Aug 14, 2014

[mos-ak] [Final Program] 12th MOS-AK Workshop at the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Conference in Venice

 Autumn MOS-AK Workshop in Venice 
 Together with the MOS-AK Workshop Scientific Program Coordinators Larry Nagel and Andrei Vladimirescu as well as Extended MOS-AK TPC Committee, we have pleasure to invite to the 12th consecutive MOS-AK at the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Conference. 

Palazzo del Casinò
Lungomare Marconi, 30
30126 Venice Lido, Italy

MOS-AK Workshop Online Registration 
MOS-AK Workshop Program

08:30-08:50 On-site Registration
08:30-08:50 Morning Session: Open Source CAD/EDA Tools
Is It Time To Rethink the SPICE Input "Language"?
Larry Nagel
Omega Enterprises Consulting (USA)
Parallel Circuit Simulation: How Good Can It Get?
Andrei Vladimirescu
CUSPICE: The revolutionary NGSPICE on CUDA Platforms
Francesco Lannutti
Sapienza University of Rome (I)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Circuit Simulation Update: GPU Progress; Electrothermal Cosimulation
Rick Poore
Keysight Technologies (USA)
QUCS Roadmap
Mike Brinson
QUCS Development (EU)
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-16:30 Afternoon MOS-AK Session: Device Level SPICE/Verilog-A Modeling
Total Virtual Fabrication of Advanced CMOS Devices and Processing
W. Clark, M. Hargrove, G. Schropfer, D. Fried 
Coventor (F)
Performance Comparison of Hall Effect Sensors Obtained by Regular Bulk or SOI CMOS Technology
Maria-Alexandra Paun
University of Cambridge, (UK)
RF Characterization and Modeling of Nanoscale MOSFET from Weak to Strong Inversion
Maria-Anna Chalkiadaki and Christian Enz
THz Compact Modeling 
Michael Shur
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, (USA)
Compact Modeling of Junctionless Cylindrical Nanowires
Benjamin Iniguez
Comparative Analysis of SOI/SOS MOSFET SPICE Models with Account for Radiation Effects
Konstantin Petrosyants(1), Igor Kharitonov (1), Lev Sambursky (1,2)
(1) MIEM HSE (RU), (2) IPPM RAS (RU)
16:30 End of the MOS-AK Workshop 

Postworkshop publications:
selected best MOS-AK technical presentation will be recommended for further publication in a special issue of the International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems 

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Aug 11, 2014

Dr. Jindal has been nominated for the Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect 2015

Dr. Renuka Jindal is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA, USA since 2002. His research and teaching interests lie in the theory and practice of random processes applicable to a wide variety of phenomena in electronic and photonic devices and circuits, lightwave and wireless communications systems and biological organs. Dr. Jindal was elected Fellow of IEEE in 1991 for his seminal work reducing MOSFET noise by almost an order of magnitude for analog and RF applications. He is also a recipient of the IEEE 3rd Millennium medal. For last four decades of his dual career in industry and academia, Dr. Jindal rose through the ranks as Editor, Editor-in-Chief, VP of Publications, and as EDS President in 2010- 2011. As President he formulated the vision and mission of EDS enhancing member benefits launching a plethora of initiatives reversing the decline in EDS membership. A partial list of his accomplishments is given below:

As Senior-Past President of EDS Dr. Jindal is still very much engaged with IEEE. Recently, Dr. Jindal has been nominated by IEEE Division I to run for the Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect 2015 position in the upcoming IEEE elections. The electorate consists of members of three societies i.e. Electron Devices (ED), Solid-State Circuits (SSC) and Circuits and Systems (CAS). The slate consists of three candidates one from each of these societies. 

On his behalf, I suggest to contact your colleagues in IEEE regions 1-10 for his support since IEEE ballots will be out by August 15.