Dec 3, 2007

MIXDES Special Session on Compact Modelling

Let me remind you about a special session on Compact Modelling which
will be held during the nearest MIXDES Conference, Poznan', June 19-21,
2008 ( Its main topic, i.e. "Compact Modeling and
Characterization of Nano CMOS Technologies" is very, very closely
related the COMON domain. I am sure, that Your participation would
enrich the session level and would be very helpful for COMON activity.

Papers in JAP

Nonequilibrium transport of charge carriers and transient electroluminescence in organic light-emitting diodes
V. R. Nikitenko and H. von Seggern
J. Appl. Phys. 102, 103708 (2007) (9 pages)

Generation-recombination and thermal noise coupling in the drift-diffusion model
Fabio E. Zocchi
J. Appl. Phys. 102, 103712 (2007) (5 pages)

Quantum conductance in single- and double-wall carbon nanotube networks
M. Baxendale, M. Melli, Z. Alemipour, I. Pollini, and T. J. S. Dennis
J. Appl. Phys. 102, 103721 (2007) (6 pages)

Determination of trap distributions from current characteristics of pentacene field-effect transistors with surface modified gate oxide
Susanne Scheinert, Kurt P. Pernstich, Bertram Batlogg, and Gernot Paasch
J. Appl. Phys. 102, 104503 (2007) (8 pages)

A numerical model for explaining the role of the interface morphology in composite solar cells
C. M. Martin, V. M. Burlakov, H. E. Assender, and D. A. R. Barkhouse
J. Appl. Phys. 102, 104506 (2007) (9 pages)

Nov 30, 2007

An industrial view on Compact Modelling

A quite interesting paper that came out in the 2006 ESSDERC, and has now been published in an special issue of the IEEE TED. It has been written by R. Woltjer, L. Tiemeijer and D. Klaassen,
from the Philips Research Labs., Eindhoven.
They review compact modelling from its beginnings, and explain two different examples (the PSP model, obiously, and a compact model for integrated inductors). It is quite interesting as a first (or second...) contact with this world.
By the way, the paper (An industrial view on Compact Modelling) is here.

Nov 29, 2007

MSM 2008

The 11th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems (MSM 2008) will be held in the Hynes Convention Center in Boston (Massachussets, USA) on June 1-5 2008, as part of the Nanotech 2008 Conference.

MSM is the main technical forum to present the latest research and development in design, modeling and simulation methods, tools and applications in the MEMS, microelectronic, semiconductor, sensor, materials and biotechnology fields. Process, device and circuit simulation is one of the topics explicitly mentioned. Semiconductors and Microelectronics is indicated as one of the application areas.

The Electronics and Microsystems suite of symposia at Nanotech 2008 has become a premier annual event in the Micro and Nano technologies arena. This Electronics and Microsystems suite of symposia is composed with the MEMS & NEMS, Sensors & Systems, Micro & Nano Fluidics symposia, andthe MSM conference The deadline for abstract submission is December 6 2007.

Selected proceedings papers in the Electronics and Microsystems Track (MEMS & NEMS, Sensors & Systems, Micro & Nano Fluidics symposia, and MSM conference) will be reviewed and invited into a Special Issue of the on-line magazine ‘Sensors & Transducers’ (S&T e-Digest).


The 2008 Workshop on Compact Modeling (WCM 2008) will be held in the Hynes Convention Center in Boston (Massachussets, USA) on June 1-5 2008, as part of the Nanotech 2008 Conference.

The Workshop on Compact Modeling (WCM) is one of the largest event devoted to the Compact Modeling field. WCM has become a very important open forum for discussion among experts in this field as well as feedback from technology developers, circuit designers, and EDA tool vendors.

The suggested topics include all important aspects of compact model development and application: intrinsic models, extrinsic/interconnec models, atom/quantum models, statistical models, and model extraction and interface.

A limited number of papers will be selected for oral presentations and the remaining accepted papers will be planned for poster presentations with oral briefing. The deadline for abstract submission is December 6 2007.

The Chairman of WCM is Professor Xing Zhou (from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). He was the person who created WCM and has made this workshop very successful.

I think that it is a must for Compact Modeling researchers to attend WCM. Many of the last advances in this field are presented there.