and SiC ICs are also discussed.
FIG: Cross-sectional view of the SiC MOSFETs (lot2)

Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank the team at Analog Devices (ADI), Hillview facility for the fabrication of devices and Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). The authors also thank D. Xing for providing the customized gate driver for the dynamic characterizations of the circuits

Aug 4, 2020

[paper] SiC MOSFET SPICE Model

Lefdal Hove, Haavard, Ole Christian Spro, Giuseppe Guidi
and Dimosthenis Peftitsis
Improved SiC MOSFET SPICE Model to Avoid Convergence Errors
Materials Science Forum 1004 (July 2020): 856–64
DOI: 10.4028/

Abstract: This paper presents improvements to a SPICE model for a commercially available SiC MOSFET to avoid convergence errors while still providing reliable simulation results. Functionality in the internal part of the model that shapes the transconductance of the device according to its junction temperature and gate-source voltage dependency has been improved to provide a continuous characteristic rather than the initial discontinuous performance. Furthermore, the output characteristics from the initial and the proposed model have been compared to lab measurements of an actual device. The results show that the proposed and initial model provide equally reliable simulation results. However, the proposed model does not run into convergence problems.

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Jul 14, 2020

[paper] Carbon Nanotube Detectors and Spectrometers for the Terahertz Range

Junsung Park1, Xueqing Liu1, Trond Ytterdal2
and Michael Shur1,3 
Carbon Nanotube Detectors and Spectrometers for the Terahertz Range 
Crystals 2020, 10, 601

1Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, RPI  Troy, NY 12180, USA
2Department of Electronic Systems, NUST, O.S. Bragstads plass 2a, 7034 Trondheim, N
4Electronics of the Future, Inc., Vienna, VA 22181, USA

Abstract: We present the compact unified charge control model (UCCM) for carbon nanotube field-effect  transistors  (CNTFETs)  to  enable the accurate  simulation  of  the  DC  characteristics  and plasmonic terahertz (THz) response  in the  CNTFETs. Accounting for  the ambipolar  nature of the carrier transport (n-type and p-type conductivity at positive and negative gate biases, respectively), we use n-type and p-type CNTFET non-linear equivalent circuits connected in parallel, representing the ambipolar  conduction in the  CNTFETs.  This allows us to present a realistic non-linear  model that is valid across the  entire voltage  range  and is therefore suitable  for  the  CNTFET design. The important  feature  of  the  model  is that  explicit equations for gate  bias,  current,  mobility,  and capacitance with smoothing parameters accurately describe the device operation near the transition from above- to below-threshold regimes, with scalability in device geometry. The DC performance in  the proposed  compact CNTFET  model  is  validated  by  the  comparison between  the  SPICE simulation and the experimental DC characteristics. The simulated THz response resulted from the validated CNTFET model is found to be in good agreement with the analytically calculated response and  also  reveals  the  bias  and  power  dependent  sub-THz  response  and  relatively  wide  dynamic range   for   detection   that   could   be   suitable   for   THz   detectors.   The   operation   of   CNTFET spectrometers  in the THz  frequency  range  is  further  demonstrated  using  the  present  model.  The simulation exhibits that the CNT-based spectrometers can cover a broad THz frequency band from 0.1 to 3.08 THz. The model that has been incorporated into the circuit simulators enables the accurate assessment  of  DC  performance  and  THz  operation.  Therefore,  it  can  be  used  for the design  and performance estimation of the CNTFETs and their integrated circuits operating in the THz regime.  

Fig: Schematic illustration of the simulation circuit for the CNTFET THz detection
with the open boundary condition at the drain.

Funding: This  work  at  RPI  was  supported  by  the  U.S.  Army  Research  Laboratory  under  the  Cooperative Research Agreement (Project Monitor Dr. Meredith Reed) and by the US ONR (Project Monitor Dr. Paul Maki). 

Jun 2, 2020

IEEE EDS Delhi Chapter DL: FOSS TCAD/EDA tools for Compact/SPICE Modeling

The IEEE EDS Delhi Chapter, New Delhi, India is conducting a series of the IEEE EDS DL Talks with coming one on June 03, 2020 at 06:00 pm (GMT+05:30, IST)  with following topic:

FOSS TCAD/EDA tools for Compact/SPICE Modeling
Wladek Grabinski 
Senior Member-IEEE MOS-AK Association (EU)

Abstract: Compact/SPICE models of circuit elements (passive, active, MEMS, RF) are essential to enable advanced IC design using nanoscaled semiconductor technologies. Compact/SPICE models are also a communication means between the semiconductor foundries and the IC design teams to share and exchange all engineering and design information. To explore all related interactions, we are discussing selected FOSS CAD tools along complete technology/design tool chain from nanascaled technology processes; thru the MOSFET, FDSOI, FinFET and TFET compact modeling; to advanced IC transistor level design support. New technology and device development will be illustrated by application examples of the FOSS TCAD tools: Cogenda TCAD and DEVSIM. Compact modeling will be highlighted by review topics related to its parameter extraction and standardization of the experimental and measurement data exchange formats. Finally, we will present two FOSS CAD simulation and design tools: ngspice and Qucs. Application and use of these tools for advanced IC design (e.g. analog/RF IC applications) directly depends on the quality of the compact models implementations in these tools as well as reliability of extracted models and generated libraries/PDKs. Discussing new model implementation into the FOSS CAD tools (Gnucap, Xyce, ngspice and Qucs as well as others) we will also address an open question of the compact/SPICE model Verilog-A standardization. We hope that this presentation will be useful to all the researchers and engineers actively involved in the developing compact/SPICE models as well as designing the integrated circuits in particular at the transistor level and then trigger further discussion on the compact/SPICE model Verilog-A standardization to encourage development FOSS CAD tools. 

And the webinar has drawn attention of 150+ online participants

The series of the IEEE EDS DLs are coordinated by:
Professor Mridula Gupta
Chairperson-IEEE EDS Delhi Chapter
Professor & Head of Department of Electronic Science 
University of Delhi South Campus
New Delhi 110021INDIA
Professor  Manoj Saxena
Regional Editor for South Asia, IEEE EDS Newsletter
EDS Distinguished Lecturer and Fellow-IETE, India
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics 
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi 
Dwarka Sector-3, New Delhi-110078, India