Thank you very much for your support!!!

PS: here you have a map showing where the visitors (that's you...) came from today...
--- Spring MOS-AK Meeting
--- April 2-3 2008 at IHP GmbH in Frankfurt (Oder)
--- 1st announcement
On behalf of the MOS-AK Organizing Committee, I would like to invite you to the MOS-AK Meeting to be held on April 2-3 at IHP in Frankfurt (Oder). Frankfurt (Oder) and, in particular, the IHP is the place where many electronics systems and semiconductor devices are designed and manufactured. The IHP has a large community of academic researchers and industrial practitioners who are eager to interact with the compact modeling world and EDA community. Moreover, thru it border location, the IHP bridges broad range of HiTech activities between Europe West and East.
The MOS-AK Meetings are organized with aims to strengthen a network and discussion forum among experts in the field, create an open platform for information exchange related to compact/Spice modeling, bring people in the compact modeling field together, as well as obtain feedback from technology developers, circuit designers, and CAD tool vendors. The topics cover all important aspects of compact model development, implementation, deployment and standardization within the
main theme - compact models for mainstream CMOS/SOI circuit simulation. The specific workshop goal will be to classify the most important directions for the future development of the compact models and to clearly identify areas that need further research. This workshop is designed for device process engineers (CMOS, SOI, BiCMOS, SiGe) who are interested in device modeling; ICs designers (RF/IF/Analog/Mixed- Signal/SoC) and those starting in that area as well as device characterization, modeling and parameter extraction engineers.
The content will be beneficial for anyone who needs to learn what is really behind IC simulation in modern device models. The technical program of MOS-AK Workshop consists of one day of tutorials given by noted academic and industry experts, also a poster session is foreseen. The meeting program will be available soon at:
--- Tentative Agenda
--- APRIL.2:
* COMON Project Meeting (morning)
* IHP tutorials and fab visit (afternoon)
* MOS-AK Networking Reception (evening)
--- APRIL.3:
* MOS-AK Meeting (all day)
* two session and poster briefing
--- Important dates:
* 2nd MOS-AK announcement - Feb.21
* Final workshop program - March.21
* MOS-AK Workshop - April 2-3
Further information including recommended hotels and driving directions will be posted at our web site, soon; please visit regularly:
--- Organizing Committee:
* Prof. Tillack Bernd, IHP; Meeting Chair
* Prof. Benjamin Iniguez Technical Program Chair
* Dr. Rene Scholz, IHP; Technical Program Chair
* Richter Christine, IHP; Executive Assistant
* Wladek Grabinski, GMC Suisse; Workshop Manager
PSP-SOI: An advanced surface potential based compact model of partially depleted SOI MOSFETs for circuit simulations, by W. Wu, X. Li, G. Gildenblat, G.O. Workman, S. Veeraraghavan, C.C. McAndrew, R. van Langevelde, G.D.J. Smit, A.J. Scholten, D.B.M. Klaassen and J. Watts... this is another must, since it's the presentation in society of the latests efforts in SOI modelling of the PSP team!
Modeling short-channel effects in channel thermal noise and induced-gate noise in MOSFETs in the NQS regime, by Sunil Vallur and R.P. Jindal
A charge-based compact model for predicting the current–voltage and capacitance–voltage characteristics of heavily doped cylindrical surrounding-gate MOSFETs, by Feilong Liu, Jian Zhang, Frank He, Feng Liu, Lining Zhang, and Mansun Chan
Analytic resolution of Poisson–Boltzmann equation in nanometric semiconductor junctions, by Hugues Murray... another must, with well explained mathematics...