Apr 27, 2022

[paper] Effect of doping on Al2O3/GaN MOS capacitance

B.Rrustemiab, C.Piotrowicza, M-A.Jauda, F.Triozona, W.Vandendaelea, B.Mohamada, R.Gwozieckia, G.Ghibaudob
Effect of doping on Al2O3/GaN MOS capacitance
Solid-State Electronics
Vol. 194, Aug. 2022, 108356
DOI: 10.1016/j.sse.2022.108356
a CEA, LETI, Grenoble (Fermi)
b IMEP-LAHC Minatec, Grenoble(FR)

Abstract: This paper investigates the turning-on-voltage (VFB/VTH) of Al2O3/GaN MOS stacks with n-doped GaN, p-doped GaN and not intentionally doped (NID) GaN by exploiting capacitance measurements on large gate area test structures with systematic variation of Al2O3 thickness (tox). Measurements are compared with 1D Schrödinger-Poisson simulations including incomplete ionization model. The necessity of using a quantum description of electron density is demonstrated especially for thinner gate oxides. We found that, contrary to what is expected, p-doping below the channel barely increases the VTH and the VTH is independent of tox, even if the density of activated acceptors is demonstrated to be sufficiently high. Our results highly suggest that the negative charge induced by p-doping is compensated at the oxide level.

Fig: Al2O3/GaN MOS stacks with n-doped GaN, p-doped GaN and its CV plots

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