Position Description: One Post Doctoral fellowship for 18 months in the research group of Professor Tor A. Fjeldly in the area of advanced electronic device modeling, simulation and characterization.
The candidate will work at UNIK - University Graduate Center (www.unik.no)located near Oslo. UNIK is affiliated with University of Oslo (www.uio.no) and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (www.ntnu.no).
Terms of Employment: The salaries and terms at UNIK are in accordance with Norwegian governmental regulations. The annual salary for the post doctoral fellow is 435 000 NOK (about 81 000 USD as of mid-August 2008), including five weeks per year of paid vacation per year of actual service. Health benefits and full salary during illness are provided.
Project: The position is financed by the European Union project COMON - Compact Modelling Network, which is coordinated by Prof. Benjamin Iñiguez (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain)
For a more detailed description of the project see:
Research Topics:
• Compact modeling of nanoscale MOSFETs
• Model validation
• Parameter extraction techniques
• Model implementation
Startup and Deadline: Applicants are encouraged to apply at the earliest convenience. The deadline for the application is September 15, 2008. The startup date is flexible and can be chosen by the candidate in consultation with Professor Fjeldly. The COMON project is provisionally scheduled to start on October 1, 2008.
How to Apply: Applicants must submit official academic records for their bachelor, masters, and Ph.D. education, and a complete publication list. It is a requirement to hold a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree for being considered for this position. At least three academic references (name, position, e-mail, and telephone number) should be
included in the application.
Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications electronically to:
postmottak@unik.no and torfj@unik.no
Home-page of Prof. Fjeldly: http://brage.unik.no/personer/torfj
Office phone: +47-64844700 or +47-64844747
Otherwise, send by regular mail to:
UNIK - University Graduate Center
Attn: Tor A. Fjeldly
Instituttveien 25, P. O. Box 70
N-2027 Kjeller, Norway
Background: The candidates must have a solid background in electronics, semiconductor device physics, and mathematics. The ability to program in Matlab or other similar programming languages is also essential.
Candidate Evaluation Criteria: To evaluate the candidates, the following prioritized criteria will be used:
1) International publications (journal & conference) on relevant topics, i.e., scientific productivity and the time spent to produce the scientific work.
2) University education
• Grades: To be considered, the applicant should have mainly A or B for relevant courses and overall good grades
to demonstrate the capacity to learn new material
• The time used to complete the Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. university degrees should follow the normal study
time period
• Proficiency in English as documented by TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent practical use of English.
• GRE score if available
• Completion of courses indicating relevant knowledge in
– Electronics
– Semiconductor device physics
– Mathematics
• Relevance of Ph.D. (and Masters) research topics
3) Industrial experience in electronics
4) Teaching experience
5) Females are given priority when competing with men of equal qualifications.
Description of UNIK - University Graduate Center: UNIK is a graduate educational institution for Master’s, graduate engineering and doctoral students, primarily affiliated with University of Oslo or Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), but also for continuing education students from commerce and
industry. Courses are offered in four academic fields:
• Electronics and Photonics
• Networking, Information Security, and Signal Processing for
• Cybernetics and Industrial Mathematics
• Energy and the Environment
UNIK offers courses and supervision on behalf of University of Oslo and NTNU. For more information see: www.unik.no.
Help to find a place to live: UNIK will help the chosen candidate to find a place to live near UNIK. UNIK will help the candidate and his/her family to sign up for courses in Norwegian language, if desired.