Mar 26, 2024

[book] NANOELEKTRONIK Bauelemente der Zukunft



Bauelemente der Zukunft
Edition: 2., updated and expanded edition
eISBN: 978-3-446-47900-5
Print ISBN: 978-3-446-47899-2
© 2024 Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

Vorwort zur 2. Auflage
Kaum ein Gebiet der Ingenieurwissenschaften entwickelt sich so rasant wie die Nanoelektronik. Seit der Drucklegung der ersten Auflage dieses Buchs wurden neue Bauelementkonzepte entwickelt, die für die weitere Entwicklung der Großintegration sehr vielverspechend sind.
Heute bereiten die drei wirtschaftlich größten Halbleiterhersteller den Übergang zu sogenannten Nanosheet-Transistoren vor. Durch konsequente Weiterentwicklung dieses Konzepts haben 2D-Materialien in der Nanoelektronik inzwischen eine große Bedeutung erlangt und werden für neue Transistorstrukturen erforscht. Diese Entwicklungen sind jetzt in der neuen Auflage des Buchs enthalten.
Weiterhin wurden die Grundlagenkapitel zur Halbleiterphysik erweitert, um dem Anspruch des Buchs als umfassendes und alleiniges Begleitbuch für Vorlesungen auch in Masterstudiengängen gerecht zu werden. Hierbei wird insbesondere der Einführung der Bandstruktur von Halbleitern und der Berechnung von Tunnelströmen mehr Raum gewidmet. Eine Vielzahl von kleineren Änderungen und Aktualisierungen in allen sonstigen Kapiteln und eine Übersicht der empfohlenen Simulationstools auf der Plattform runden die neue Auflage ab.
An dieser Stelle sei darauf hingewiesen, dass aus Gründen einer einheitlichen Darstellung im Text und in den grafischen Darstellungen der Punkt als Dezimaltrennzeichen entsprechend dem englischen Sprachraum verwendet wird.

Chapter Pages
1 Einführung in die Nanoelektronik15–18
2 Eigenschaften von Halbleitern19–38
3 Teilchen und Wellen39–64
4 Bandstruktur und Bändermodell65–104
5 Ladungstransport in Halbleitern105–124
6 Grundlagen der Halbleitertechnologie125–146
7 Klassische Bauelemente der Mikroelektronik147–222
8 Digitale CMOS-Schaltungstechnik223–242
9 Nanostruktur-Feldeffekttransistoren243–302
10 Alternative Nanostruktur-MOSFETs303–334
    Konstanten und Materialparameter335–336

Mar 25, 2024

[OSDA 2024] 4th Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation

4th Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation
OSDA 2024
at DATE Palacio De Congresos València, Spain
25 Mar 2024

Organiser: Christian Krieg, TU Wien, Austria

OSDA intends to provide an avenue for industry, academics, and hobbyists to collaborate, network, and share their latest visions and open-source contributions, with a view to promoting reproducibility and re-usability in the design automation space. DATE provides the ideal venue to reach this audience since it is the flagship European conference in this field -- particularly poignant due to the recent efforts across the European Union (and beyond) that mandate “open access” for publicly funded research to both published manuscripts as well as software code necessary for reproducing its conclusions. A secondary objective of this workshop is to provide a peer-reviewed forum for researchers to publish “enabling” technology such as infrastructure or tooling as open-source contributions -- standalone technology that would not normally be regarded as novel by traditional conferences -- such that others inside and outside of academia may build upon it.


Christian Krieg; Post-Doctoral Researcher and Teacher at TU Wien
Welcome Session
Luca Carloni ;Professor at Columbia University
ESP: An Open-Source Platform for Collaborative Design of Heterogeneous Systems-on-Chip
Jean-Paul Chaput; Engineer at Sorbonne Université
Update on the Coriolis EDA Toolchain
Dirk Koch; Professor at Heidelberg University
FABulous: An embedded eFPGA Framework - an Update
Matthew Venn; Founder at YosysHQ, TinyTapeout
Demo Pitch: Tiny Tapeout
Claire Xenia Wolf; CTO at YosysHQ
Frans Skarman PhD Student at Linköping University
Surfer -- An Extensible and Snappy Waveform Viewer

Poster Session
  • Vojtech Mrazek
    An Open-Source Automated Design Space Exploration Framework for Approximate Accelerators in FPGAs and ASICs
  • Marc Solé i Bonet, Aridane Alvarez Suarez and Leonidas Kosmidis
    The METASAT Hardware Platform v1.1: Identifying the Challenges for its RISC-V CPU and GPU Update
  • Louis Ledoux and Marc Casas
    The Grafted Superset Approach: Bridging Python to Silicon with Asynchronous Compilation and Beyond
  • Manfred Schlägl, Christoph Hazott and Daniel Große
    RISC-V VP++: Next Generation Open-Source Virtual Prototype
  • Guillem López-Paradís, Brian Li, Adrià Armejach, Stefan Wallentowitz, Miquel Moretó and Jonathan Balkind
    Using Supercomputers to Parallelize RTL Simulations
  • Davide Cieri
    Hog (HDL on git): a tool to manage HDL code on a git repository
  • Jakob Ratschenberger and Harald Pretl
    RALF: A Reinforcement Learning Assisted Automated Analog Layout Design Flow
  • Ajeetha Kumari Venkatesan, Anirudh Pradyumnan Srinivasan, Deepa Palaniappan
    Adding configurability to PySlint using TOML
  • Lucas Klemmer and Daniel Grosse
    WSVA: A SystemVerilog Assertion to WAL Compiler

Mar 21, 2024

[FOSSEE] Better Education

FOSSEE (Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education) project promotes the use of free open source software (FOSS) tools in academia and research. The FOSSEE project is part of the National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India. 

Below is the list of projects which are promoted by FOSSEE.
  • Scilab 
    free/libre and open source software for numerical computation developed by Scilab Enterprises, France. Scilab also includes Xcos which is an open source alternative to Simulink.
  • Python 
    general-purpose, high-level, remarkably powerful dynamic programming language that is used in a wide variety of application domains. It supports multiple programming paradigms.
  • eSim 
    (formerly known as Oscad/FreeEDA) is an EDA tool for circuit design, simulation, analysis and PCB design. It is developed by the FOSSEE team at IIT Bombay 
  • Osdag 
    free/libre and open-source software which allows the user to design steel structures using a graphical user interface. The GUI also provides 3D visualization of the designed component and images
  • DWSIM 
    free/libre and open source CAPE-OPEN compliant chemical process simulator. Helps understand the behavior of Chemical Systems by using rigorous thermodynamic and unit operations models.
  • OpenFOAM 
    free/libre and open source CFD toolbox useful to solve anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to solid dynamics and electromagnetics.
  • OpenModelica 
    free/libre and open source environment based on the Modelica modelling language for modelling, simulating, optimising and analysing complex dynamic systems.
  • OpenPLC 
    free/libre and open source Programmable Logic Controller creating opportunities for people to study its concepts, explore new technologies and share the resources.
  • FLOSS-Arduino
    control of Arduino using Free/Libre Open-Source Software. The interface helps the user to perform embedded systems experiments on the Arduino Uno board.
  • SBHS
    (Single Board Heater System) is a lab-in-a-box setup useful for teaching and learning control systems.
  • R 
    programing language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
  • QGIS
    (Quantum GIS) is a free and open-source desktop Geographic Information System (GIS) application.
  • FOCAL 
    an initiative by FOSSEE to promote Open Source Software in computer graphics.
  • SOUL
    (Science OpensoUrce Software for Teaching Learning) is a collection of ICT software that can be used as teaching/learning tools by the community of educators and the learners to teach/ learn the basic as well as the advanced concepts in science subjects

Mar 20, 2024

[gnugen] Install Fest and Workshop git

Install Fest
Come discover Linux and if you want, we'll be ready to help you install it on your computer !
(remember to take a backup of your data before, just in case)

📅 When: this Saturday, 23th of march from 10h to 17h
📌 Where: EPFL CM 1 100

Workshop: just do git, at 13h30 if you'd like to learn how to use git for an efficient collaboration

Mar 19, 2024

[Habilitation] Assessment of novel devices in CMOS technology

Assessment of novel devices in CMOS technology
by electrical characterization and physics-based model
Habilitation Presented To Obtain The Authorization 
To Direct Research From Sorbonne University
Lionel Trojman, PhD
Sorbonne Université, 2020
Organization of the thesis
Chapter 1: This chapter extends research work after the author’s PhD study. It focuses on HfO2-based dielectric MOSFETs with sub-1nm EOT. The study explores the impact of transport factors like saturation velocity on planar MOSFETs and the mobility of FDSOI-UTBB MOSFETs. Notably, the back-biased effect is considered, and an inversion charge model is developed for different front and back biases.
Chapter 2: Emphasis the application of the statistical defect-centric model to assess the impact of channel hot carriers on the reliability of low-dimensional MOSFETs.
Chapter 3: This chapter shifts focus to GaN-on-Si wafer devices for power electronic applications. These devices integrate MOS-like structures into III-V material-based devices, specifically MOS-HEMT and GET-SBD.
Chapter 4: Investigates RERAM devices. It stems from cooperative research with UNICAL and a PhD program in collaboration with Aix-Marseille University

FIG: Description of the gate structure (half device) of the studied device including the parasitic capacitance inner fringing (CIF), outer fringe (COF) and Junction overlap capacitance (COV)