May 18, 2014

[mos-ak] 12th MOS-AK Workshop at the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Conference in Venice

 Autumn MOS-AK Workshop in Venice 
Together with the MOS-AK Workshop Scientific Program Coordinators Larry Nagel and Andrei Vladimirescu as well as Extended MOS-AK TPC Committee, we have pleasure to invite to the 12th consecutive MOS-AK at the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Conference.

Palazzo del Casinò
Lungomare Marconi, 30
30126 Venice Lido, Italy

Important Dates:
Call for Papers - May 2013
2nd Announcement - June 2014
Final Workshop Program - Aug. 2014
MOS-AK Workshop - Friday, Sept. 26, 2014
 8:30 -  9:00 - On Site Registration
 9:00 - 12:00 - Morning MOS-AK Session
12:00 - 13:00 - Buffet Lunch  
13:00 - 16:00 - Afternoon MOS-AK Session

Topics to be covered include the following:
Advances in semiconductor technologies and processing
Compact Modeling (CM) of the electron devices
Verilog-A language for CM standardization
New CM techniques and extraction software
Open Source TCAD/EDA modeling and simulation
CM of passive, active, sensors and actuators
Emerging Devices, CMOS and SOI-based memory cells
Microwave, RF device modeling, high voltage device modeling
Nanoscale CMOS devices and circuits
Technology R&D, DFY, DFT and IC Designs
Foundry/Fabless Interface Strategies

Abstract Submission:
Authors should submit an abstract using on-line MOS-AK submission form (any related enquiries can be sent to

Postworkshop publications:
selected best MOS-AK technical presentation will be recommended for further publication in a special issue of the International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems

[WG 052014]

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May 5, 2014

IJNM Call for Papers

Advances in simulation-driven modeling and optimization of microwave/RF circuits
IJNM Call for Papers

Computer-aided modeling and design of microwave/radio frequency (RF) devices and circuits have undergone tremendous developments in the past decade. The complexity of today's devices and circuits renders electromagnetic (EM) simulation a sine qua non in the microwave design process. That said, EM-driven design poses significant challenges, mostly due to the high computational cost of accurate, high-fidelity simulation. The availability of massive computational resources does not always translate into design speedup because of the need to account for interactions between devices and their surroundings as well as multi-physics (e.g., EM-thermal) effects. Not surprisingly, traditional design optimization procedures that directly utilize EM-simulated responses typically fail or are impractical. As a consequence, there is growing interest in alternative optimization and modeling methodologies, especially ones that exploit computationally cheap surrogate models.
This Special Issue focuses on the current state of the art and future directions in microwave and RF design. Papers on software engineering and practical applications aspects are also encouraged. Suitable topics for this Special Issue therefore include but are not limited to
  • surrogate-based modeling and optimization methods including space mapping;
  • knowledge-based and tuning methodologies;
  • global optimization, evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm optimization, and so on;
  • multi-objective optimization;
  • adjoint-sensitivities for efficient gradient-based optimizers;
  • optimization techniques for nonlinear circuits;
  • software architectures for optimization-oriented design;
  • automated design optimization using EM simulators;
  • optimization for inverse EM problems;
  • neural network approaches; and
  • optimization for discrete problems.
Manuscripts for this Special Issue should adhere to the requirements for regular papers of the IJNM as specified in the Author Guidelines at
Potential contributors may contact the guest editor to determine the suitability of their contribution to the Special Issue. All manuscripts should be submitted via the IJNM's manuscript website, with a statement that they are intended for this Special Issue.

Manuscript submission deadline: January 31, 2015

Prof. Slawomir Koziel
Engineering Optimization and Modeling Center, 
School of Science and Engineering, 
Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland

May 4, 2014

[mos-ak] [Summary] Spring MOS-AK Workshop in London

 MOS-AK Compact Modeling Workshop
 London Metropolitan University
 March 28-29, 2014 London
The MOS-AK/GSA Modeling Working Group, a global compact modeling standardization forum, delivered its annual spring compact modeling workshop on March 28-29, 2014 at London Metropolitan University. The event received full sponsorship from leading industrial partners including Agilent Technologies, MOSIS Services and Tanner EDA. The technical MOS-AK program promoters included Eurotraining, IET, IEEE UKRI Section as well as EDA Solutions. More than 40 registered academic researchers and modeling engineers attended two sessions to hear 9 technical compact modeling presentations including the QUCS Tutorial by Prof. Mike Brinson.
The workshop summary has been posted thru the blog and all the MOS-AK presentations are available for downloads here.
The MOS-AK/GSA Modeling Working Group is coordinating several upcoming modeling events to focus on the Verilog-A compact model standardization as well as open source circuit simulation tool developments: 
In the meantime, please also visit where we will continue the discussions of all compact/SPICE modeling topics and its Verilog-A standardization.


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