Nov 30, 2009
Circuit Simulation with SPICE OPUS, Theory and Practice
The Complete Book on Contemporary Circuit Design
Series: Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology
ISBN: 978-0-8176-4866-4, 2009, Hardcover; A Birkhäuser book
Download simulation examples from chapter 7 ( 23KB)
More about the book ...
Visit also OPUS Spice web site.
Nov 18, 2009
[mos-ak] [Dec.9, 2009] MOS-AK Meeting at Baltimore // 2nd announcement
with updated:
* Speakers list:
* Extended Panel Session:
* To register, use available Free On-line Registration form:
* Important dates:
# Nov.30 Final program
# Dec.9, 2009 MOS-AK/GSA Workshop
# collocated with:
* IEDM Conference (Dec.6-9 <>)
* CMC Meeting (Dec.10-11 <>)
* ISDRS Symposium (Dec. 9-11 <>
* MOS-AK/Baltimore Committee:
* Andreas G. Andreou, JHU; Technical Program Chair
* Pekka Ojala, Exar; MOS-AK/GSA WG North America Chair
* Gilson I Wirth; UFRGS; MOS-AK/GSA WG South America Chair
* Ehrenfried Seebacher, austriamicrosystems AG; MOS-AK/GSA WG
Europe Chair
* Chelsea Boone GSA; Senior Research Analyst
* Darryl Leavitt, GSA; Director of Events
* Wladek Grabinski, GMC Suisse; MOS-AK/GSA Workshop Manager
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Touchstones of a Quality Compact Model
- incorporate new physics that improves the accuracy or predictive ability of existing models in a meaningful way, and/or
- it should demonstrate a novel method or approach that improves the efficiency of the simulations without loss of accuracy, and/or
- it should take an existing phenomenological or semi-empirical model and establish the physical foundations of the model and/or
- it should provide new insight into the functioning, performance characteristics, reliability, or limits of conventional devices and ideally should even suggest a means of improvement, and/or
- it should provide new insights into how existing models are related, and/or
- it should be predictive of new behaviors which can be subsequently observed and/or,
- it should clarify the domain of validity of existing models.
- a) When presenting results that are compared with simulation results, authors should state which models were turned on in the simulations.
- b) When presenting results that are compared with simulation results, authors should include a table that identifies the simulation parameters and the analytical model parameters (physical as well as fitting) used to generate the model traces. If the simulation parameters differ from the corresponding analytical physical parameters, authors should explain why.
- c) When presenting results that are compared with simulation results, authors should only show relevant comparison plots with correct models turned on. For example if the compact model considers field-dependent mobility when reporting transport properties, then the corresponding TCAD plots should not be reported using constant mobility.
- d) When reporting subthreshold voltages extracted from simulations, authors should state the method of extraction and if by constant current method they should state the current cut-off value used.
- e) Authors should actually read and understand the references they cite. Specifically, cited references should actually substantiate the claims made by the author.
Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
Houston, TX
[1] D. Verret; "Touchstones of a Quality Compact Model" Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on; Nov. 2009; Vo. 56, No. 11; pp: 2374-2375
Some humor
I wonder what are the figures for "Compact Model", "Physical Model", "Analytical model", etc...
Nov 17, 2009
Grenoble, France, 25-27 January, 2010
- Keynote Talks
- SOI- the next five years: The critical role that SOI will play in the semiconductor ecosystem and how it will happen – H. Mendez (SOI Consortium)
- Germanium Integration on Silicon for High Performance FETs and Optical Interconnects – K. Saraswat (Stanford University)
- Training Course
- 3D integration – N. Sillon (CEA-LETI)
- Electrical characterisation of SOI nanodevices – G. Ghibaudo (IMEP)
- Piezoelectrical technology on SOI (RF Filter) – S. Ballandras (CNRS)
- III-V nanoelectronic on insulator – S. Bollaert (CNRS)
- SOI technologies and circuits – J. Hoentschel (Global Foundries)
Nov 15, 2009
Call for Papers: ICGCS 2010
- Green Transistors and Devices
- Low Power Low Voltage Techniques for Analog, Mixed-Signal, Digital Circuits
- Sub-threshold Circuit Design
- Energy Efficient Analog Signal Processing Techniques
- Computationally Efficient Digital Signal Processing Techniques
- Signal Processing for Communications
- Visual Signal Processing Techniques and Multimedia Systems
- Optimization Techniques
- Self-Powered Circuits and Systems
- Adaptive and Reconfigurable Circuits and Systems
- Scalable and Power Aware Systems
- Energy Harvesting
- Energy and Power Management
- Green Power Electronic Circuits and Systems
- Renewable Energy
- MEMS and Sensors for Energy Management
- Environmental Sensing, Control and Protection
- Circuits and Systems Technologies for Recycling and Pollution Control
- Emerging Technologies for Green Circuits and Systems
The deadline for submission of Papers is on February 22, 2010. For more details, please visit: We welcome you to contribute your work(s) to ICGCS2010 and hope to see you in Shanghai.
Contact: Yong Lian and Tor S. Lande; ICGCS 2010 Technical Program Chairs
Nov 13, 2009
Open, One year post doc position for development of HV transistor SPICE models
- PhD or Master/Dipl. Ing. in Physics or Electronic Engineering
- Experience in SPICE modeling (e.g. BSIM, EKV, PSP, HiSIM)
- Unterpremstaetten/Graz , Austria
- Development of HV transistor SPICE models
- Parameter extraction and measurements for SPICE models
- Project management within the COMON project
- Writing documents and deliverables
Senior Manager Process and Device Characterization - Modeling
austriamicrosystems AG
Operations - Process Developments
Schloss Premstaetten
8141, Unterpremstaetten, Austria
Tel: +43 3136 500 5487
Fax: +43 3136 500 5755
A CAD-compatible closed form approximation for the inversion charge areal density in double-gate MOSFETs
Abstract: In developing the drain current model of a symmetrically driven, undoped (or lightly doped) symmetric double-gate MOSFET (SDGFET), one encounters a transcendental equation relating the value of an intermediate variable β (which is related to the inversion charge areal density and also surface-potential) to the gate and drain voltages; as a result, it doesn’t have a closed form solution. From a compact modeling perspective, it is desirable to have closed form expressions in order to implement them in a circuit simulator. In this paper, we present an accurate closed form approximation for the inversion charge areal density, based on the Lambert-W function. We benchmark our approximation against other existing approximations and show that our approximation is computationally the most efficient and numerically the most robust, at a reduced but acceptable accuracy. Hence, it is suitable for use in implementing inversion charge based compact models.
DOI: 10.1016/j.sse.2008.11.006
Symmetric linearization method for double-gate and surrounding-gate MOSFET models
Abstract: Symmetric linearization method is developed in a form free of the charge-sheet approximation present in its original formulation for bulk MOSFET. This leads to a core compact model of certain multiple-gate transistors that has the form almost identical to that used in a standard PSP MOSFET model. The accuracy of the proposed technique is verified by comparison with the exact results. The new core is compatible with the previous version of the double gate MOSFET model that has been found in agreement with the experimental data including short-channel effects and frequency response.
DOI: 10.1016/j.sse.2009.01.020
Nov 11, 2009
CEA-LITEN selects InfiniScale for Organic Electronic devices modeling
You can see by their public declarations that they are quite happy:
“InfiniScale’s modeling tool allowed us to shrink our development cycle by a large factor” commented Isabelle Chartier Organic Electroniv program manager at CEA-LITEN- “CEA-Liten is deeply involved in printing Organic Electronic devices and circuits, we target to demonstrate, before the end of 2009, a first all printed organic CMOS circuit. Modeling our devices versus design and technology parameters is critical for our technological developments. Therefore, fast prototyping and fast development cycles achieved with Infiniscale is key to stay on top of the Emerging and promising Organic Electronic market”
“We are pleased by CEA-LITEN commitment “said Dr
We are very pleased to see that our modeling technology, which is already recognized by major semi-conductor players, kept its promise for the organic ambitious industry”.
You can read the full press release here.
Nov 7, 2009
UCL invites applications for academic positions for the academic year 2010-2011
- Electronic circuits and mixed analog-digital systems
- Energy and power electronics
- The deadline for file submission is January 15th 2010 and all application's requirements are detailed on-line
Nov 5, 2009
An interesting paper in the Intl. Jornal of Numercal Modelling (vol 22(6))
SPICE-aided modelling of dc characteristics of power bipolar transistors with self-heating taken into account
Janusz Zar
Department of Marine Electronics, Gdynia Maritime University, Morska 83, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
This paper deals with the problem of calculations of the dc characteristics of power bipolar transistors (BJTs) with self-heating taken into account. The electrothermal model of the considered devices dedicated for PSPICE is presented. The correctness of the model was verified experimentally in all ranges of the BJT operation. Two transistors - BD285 and 2N3055 - were arbitrarily selected for investigation. A good agreement between the measured and calculated characteristics of these transistors was observed.
You can access the online version here.
55th IEEE IEDM conference
The 55th annual IEEE IEDM conference will be held at the Hilton Baltimore on December 7-9, 2009 preceded by a day of Short Courses on Sunday, Dec. 6. The world¹s best scientists and engineers in the field of electronics will showcase their work in a program of papers, panels, special sessions, Short Courses and other events that will spotlight more leading work in more areas of the field than any other conference.
The advance registration deadline is November 16 and the deadline for hotel reservations is November 6. For registration and other information, visit the IEDM 2009 home page at
As a novelty, IEDM can be followed in twitter and facebook... which I think is a good move.
Nov 3, 2009
Perspective Technologies and Methods in MEMS Design
Polyana, UKRAINE, 20 - 23 April 2010
Organized by:
- Lviv Polytechnic National University, CAD Department, Ukraine
- Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Telecommunication, Poland
- IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter
Topics include, but not limited to:
- Analysis, modelling, research and design methods of microsensors and microactuators
- Software systems, models, algorithms, methods and strategies of embedded systems design
- Field issues in embedded systems modelling and design
- Issues of testing, verification, reliability and optimization in embedded systems modelling and design
- Sensors and actuators systems, nanotechnology
- Applications for electron device design
- Information Technology. Engineering Application of Informatics. Engineering Education
- February 15, 2010
- Deadline for abstract submissions (at least 400 words in plain text file, in English)
- March 15, 2010
- Notification of abstract acceptance
- April 02, 2010
- Deadline for final Camera-Ready Papers submissions (in English)
A paper in Thin Solid Films
The quantum size effects on the surface potential of nano-crystalline silicon thin film transistors
Ling-Feng Mao
(Available online 29 October 2009)
The impact of the grain size of nc-Si (nano-crystalline silicon) on the surface potential of doped nc-Si TFTs (thin film transistors) is discussed. Quantum size effects cause the change in both band-gap and dielectric constant of nc-Si. Numerical calculation of the surface potential in nc-Si TFTs shows that the diameter of nc-Si has a larger effect on the surface potential of nc-Si TFTs. The results demonstrate that, for medium size (7 ~ 50 nm), the change in the band-gap of nc-Si should be considered, whereas, for small size (< 7 nm), the change in the dielectric constant of nc-Si should be considered. A simplified surface potential equation for nc-Si TFTs under strong inversion condition is proposed, and shows good agreement with the original equation via numerical calculation.
Have fun!