Apr 19, 2021

[paper] Deep-Learning Assisted Compact Modeling

Hei Kam
Deep-Learning Assisted Compact Modeling of Nanoscale Transistor
CS230 Deep Learning; Stanford University (2021)

Abstract - Transistors are the basic building blocks for all electronics. Accurate prediction of their current-voltage (IV) characteristics enables circuit simulations before the expensive silicon tape-out. In this work, we propose using deep neural network to improve the accuracy for the conventional, physics-based compact model for nanoscale transistors. Physics-driven requirements on the neural network are discussed. Using finite element simulation as the input dataset, together with a neural network with roughly 30 neurons, the final IV model can well-predict the IV to within 1%. This modelling methodologies can be extended for other transistor properties such as capacitance-voltage (CV) characteristics, and the trained model can readily be implemented by the hardware description language (HDL) such as Verilog-A for circuit simulation. The EKV model [1-2] is used as an example. Other transistor models such as BSIM-MG [3] or PSP [4] model can also be used.

Fig: Architecture for the 3-layer neural network together with the aforementioned transformation T. Hyperbolic tangent function tanh(x) is used as the activation function for the input and hidden layers due to its infinite differentiability.

[1] Enz, Christian C., Eric A. Vittoz; "Charge-based MOS transistor modeling." John Wiely & Sons Inc 68 (2006).
[2] FOSS EKV 2.6 Compact Model <https://github.com/ekv26/model>
[3] Khandelwal, Sourabh, et al. "BSIM-IMG: A compact model for ultrathin-body SOI MOSFETs with back-gate control." IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 59.8 (2012): 2019-2026.
[4] Gildenblat, G., et al. "PSP Model." Department of Electrical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University and Philips Research, (Aug. 2005)

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