ReRAM: History, Status, and Future
Y. Chen, Member, IEEE
Western Digital Corporation, Milpitas, CA
in IEEE TED, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 1420-1433, April 2020
doi: 10.1109/TED.2019.2961505.
Abstract: This article reviews the resistive random-access memory (ReRAM) technology initialization back in the 1960s and its heavily focused research and development from the early 2000s. This review goes through various oxygen/oxygen vacancy and metal-ion-based ReRAM devices and their operation mechanisms. This review also benchmarks the performance of various oxygen/oxygen vacancy and metal-ion-based ReRAM devices with general trend drawn. Being a semiconductor memory and storage technology, the commercialization attempts for both stand-alone mass storage/storage-class memory and embedded nonvolatile memory are also reviewed. Looking toward the coming era, the potential of using ReRAM technology to improve machine learning efficiency is discussed.
with ReRAM highlighted as the review focus
Acknowledgment: Sincere acknowledgment to people who ever contribute to ReRAM technology development and understanding.